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EPISODE 5 OF LOKI HEREEEEE... second to last episode of the season! I don't wanna say too much but I have no idea how this season can possibly end since I feel like there are a bunch of loose ends... This episode made me SO much more confused but I was happy to see that everyone was okay (FOR THE MOST PART)

But one more episode and then we're done with the season! I hope you guys have enjoyed Loki with me so far! Thank you guys so much :)


Loki | Episode 5



Fight scenes have always been the least interesting thing about MCU movies and thank you very much for that. Character arcs are priority and that’s a good thing.


I love the scene between Loki and Sylvie and the Morbus hug scene. I hope to someday have a similar conversation with a lady, where we both have an intimate conversation admitting how we suck at having and keeping friends and fall in love.

David Martin

Sylvie accidentally enchanted the cloud when she first ran away from it and it showed her a quick glimpse of something...thats why she had the idea to enchant it....it was really quick thats probably why you missed it.


Yes Vee, what David said. She quickly got a glimpse.

Richard Maurer

About the fight scene in the last episode. While it certainly wasn't great I wouldn't call it bad either, just mediocre I guess, But I have definitely seen much worse fight scenes than that.


Ohhh I caught that part but I didn't put two and two together that it would work en masse LOL


Guess MCU spoiled me with typically really good fight scenes, where when ones mediocre it sticks out 😭


So what's really fun about this episode is the comic references. The old Loki is wearing the original costume that Loki wore in his debut appearance in the Thor comics that were then called "Journey into Mystery" hence the title of the episode, the kid and the president Loki are also based off of the comics. The part where they are going into their hideout there is a one second cameo of Throg, the frog god of thunder trying to reach Mjolnir. And lastly yes that helicopter did say Thanos on it, at one point Thanos did have his very own Thanoscopter.

Richard Maurer

Did Thanos actually have a Thanoscopter? Sort of. It appeared in Spidey Super Stories, a comic aimed at young children and not considered canon, or at least not main timeline canon anyway.

Robert Reichle

This series is going to end up being super influential in the direction of future MCU movies.