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So I'm not going to recap my "why I feel terrible" post I made on Tumblr. You can read that here. 

This post is specifically for my Patreon itself and my Patrons.

First of all, I said last month I am removing the Patreon raffles, and I never got around to it. They are being removed, for real, shortly after this post is going live.

Speaking of raffles, I really, really apologize for everyone who has pending raffles. Two of them are close to finished, but I just legitimately don't think I can bring myself to finish them. It's honestly less the work itself now, but more the fact that every time I try to work on them, it just reminds me of how much I've let everyone down. Those raffle animations have become a monument to my failure, and they're just symbols of misery to me now. I can't look at them, let alone work on them.

I am cancelling all outgoing Patreon raffles. I feel fucking horrible for this, but hey, now's the best time to do it, because I am already feeling horrible as the linked post above describes.

As to dev logs, I apologize for not makin any last Wednesday (or the Wednesday before). I sincerely intended to, but things just didn't work out. I've been working on lots of little things - and things I intended to have done weeks ago - but complications with my voice actresses (sick, offline for weeks, etc) have stopped at least 3 projects dead in their tracks. I wanted to just release them and show them off, and so not bother with a dev-log when they were going to be posted a few days later, and, yeah.

There won't be any devlogs until probably February. This isn't by choice, but by necessity as a result of my time back with my folks. Beyond the fact I can't comfortably use a microphone to talk about my porn endeavors in the room literally next to my "please-let-Trump-win-and-get-Obongo-out-of-office" hyperconservative parents, I just don't get the time to work on anything - I have basically a revolving-door of friends who haven't seen me for months making time to spend time with me, on the days that my folks don't have plans to spend time with me.

To give you all an idea, I had 3 friends come over at 11:55AM noon yesterday. They didn't leave until 3:55AM in the morning today, EG ~14 hours. That is a typical day for me, on the days my folks don't have plans for me.

I perfectly understand if you, as Patrons, are disgruntled with how slowly my work has been going and will be going, and you are completely justified in withdrawing your support from me, either permanently or until things get going again.

Frankly, right now, I don't feel I deserve your support. I feel I've let you all down.

And I feel fucking terrible about it all.

With all that being said, happy holidays, everyone.


(No title)



Rather than removing the rewards outright, I have simply deprecated them. They are now simply "awesome Patron" tiers, with no reward.The $5 reward (formerly puppeted animations) has also been deprecated. If you are pledged to either reward, make sure to reconsider your pledge level, or consider removing it altogether!


or continue pledgind for the great content YOU make!


Don't sweat the small stuff, Lord A. Sh** happens to everyone. When you're ready we'll still be here with you.


I've always had a 'Real Life Comes First' attitude towards supporting creators. I totally understand that life gets in the way of progress, but I'd rather have quality content slower than a lot of crap fast.


LA: your like family now to a lot of us...we love your work and understand how hard running a business can be very trying at times. We sure can live without the raffles so don't dwell on that...family is important so enjoy and also catch up with your friends. I like your parents already! lol!! I said it before,,,SFM takes a lot of work and skill.. I am still working on the very basics..I will be getting my new broadwell e for animating! The models from ME that you made available for free are worth the 20 a mos as it is! Your underpaid as it is for all the work you put into this. When I get stressed I go to a movie and recharge..


I didn't stop donating because of anything you did/din't do. I just don't have the cash to be dropping $40 onto Patreon every month so I had to stop donating to some people. I'm sorry if me doing that made you feel guilty.


Far from, Sniff. Don't ever think my emotional distress is your fault, and that goes for everyone. Always put your own lives and well-being first. There is no shame or guilt in that. This bed I lay in I made solely by myself. There are no other shoulders to bare its responsibility.


Honestly, as you pointed out in an earlier tumblr post, this might be the perfect time to sub out work to other animator(s) with the Patreon dosh you've got rolling in. And on the plus side, the awkwardness of trying to animate in your parents' house coincides nicely with your current motivation issues. So enjoy your break, spend time with friends, use your Patreon moolah to have another animator do the work, and keep everyone happy at the same time? Seems like a potential win-win for a couple months. And as another reply to Tumblr stuff (since I don't bother with a tumblr account), curvy D.Va or Widow would be fucking amazing, dude.


Relax, you will burn out if you aren't careful. Oct-Jan sux for most people (myself especially). I actually figured you'd take time off after that Nintendo crap. Slow down, take some time for yourself and recharge a bit. That feeling of being overwhelmed and being pulled in too many different directions will only kill your desire to produce anything. It could very well foster a resentment of the process as a whole. I've been there, you really do not want that.

Ladies Man 7777

Im confused, is Aard a democrat or republican? Either way Id show off my work and that im getting paid a few thousand bucks to be doing it. And then my friends n family can either accept it or not. This is the world we live in. Some ppl do work they love and then come home and do something like love. Or they hate work and love home stuff more. Me and my short explenations for things

Tim The Enchanter

And if they reject him? It's easy to say they can accept it or not but this isn't like coming out as gay where it's who you are, making this sort of art IS a choice and most people don't understand it. I had a friend at university who got caught by his girlfriend watching hentai, she told his parents and after being disowned by the entire family he took his own life. The real world is more complicated than that. This shit is serious and revealing our private lives has very real consequences.