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So as this year comes to a close, I wanted to thank you guys so incredibly much.  I'm sorry that I don't say it enough, but I am so grateful for all the encouragement and support you guys have given me through this year.  I can safely say that this was one of the worst and hardest years of my life. But because of you guys, I was able to experience an entire change in direction. My life had completely changed and although I still struggled, you guys gave me happiness and support I needed in order to power through.

You guys have changed my life. I don't think I've ever been more excited to go into a new year. I look forward to the experiences and journey this year has in store for me. You all have given me this gift and I'M SORRY THAT I'M BEING SO CHEESY AND EMOTIONAL BUT I CAN'T HELP IT. I cannot emphasize enough how grateful I am for everything. I have met some of the most wonderful people, learned so many new things (good and bad) and have found a direction in my life that I had been looking for for ages. You all have given this to me so I hope I can bring you all some happiness and give back in any way I can.

Thank you all for taking a chance on me and giving me this new beginning.
I cannot wait to see what adventures 2021 will have in store for me, I hope you guys will join me ❤️

Happy New Year my friends, I wish you nothing but happiness, fulfillment, laughter and opportunities (AND MORE GOOD THINGS) for all of you. You deserve it, you deserve 2021 to be better than 2020 and if I can bring even a bit of a smile to your faces this upcoming year, it would be enough to make me happy. I wish the best for you all and TO STAY SAFE, HAVE FUN AND PARTY ENOUGH FOR ME TOO🎉(I'll be at home😊)

SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR (yes I'm one of those pls don't hurt me LOL)

Love you guys❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️



Happy New Year, Vee!

Lee Salvemini

Bless you VK Happy New Year! Congrats on the great work, looking forward to the year ahead :D

Noble Rabbit

We are all equally grateful for having the opportunity to share in these moments with you, V! It's not often that I get to tease someone about calling him "3-CPO" 😉. We are all proud of you and the tremendous progress you have made in your journey to youtube and twitch stardom! I can't wait to see what the future holds for you, and am so glad to be along for the ride!

Anakin Starkiller

Worst and hardest year of everyone's life . You have created a business that has luckily not folded. So many people have had their business shut down and have even list their lives running the business they have. I can only speak for myself and say your a class act one of nicest and friendliest people on here. Thank you for the memories.


Love the emotion you have while watching shows. You seem like a real caring person. Also you should look at Infinity Train as a show to watch sometime in 2021. All 3 seasons are about 6 hours in total watch time so it’s not one that would take too long to get through and it is one of the best written animated shows in a long time. Plus guaranteed to make you cry at least a few times haha. Thanks

David C

Happy New Year to you too! I'm equally grateful to have found you, to be here to support you, it's been amazing to see you in your reaction videos as much as on streams and have you bring us joy and emotions through a difficult year, reminding us that in the end, we're all humans :) Don't be sorry for being emotional, it's part of who you are! Can't wait to see what new adventures you'll have the opportunity to share with us!


AHHH ME TOO. I'm about to graduate after the spring semester too so BAM. Expect lots of new things :))))) I'm so excited. HAPPY NEW YEAR LEEEE (yes I said it to you in another comment bUT U GET ANOTHER ONE)


COME IN FOR A HUG RABBIT❤️ I couldn't have done it without you *at all* and I am eternally grateful for you and your friendship as well. :) ALSO LISTEN i'm so embarrassed I said 3-CPO at least 15 times in the movie LMAO


Douglas :') thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words and take them to heart. :) I'm so glad I can help bring you at least a bit of happiness or enjoyment. I'm sorry to hear it's been a tough year on you as well :( (at least thats what I got from the context I apologize if I am assuming!!) But lets hope that 2021 is filled with better things ahead. :) Thank you and Happy New Year, Douglas 🤗


Drzergberg you just want me to get in my *feels* don't you LOL My cat can only take so much of my in-need-hug-sessions 😭 I'll so have to check it out though, I haven't heart of it at all so thank you for the suggestion!! :) I hope you have a Happy New Year ✨


I knooowwww, but I feel so shy honestly. Even yesterday my family was getting sentimental on me and I physically cannot stop myself from crying so it's a struggle being so emotional 😭 Thank you so much, David. It's really nice to hear that and just know that I seriously take hearing that to heart. I have self doubt so it's nice to hear that I'm staying on the right track. I'm so happy to bring at least a *little* bit to your life. Thank you for dealing with me and my bad jokes, and staying with me, I wish you a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 🤗✨


Thanks for the response! The show is also very funny and extremely well written. So it ain’t no tear fest but for sure but a couple tear jerk moments. Happy New Year!