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Ted Lasso 3x4 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Big Week




The show does a lot of homages to real football subjects, on and off the pitch. But most of the plot points that use football tactics or matches, and also the press conferences, all of that is not very realistic. So, a team like Richmond that was promoted to the Premier League, getting a player like Zava (inspired by real life Zlatan) and getting a winning streak because of that, although unlikely, it's not something that bothers me. But I get how it can seem like an unrealistic plot point and can be annoying, I just don't see it as a "jump the shark" moment because that happened in the first episode when an American football coach went to manage a Premier League team in England xD Love the show and, as always, the reaction!


The criticism that I have been levelling against season three is that the problem is the FOCUS. They're not quite hitting the bridges between episodes and story-arcs, so things feel off. That's why I think it's not hitting as well as it did in seasons one and two. It's still got great content (I don't think I was quite as bothered by the Zava shift as you were) but the whole is lesser than the sum of its parts.

Nathanael Fuller (Polygon Wizard)

It feels like Roy is slowly breaking down his walls when it comes to the Diamond Dogs thing. If they get him howling along with the rest of them before the end of the season, I will be very delighted. I haven't seen anything past this episode yet, so for all I know that moment has already happened. Here's hoping! Howooooo!! 💎🐺


Yeah the whole premise of the show already jumped the shark.


Is it maybe because the focus this year is more on the players and football rather than just Ted? I have seen critics saying stuff like what you said about focus but for me personally, I love this season a lot!


"It's unrealistic". Yeah, that's the show. The entire premise of the show is unrealistic... so if the football parts of it are unrealistic, it's fine with me as long as it delivers on the character moments and the show does that in spades.


I think we left the football realism at the door when DII American football coach was hired to coach a Premier League team and when Nate went from kit man to assistant coach to manager of a Premier League team in less than two years. Despite that, I still love this show and we just have to suspend our disbelief at times with the football. You're right this show is not about the football.


I don't think that's it, because they're not quite hitting those bridges either. The prime example for me doesn't happen until later in the series, so I won't go into it now for fear of spoilers. The current-example for what I mean is Shandy's story. It's obvious what they're trying to do -- an old friend of Keely's who she's trying to help in the hopes of replicating what Rebecca did for her but Shandy just isn't in the same place she was -- but they swing back and forth in how they're presenting Shandy in different scenes. In some she's clever, and in some she's a completely trainwreck, with no scenes showing both or even having somebody say "I can't believe the person who did THIS is also doing THAT". So it's weird and offputting instead of being being tragic or a learning experience. Each scene is fine on its own (I can easily believe somebody whose history is a tabloid-famous model trying out the "Wanna bang a celebrity?" bantr tagline without releasing why it's bad for a company) but when they're all taken together they swing back and forth.

Christophe Schannes

I honestly can't stand the Diamond Dogs anymore, it went from cute to really annoying very fast. I just don't think the whole dumb howling bit is as funny or charming as the show thinks it is and when it then goes on forever, I honestly feel the urge to skip forward 5-10 seconds just to get it over with.


The diamond dogs is more to show the camaraderie and the trust that that group of people have with one another. The silliness is to show that they can just be fun with each other. Because when they show it later with the love hounds, and it isn’t that way, it shows you just how special those relationships are.


Zava was brought in to further the story and to subvert our expectations of what this season would be. I thought he was hilariously over the top, especially the back tattoo and his children’s names. “The we in us.” made me laugh too hard last ep. I think when Jade calls Nate by the wrong name it’s her way of teasing(possibly flirting)someone, having watched it twice now. I’m rooting for his redemption. Work through your issues Nate, your true self will appear. Ted and Michelle’s Dr. is unethical and what a gut punch to Ted to find out that way. It made me sick to my stomach. I kind of hope he doesn’t get back with Michelle. I just have conflicting emotions on that. You groove & swing like dat to Digable Planets, you be cool like dat. 😎👍 Jamie and Roy’s burgeoning friendship is wonderful. I love this show. It has become one of my all time favorites. It’s not just about Football, it’s about life. There will be a “The Philosophy of Ted Lasso” book and there may even be courses taught about it. It’s a guide on how to be a better person or how to human. I know the finale is going to wreck me and so many others & I’m here for it. Inhale>>>Exhale 🧡

Bob Hanflig

I am not sure if anyone else has this problem. Before every episode, Apple TV runs an ad. (at least on my system). Which puts the sync timer off for the length of the ad. If I have to resync mid-episode throws things off.

Kevin C

I do have that problem, too. One thing that works for some people. If the device you’re watching the show on is an iPad or iPhone, do this: 1. Download the episode to the device. 2. Put the device into Airplane Mode. 3. Play Without an internet connection, Apple TV won’t run an ad. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help anyone with an Apple TV, the app on a Smart TV, or anyone watching through the browser, but if it’ll help some? For me…I’m on an Apple TV, so I just resync it after we get first titles. I’ve become pretty good at knowing when to pause/unpause to get it synced. 😉

Kevin C

I’ll just say this…watching this series live and taking part in internet commentary about it…this is the point that people began to check out of the show. There were a lot of people who did not like or understand the new characters, the diverging storylines, and so on. By now (with episode 11), the tone of the commentary seems to have changed to a much more positive tone, with an understanding of how the nearly-finished season looks. I’m sure FLG is caught up, so I hope that doesn’t spoil anything. And I’m not saying it to try and diss the people who didn’t like it up to episode 4…all of their opinions are valid. I’ve just enjoyed watching all the threads get unspooled, and both seeing the tapestry come together, and the reactions of those as the tapestry came together. Also…I can’t wait for the reactions to the next two episodes. The ending of Episode 5 is one I have replayed perhaps more than I’ve replayed a scene of any other show, other than Firefly. But Firefly has a 15-ish year head start, so…. And Episode 6 is…………………yeah. I can’t wait to see them.