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Heya, everyone!

I want to thank everyone for your support for November rolling into December!

I'm not going to lie when I say that, even after doing this for around a year now, I still find it surreal that 400+ people like my work enough to actually throw money at me to continue making it.

And while I do get pretty down whenever I see people shamelessly lambast me and my supporters (sneered questions like "Why the hell does anyone support such a mediocre asshat" are pretty prevalent), and especially down when I see communities I support talk down about my work, like when the SFMLab chat celebrated my Tumblr account being deleted, I always just have to step back and remind myself: even if there's a lot of people who don't like my work, there's at least four hundred people that do. And not just like my work in a casual way, but like my work enough to quite literally put their money where their likes are.

It's all of you people that inspire me to cut through all of the hate and unwarranted criticisms, and the downer feelings they elicit. So I just wanted you all to know that it is, quite literally, because of all of you I still do this. Not even from a monetary standpoint, though it is because of your financial support I am able to do such extravagant narratives with full voice-acting and cooperative animating - if it weren't for your moral support, I probably would have submitted to all the trash-talking and given up long ago.

So with that being said, let's talk December!

Well, as you may or may not know, I am currently back home with the folks until the New Year.

That means that my schedule is extremely irregular, between spending time with my folks, and spending time with my friends who still live in my home town and I haven't seen for 6-to-12 months now.

This schedule is excaberated by the fact that one such friend is currently in between jobs, meaning he has a lot of free time. Which consequently means he spends that free time with me. Don't get me wrong, I love spending my time indulging with friends, but entertaining company for 14 hours can be draining - and it makes it really hard for me to make any time for SFM stuff.

But, regardless, I manage to scrap together a few hours a week!

I don't have anything super permanent, but I do have two animation projects currently in development. Between these two projects, I will actually be utilizing all three of my major voice actresses: Milly Stern (Jack), Incognita (Liara), and Candy (Rebecca Chambers). And they will all be picking up character debuts for my blog, with Honoka, Samus Aran, and Marie Rose respectively. Additionally, everyone's favorite male voice will return with Ivan, voicing yet another new character, and a new male voice will also be introduced with these animations.

In total, these two animations will have a total of five voices spread across them, with five character debuts and one actor debut.

Beyond animations, I also plan to release the new Femshep sometime this month. I fitted her gloves earlier today and built her alternate skingroups, so all that's left is rigging her hair and applying Bodymorph.

Also on the model-release train, I am hoping to get all five models for those two animations released: the new DazV2 Honoka & Marie Rose, the two male characters, and the new Hiveship-era Samus Aran / Sarah Bryant model.

On the down-low, without any real visual elements to represent them, I will also be working on things related to Hiveship during my month vacation. I want to lock down the details of the plot, which continue to shift and slide a fair bit, start writing out a proper draft, and start sorting out all of the voices I'll need for it.

As I've said before, I plan to go full ham on Hiveship, and a consequence of that is a lot of bit roles. No matter how small, though, they need to be voiced, to give a sense of completion to the scene.

There are also some more technical things for me to solve regarding Hiveship, such as rigging the ship external, building some good space-scapes for shots with it, finalizing the dimensional-tear effect (which is coming out to look really freaking cool... hoping to have some dev videos of it in the coming weeks!), and figuring out if I want to try to source some decent Space Pirate models or just cop out and use Metroids in the beginning sequences that establish Samus Aran as a bad-ass bounty-hunter.

Depending on how all of the above goes, I may even try putting together a teaser trailer for Hiveship - an official teaser, not the related-but-not-related Samus piece that I plan to put together this month with Incognita. But that's up in the air.

So, those are my plans for this month. We'll see if my schedule actually permits it, though.

Regardless of how December goes, though, I just want to say this one more time, at the risk of sounding like a broken record:

Thank you, everyone!


(No title)



Good lord I would kill for some Honoka/Marie Rose action


As long as you release samus raped by tentacles you always have my support. :)


I'd still support you if you only did the top quality SFM model. Your animations are just a plus.


Man we love you and your work is godlike, keep it up my man, happy holidays.


New year and Christmass so soon)))


People who hate do it mostly because they have nothing better to do, like loving something instead, which is clearly far more rewarding. So don't pay attention to hate, pity those who do for the things they lack that make them want to spend their time and lives focused on things they do not like. Very sad really, what a waste of the precious little time we all get. If you wrap your mindset around those who say negative things about you, you will find your own self doubt talking back very strongly and that voice is very bad for you to listen to. Instead focus on those that like, support and appreciate your art as those are the people that should matter, that do actually matter. It is far easier to hate than to love after all. Hate costs nothing, it bears no risk, it does not make you vulnerable, it instead makes you feel stronger and better than the thing you throw hate towards and better about your own shortcomings. All done through making their own world a smaller uglier place, a safer place where they feel in control. Letting those huddling people, those who want to make the sky lower so they don't feel so frightened effect you is a waste of your energy. You have a ton of people who love what you do and that is a rare thing, very few people have that and that is awesome. Good on you dude, i dig your stuff!

yuri lins

They hate who does a good job. And your work is excellent. My english is poor, but thanks for the hard work, and sorry for this kind of people.


Critics tend to be more vocal than fans. Just know that we are here to support you.


Let the haters hate, they are just a bunch of sodding douchebags, who have nothing better to do. As far as SFMlab chat celebrating? They can screw themselves. To hell with the haters, yes, I deal with them as well, they're bitter, selfish, jealous, they do it because they are just...I don't know. Keep up the good work


SFM is just another tool. You're probably too young to remember that physical artists laughed at digital artists for years, 'That's not real art'. You didn't write the program you just built off programmers work. Dating myself ain't I. Next was 3D, because you didn't build the model, texture it, you just built off other people's work. I still get negative ratings and hate mail at HF because of that shit. And now it's SFM. I don't use it since I've never figured out how to port my Daz figures into it, but there will always be same old troglodyte argument. Funny thing, I picture a caveman yelling at oil artist telling them 'It's not real art' since they didn't make the brushes, mix the paint or weave the canvas. They're just building off other people's work. Haters gonna hate, and as long as one person likes your work (you) piss on everyone else. It's about you and self expression, nothing and noone else matters.


all I can say is thank you lord ardy, much respect keep on


You're the cat's meow man, don't listen to those mad dogs.


You are a true contributor to the SFM scene with your guides/renders/models! Don't let yourself get down because of some vocal minority. You are a gem to the community and we will support you :)


its almost like everyone who hates you are a bunch of teenagers that are not old enough to watch porn yet.


I love your work. Especially the beasty stuff :) And don't burn yourself out! Sometimes it may seem that every little delay or miss-step puts you in your patrons' debt, but I feel we're a pretty relaxed bunch. Personally I'm totally happy with you taking a month off - multiple times a year if you need the downtime :D Also, you're managing very well do deliver treats and work on longer projects at the same time. No worries!