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Have a great break! Hope you get to enjoy some fun adventures, some welcome catch-up, and a bit of relaxation.

Boom Desjardins

Taking care of yourself is priority no 1. Hope the rest helps :)


Hope you have the best time on your vacation! Thanks for the update 😊


Have an amazing vacation. You've earned it


Enjoy your vacay! Have a great ass time!!!

Jess S.

OMG, enjoy!! Madrid is beautiful 😍


Take your time and take care. We'll still be here, when you have recharged

Connor Alexander

Hurray! Rest and recharge and unplug. I did it recently for almost a whole month and it felt amazing. Take as much time as you need. We'll be here when you're ready.

Theo Brown

Well deserve! Thanks for the update!


Good for you I work 7 days a week 12-14 hours to support 6 grandchildren. I look forward to the day I can do the same have a great break and thanks for your reactions they help get me through some long days.

D Gyre



As a full time customer service worker, we all need breaks, especially during burn out or our mental health plummets. You take all the time you need, we'll be here when you get back. :)


Have a wonderful break. Well deserved.


Have an amazing vacation, much deserved! I finally watched Saw X and then headed straight to your Saw X reaction after. You are definitely the best and most genuine reactor out there. Have the best vacation!

Andrew Helmer

Congrats ! Take a break , channel your inner Roy Kent , gorge yourself on Tapas and wine There will always be plenty to watch when you get back . Burn out is a b!)$& . Mental and emotional health over crying for our entertainment 😉

PAOerful One

Health and happiness before anything else! Take care and enjoy yourself on this break!


take all the time you need to re-energize & enjoy your vacation!


Have fun! Enjoy the time off! drink a wine for all of us! <3


Hope you have a great time!


Take all the time you need to relax and recover from the burnout. So many think reacting is a simple job, but so much more goes into it than meets the eye.


Have a good vacation! Very well-deserved, and I hope you get to rest and get refreshed- You come first!


I cannot believe you're watching saltburn i can't wait

William Roberts

So you’re letting go your earthly tether, entering the void, empty, and becoming wind?

David T

Thanks for letting us know—you certainly deserve a break to get your batteries recharged! We’ll all be fine and we can survive until your return. 😊 Enjoy your vacation and keep yourself safe!


I almost never read the schedules. When something drops that I care about I watch it. If it doesn't well 'out of sight out of mind.' and nicely the bulk of my reactors are also taking mental health breaks and or are sick so I myself get a break:) enjoy your travels, very little matters more in life. And as far as I'm concerned you can skip Echo entirely. I couldn't get through the 1st episode.


Have a great vacation!


Hell yeah queen get your R&R. Iberian Peninsula sounds like it'd be really cool, I've always wanted to see the painted forest there. We'll be here for when you get back

David Plunkett

Vacation! Woohoo! Make the most of it. Enjoy!


I would love to see pictures and stuff of your trip that would be awesome

Lee Aguera

Congrats on the vacation. I went to Spain in High school, it was great. Make sure to visit Plaza del Sol! It's the beautiful center of Spain. And some great small mom/pop shops and cafes. Also beautiful mountains. Just gorgeous scenery. Enjoy the wine, and enjoy the olive oil. Some real good food coming your way. Absolutely have a paella. Easily my favorite Spanish dish. Cheers gal!

Chris Gronau

Enjoy your vacation.


Hope you enjoy your time off :)


Have fun, wishing you a wonderful trip with only positive adventures!


Enjoy your vacation! You've been providing us with so many reactions and we appreciate it, but it's always good to take a break and recharge. You deserve it. Have fun on your trip!


No worries, have fun!

YaeliEz (Yael)

Enjoy your vacation! You deserve it!

Rabbid Dawg

Have a happy vacay and no worries here fam!! Enjoy the-not-a-restaurant-Casablanca and time away from the computer. This is already awesome that you're doing a video just to say hi to us from behind the camera. Always great to see a reactor doing this so Ill wish you the best on that much needed break!


Grab your gun and bring in the cat... ⛱️


Enjoy the vacation. Well deserved! (Make sure to post some pics so we can be jealous) ;-)


Absolutely take that vacation time darlin the last thing any of us want is you having to push or force too much on yourself. We appreciate you for your honest and heartfelt personality, and we will be here whenever you can share it with us :) enjoy the vacay, fall into a canal and find a hot boatman


No matter what your job is, no matter how enjoyable it may be in and of itself, people need a BREAK. The chance to turn off is a basic human need. Take that and grab hold when you can. I visited Portugal and Spain at the end of 2022, apart from recommending EVERYTHING I'll say that the walking tour of Seville was both easy for everybody and a great way to have a structured activity for a day that was no-pressure and exposed a whole lot.

Ron B

Definitely take care of yourself!! We all need a break sometimes we understand! 🤗 I hope you have a wonderful vacation!


Have a good holiday and enjoy yourself you definitely deserve it.

Nathan Jasper

Have fun! Hope it's nice and relaxing!


Yeah, don’t let reactions become another job, take the time and enjoy what you are watching. It is OK NOT to watch every show as soon as it comes out. I have a hard time keeping up with your reactions the way it is!


Have a great vacation and get some rest/relaxation! We’re not going anywhere :)


Enjoy the vacation. Take care of yourself Gorgeous 😁💖

Amy Lillian Bone

Bon Voyage. I hope you enjoy your well-earned break. It would be lovely to see the highlights of your trip. Just watch out for the Brits, some of my countrymen are not the best behaved visitors to the Iberian peninsula. Although the ones who go to look at Picasso are probably fine. XD

Michele Jean

How dare you take time to relax and enjoy life! Seriously, go take care of yourself and have a great time. Burnout is such a serious issue and more people need to be aware when it is happening to them.


Spain sounds like fun. Tapas and wine for the win. Enjoy! I only dream about vacations at this point. I'm super burned out but I rescued another dog last year and my primary concern is if I go anywhere, the dogs will panic and think I've abandoned them. And I have no idea how I'd board them for anything more than an overnight. :/


A Madrid Derby?!?! Wow! Have fun! Your trip sounds lovely.


Have a wonderful time!

Russell Crockett

Your health, both mental and physical is important, so the wife and I are happy to hear you are taking time for yourself.


Excellent! Safe travels & have fun!


Enjoy your well earned time off!


Enjoy your vacation!


have fun!

Cei Stockport

Enjoy the well deserved holiday. But if you're going to Casablanca for the waters you were misinformed :-)


Enjoy your time off!!


You well deserve that. Please have a lot of fun and come back well rested. Enjoy Europe and Africa:)


Thank you for the update! Please take care of yourself and don't burn yourself out. As anxious as I am for the BSG season finale, I want you to enjoy making the reactions and not feel like you're just churning out content. This weekend, I'll raise a glass of wine in honor of your vacation. Have a safe and fun filled trip! So say we all!


Have a wonderful time!


The Madrid derby is always heated, have fun! I highly recommend visiting the Plaza Mayor

Dresden King

Thank you for the update, please take care of yourself and enjoy your vacation!

Tim Malpass

Looking forward to the pics of you floating in a huge glass of wine. Enjoy your well deserved break!

Mark K Ehlert

Make all the fun you can when relaxing, Angela. We'll be here when you get back. (P.S.: Thanks for the reminder about community chat.)

Paul mix

Enjoy your well-deserved break!

Andrew V

How dare you leave us to have a vacation! 🤪. Enjoy your time off!

Ian Hillan

Have fun! See you when you get back.


Hey we are taking vacations at the same time lol! Enjoys your!! Wish I could travel for mine! Mine will be going goblin mode in Palworld and World of Warcraft. And catching up on videos and shows. :p

Ray (Fanporium)

No images in Patron, so let's just pretend I posted the gif of Count Rugen telling Humperdink "If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything." Have fun!!

Outcast Spartan

Enjoy your time off, we'll be here when you get back, no sweat.


Sounds like a great vacation! Thanks for thinking of us, but go off and have a fantastic time, we'll be here when you get back!


Have fun and enjoy your vacation .


Enjoy vacation, most people in the US don’t take enough of them. Spain is amazing, haven’t been to Madrid, but loved the couple weeks I spent in San Sabastion and some small towns around the coast. Good laugh hearing you say you thought Casablanca was made up, no judgement just a smile.


Have a great vacation! Always good to get away for a time.


Hope you have a great vacation! Cheers!


Have a good vaycay!


Congratulations on the vacation.

Bryan Macklem

I am looking forward to having a good cathartic cry or two with you once you're back and ready for more.

Nathaniel Castle

Enjoy your time off! Let us know how it goes!


Enjoy your Mediterranean holiday, Angela! If you don’t gain a kilogram or so from the delicious Spanish and Moroccan food, was it actually a vacation? Casablanca not a real place? I’m shocked, shocked… 😉


Have fun

Michael Nolan

Enjoy your break! Your itinerary sounds great, and you absolutely deserve it! I confess I am interested in whatever pictures you are comfortable sharing. Eat all the food! Drink all the wine! Have fun!

Jonathan Guzman

Hope you have a great time. Would love to visit that country myself. Maybe one day.

Wade Wallenstein

A well earned vacation! Have a great time!


Have fun on your well deserved vacation. There are honestly lots of creators who do this full time and still charge more for less content.


Sounds like it's going to be a terrific trip. Such fun destinations! Stay safe and make some GREAT memories!

Sara Elizabeth Joyce

I had the same at the end of last year, you're doing the right thing! As one of the BSG fans we can wait :) I love your reactions, and I love space shit!

John Winters

I love that you have an emotional connection with your fans, Angela ❤️ have a wonderful break!

Brina Blue

Have a wonderful time!


Have a good one...Yip Yip!

Witchy Shelbs

Good for you for taking a vacation! Take care and enjoy! I went on my first vacation in a very long time at the beginning of Jan. And it was very rejuvenating and soul filling!


Finally some time to catch up on videos! 😁 But seriously, I wish you a fun and relaxing vacation.

Ensign Ahkinum

Thank you for doing that. And you are doing BSG Razor too!? Cool!


Enjoy your vacation ♡♡♡


Enjoy your break :) !


How dare you take care of your mental health by taking well deserved R&R?!?!?!? The algorithm demands content!!!! Have fun with tapas and wine (two of my favorite things).


Happy to hear you’re taking the time to take care of you! Burnout is real, and nothing is more important than your health both mental and physical.


Would love to see some vacation footage! Don't look at Patreon too much though, you really do deserve a break. Have fun!

Kee Leichtle

Enjoy your break! Coming from someone who struggles with burnout on a daily basis and is horrible at planning vacation time, I'm so happy that you're able to get away for a bit and have some time off!

Dylan Maxey

Good for you!!! Have fun and rest!!!! Edit to add: You need to work to live, not live to work.


Enjoy your break!!! It’s so important to take those when you can get them. My partner and I planning a big trip next year to London to meet up with my best friend and her partner. Have fun, enjoy and drink plenty of wine. 👏


Also, jealous you got to got to go to Winter Classic. I heard it was GREAT! Big Kraken fan, we’re going to the game tomorrow night.

Kenny Shoulders

A much needed vacation and to see Real Madrid overseas. Congratulations you deserve it. I can’t wait to see all of the amazing things you show us. Have a fun time and enjoy.


enjoy your holiday and picassos (i bought one once, when I worked for the national gallery in oz)

John S

Pack some warm clothes for Madrid this time of year. Enjoy your vacation!

Cody Barnes

Long overdo, enjoy your vacation.

Green Nolan

So happy for you!

Kevin C

Take care of yourself! Enjoy the vacation!


Safe travels friend, enjoy your break!

Charles Thi aka Chazzerous

Hooray for vacay! Enjoy yourself. Don’t worry about us Battlestar fans - when the show came out we waited for LONG stretches of time between seasons, much less than your vacation will take. Buen viaje!

Frederik Jensen

Enjoy your well-earned vacation. You probably don't need the reminder but don't work on your vacation. We don't need polls and pictures if you are not feeling in the right zone.


Sometimes you might feel like you have to keep pumping out content in order to maintain the numbers and the quite honestly, $. But the truth of the matter is that if you’re not having fun, it will end up not being fun for for us, which will result in the opposite effect you wanted by keeping things up nonstop. Honestly your community is pretty understanding, and taking a mental break is crucial to making this work. At the end of the day watching a tv show shouldn’t feel like work, at least not entirely. Reactions are like watching a show you live with a friend and experiencing the show again through their eyes. And we wouldn’t have our friend who just worked 50 hours that week sit down and watch 3 hours of tv. Take your time, and also feel free to slow some things down too. Do 1 episode reactions now and again so that you have enough backlog on patreon to take a vacation without YouTube even noticing. Whatever you do, have fun, and we’ll still be here when you’re back.


Enjoy you break, they are important to keep us human and functioning. Have fun in Spain, eat and drink everything!


I hope you have a wonderful vacation! You’ve been such a help to my own mental health, so it makes me happy that you are looking after your own. I came to your channel after you had done the expanse, so I got 5 seasons of reactions to catch up on :)


Yeah, Seattle is such a great sports city. Hidden up here in the PNW. It's my city, so I'm biased, but I think everyone should visit at least once. My partner and I got to go to the first ever Kraken game in Vegas against the Knights. It was such a cool trip. Hockey is a blast to watch.

Tony Camas

I haven't posted much here since The Expanse ended, but I wanted to wish you a wonderful vacation, Angela, and to say I'm super jealous; I chose a number of years ago to run my own business instead of working for someone else, and while I'm sure it's been the right move for me, one of the downsides of that decision is that I'm pretty much on call all the time and haven't had an actual vacation in... well, let's just say it's been decades. The idea of spending an entire week (plus) enjoying tapas, wine, fine art, sporting events, and maybe some Moroccan couscous... wow. SO jealous. But also, man do you deserve it. Have a great time!

Catherine Jones

enjoy your vacation angela, so jealous tbh! college has been hell lol


I wish you the best for your Europe trip! As for suggestions - you're my favorite Reaction Youtuber hands down, so you're doing everything right already :) As for wishes - since you're so invested into Battlestar Galactica, I think you would also love Babylon 5. It's basically the mother of all serialized SciFi TV and very, very good.


Enjoy your vacation and have a safe trip!


Enjoy your vacation! I'll look into the mobile app for PAtreon if that means I can somehow vote or suggest that you watch Dragon Prince because that's by far my #1 most wanted reaction from you at this point after Avatar.


Enjoy your vacation!


Great. Have fun and recharge. Enjoy your trip to the White House. :))


Enjoy the vacation your on it by the time I watched this so I hope it’s everything you expected

Reginald Leandre

Im gonna be subscribed to your patreon for a VERY LONG TIME IF YOU WATCH ATTACK ON TITAN😅

Raphael Menard

Have Great Vacations Angela, and take care! 🙂😊


Thank you for your reactions. Have a great break and recharge - you deserve it.


enjoy Spain! My sister is in Barcelona these days, so Spain is a favorite destination of mine these days.


have a good vacation

Michael Weir

Would love to see some photos of Casa Blanca! Hope you had fun!!!


New to your patreon. I hope you had a great vacation.


Have a wonderful time Angela, relax and recharge. We love your reactions. can't wait for you to return. Happy Vacation


Stay safe, eat & drink healthy. And don't worry about anything.