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I'd forgotten how good and in-depth the Misato psychoanalysis was in this episode


Very interested to see the discussion for this one.

Payam Sharifi

Oh man I have no idea what shape a discussion for this episode is gonna take tbh lmao. Also no matter how many times I've seen it, the voice acting performances man. They're beyond great.


I don't care what anyone else says, I really love this and the last episode. And make no mistake, this WAS the true ending for the show. The movie was only made because of the audience backlash, and the studio pressuring Anno to make something bombastic for the theater as an ending. Both can be the true endings, but that's a discussion for another time.


It received backlash, and I would say deservedly so. Not a fan of this ending in the slightest, it feels more like a 40 minute summary monologue more than a series finale. Although it has its merits it stills feels somewhat shallow, lazy, rushed, or incomplete. Like a compressed or compartmentalized idea of what the story (Anno) is trying to say. Just my opinion.


Personally I feel like last 2 episodes and EOE just complete each other and should be experienced as one big finale together. That's why I'm not thrilled at the idea of Im taking a break before the movie. But I understand the reasoning.


I wasn't very good in psychology, but even I noticed there's a lot of 'looking-glass self' being explored here - it's almost textbook psychology. Super interesting, but I'll admit it's a bit over my head and very abstract, as I hoped for and expected for Evangelion though. Really looking forward to the discussion on this one and the next!


It's just unnecessary at this point in time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯