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Blade Runner 2049 | Full Length Reaction



I do lubs ya but I'm looking for a reaction to a film. You never stop talking and asking so many questions stating what we can all see. Sorry but just react.


One of my favourite movies of all time even though it's not for everyone. A shame it was a flop at the box office.


Just like the first one. That also flopped badly at the box office because it was way ahed of its time and it took years to become the classic it is now! :-) I also must say that i dont really understand 2049 but im sure in some years i will and then will love it as much as the first one... ;-) It happened to me also with "Batman returns". I never liked it and never understood it, but after 20 Years it made click and now i see what a genius masterpiece it is and i love it even more then the first one (Batman 89) :-D

Lee Salvemini

Really glad you enjoyed it! I feel like both Bladerunner movies work like two parts of a whole.

Anakin Starkiller

This is the man that has the task to bring Dune to the screen once again. As soon as I saw this I knew he was the man to bring it to life


Definitely. This and Arrival was enough to have a lot of confidence as well in him to deliver on Dune as well. There aren't currently many directors like him around, that can do sci-fi that well.

Tiger Chu

If you wanna see a different Ryan Gosling, check out The Nice Guys


After watching 2049 i thought that you should really watch the movie "her" (2013). It has the topic friendship/relationship/love and artificial intelligence... Its a very good movie and shows another side of the topic AI and Joaquin Phoenix is (as always) fantastic!!! :-)


I've been *dying* to watch "Her" ever since it came out in 2013. I don't know what it was about it (other than me being in love with Joaquin Phoenix when it came out LOL), I liked the idea behind it, I'm a sucker for love and the cover being so eye catching - the bright pinks and his eyes being such a deep green. It was a love story I've always wanted to watch, I wasn't sure why I never did - HAVE to put it on the next poll :) Thank you so much Antonio!!!! 🤗and happy new year!~


OOOH I've never seen it!! Is it worth the watch?? It said it was a comedy so I'm curious to see what Ryan Gosling's role is in a comedy and how he handles it :)


I completely agree, and I'm so glad I watched the shorts because it added a lot of context going into 2049!! I really *really* liked this one a lot. And Happy new year Lee!! ❤️


Yes, cant wait to watching "Her" here with you :-) Oh and of course i wish you a happy new year! :-D

Darren Withers

I’m so glad to hear you took my advice on the mini-episodes, and it was made my day reading your reply to my comment to the “Bladerunner” reaction. I’m interested to know if you will be posting any reactions to them, or did you just watch them in your free time? Either way, I’m glad you saw them first.

Tiger Chu

Yeah he's actually pretty good in the movie. Great chemistry with Russell Crowe


Yes! I watched them on my own time as I couldn't make a video about it with the whole moving process! But I'm glad you told me :)


Yes! I watched them on my own time as I couldn't make a video about it with the whole moving process! But I'm glad you told me :)


VKunia, this and the original Blade Runner were the reasons that I subscribed to your Patreon. (Well, that and your extensive Ghibli reactions). It is so rare to see reactions to great movies like this but were also not box office hits. I have some good news and bad news. Bad news first. As others have said, it is very unlikely there will be a sequel to BR2049 because of the rather poor box office. (Btw, this is also why it's vitally important that Villeneuve's Dune financially succeed). And, now, the Good News! First, there is the spiritual successor to the Blade Runner universe in the TV show, Raised by Wolves in which Ridley Scott directed 2 of the 1st seasons 10 episodes. (Also, credited as one of the producers of the show.) It's not a great show, but it feels like it at least shares some DNA with BR/BR2049. Raised By Wolves is not a great show by any means, but it may at least scratch an itch you can never scratch. And now the Really Good News (which I just learned): Ridley is producing an *animated* show called, "Blade Runner: Black Lotus" which is set 17 years before BR2049! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9359796/?ref_=nm_flmg_prd_10 And, supposedly, it's going to be released this year!


NO WAY. THAT'S SO AWESOME OMG, especially after watching the pre-sequels (??? is that how I should refer to it?? LOL) that came before BR2049 I was wondering why there wasn't more of an animated series or something to CONTINUE the BR story. This is so awesome to hear and I can't wait to see how it turns out, also the name Black Lotus sounds so cool it makes me even more excited about it LOL THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME ABOUT THIS AND IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU LIKED MY BR AND BR2049 REACTIONS 🤗

sean smith

One of the best movies ever made. Loved your reaction. Luv was great. K was great. Deckard was great. Even Jared Leto was great. The visuals were insane.


One of the few sequels that equals its predecessor in quality. Both of them are amazing films, telling incredible stories in such a rich world. So many talented people worked on this film. One of the movies (like Fight Club) that improves on a second viewing - as you can take in all the little details that you may have missed the first time round. Personally, I could watch this film over and over - it truly is a great work of art.


One of my favorites, especially for the visuals (and the music/general soundscape) which are absolutely stunning. The use of light and framing is amazing. Denis Villeneuve directing with Roger Deakins as Cinematographer is quite a combination- they work together for Sicario as well and make it look pretty unique with some incredible shots (though very different aesthetic). Arrival (also Villeneuve) is another great movie that also is pretty visually beautiful. It’s another favorite sci-fi movie. And I’d second someone else’s comment about The Good Guys, it’s a fun movie and Gosling is great in it. There are some great YouTube videos that discuss/break down the cinematography and some of the meaning in BladeRunner 2049 and are very worth a watch for anyone that likes the movie so much. Movies With Mikey is almost always interesting, but this one is particularly great, talks about the lighting, cinematography, miniatures and use of nostalgia, but also a take on the deeper meaning (my personal take that the core theme is that it doesn’t/shouldn’t matter who is a replicant vs human)- https://youtu.be/6IcLnerkEZo A very interesting one on the meaning and how it’s a film about a main character that isn’t the important one they think they are- https://youtu.be/6JP3Rv-x3uI


Oh and the first season of Altered Carbon shares a lot of visual style with 2049. It’s also neo-noir/cyberpunk with the bright neon, oppressive future setting for a detective story with deeper themes about what it means to be human. It might be worth checking out.


This movie keeps getting better when I see it. I didn't realize some parallels, like how when Joe was scanning the area Deckard was in it kind of reminded me of Deckard scanning Leon's picture in the first one. Also cool that you're in Atmospheric sciences, I had a class on that in my time in college recently.