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Hey all. So this is a script I wrote a long time ago. In fact, you guys and gals remember how I barely missed my deadline for Blue Star Episode 1? Yeah, it was because I spent a week writing this, and then making the models and posters for it.

This is hands down the longest draft I have ever written. The text file is 30kB, and it is just over 5000 words. The high-level draft included is complete, but the mid-level draft is not.

Here is a sample of it:

- Throughout the majority of the comic, Rachel suffers from a curse known as Witherwomb. The origins of the curse are explained near the beginning of the comic, in a flashback.

- Witherwomb is a condition that requires semen to enter Rachel's womb on a regular basis.

- After about 24 hours, the effects of Witherwomb will begin to settle: increased sexual sensitivity, sexual thoughts, and overall increase of libido. The sensitivity increases to the point where the sensation of the material of her outfit rubbing against her genitals sends orgasmic shivers through her body.

- The curse Greedmaw yields Rachel being horny for cock in her mouth, where the greater demon and his brother take turns facefucking her and both cum down her throat, fully activating the curse.

- The curse Backfeed yields Rachel being horny for cock in her butt, where the greater demon and his two lesser demon subordinates gangbanging her, each cumming in her butt, fully activating the curse.

- The curse Dermathirst yields Rachel being horny for cum on her skin, where the greater demon and a pack of about a dozen or so lesser demons gangbang her before cumming on her in a head-to-toe bukkake, fully activating the curse.

As the title says, this series, in its current form, is no longer going to be produced.

Instead, I am going to recycle the ideas into my Fallen Throne universe, replacing Rachel and Momiji with original characters Euriel and Alessia, respectively.

I decided it was only fair to share this idea as I have it. Expect to one day see the idea recycled, following a pair of sexy elves.

Click here to read the full draft 




Wow this is too hot, that full draft man, I really hope we see it in its full glory one day.


I personally don't care if it's existing characters or OCs just as long as we get to see some demon fucking.

lordaardvarksfm (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-26 18:13:08 Also, fun and random fact. About 6 months after I finished writing this, I finally realized where I got the title from (it just spontaneously came to me, "Demons Dark Demons Deep"). It's a misremembered lyric from this song: "What do angels dream? Do angels sleep? Do demons dream of darkness deep?" <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsoEk6mkfHM&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=168" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsoEk6mkfHM&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=168</a> The last time I had heard that song was probably when I was still in high school, so at least 5 years prior. The fact I was able to remember that much of the lyric, even if it was slightly distorted, is impressive in its own right.
2016-11-30 10:39:34 Also, fun and random fact. About 6 months after I finished writing this, I finally realized where I got the title from (it just spontaneously came to me, "Demons Dark Demons Deep"). It's a misremembered lyric from this song: "What do angels dream? Do angels sleep? Do demons dream of darkness deep?" <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsoEk6mkfHM&feature=youtu.be&t=168" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsoEk6mkfHM&feature=youtu.be&t=168</a> The last time I had heard that song was probably when I was still in high school, so at least 5 years prior. The fact I was able to remember that much of the lyric, even if it was slightly distorted, is impressive in its own right.

Also, fun and random fact. About 6 months after I finished writing this, I finally realized where I got the title from (it just spontaneously came to me, "Demons Dark Demons Deep"). It's a misremembered lyric from this song: "What do angels dream? Do angels sleep? Do demons dream of darkness deep?" <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsoEk6mkfHM&feature=youtu.be&t=168" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsoEk6mkfHM&feature=youtu.be&t=168</a> The last time I had heard that song was probably when I was still in high school, so at least 5 years prior. The fact I was able to remember that much of the lyric, even if it was slightly distorted, is impressive in its own right.