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Oh Eva I feel bad for her, like she isn't a good person but that doesn't change the fact that she is at or close to her rock bottom, and yeah I pity her, the saddest thing is she still hasn't learned much so one can expect her to keep digging. Her obssesion with Tenma can also be linked that the last time she felt happy and things were fine in her life was when she was with him and how he made her feel, I don't think there is real, selfless love at all there. And yeah I also felt iffy when I saw she and Roberto slept together after all that...is just..yeah I can't see that being consensual at all


God I love Eva! She's such a beautiful mess of a character. She's probably my favourite in the whole show. Even though unfortunately I didn't get out of 'Monster' what I wanted and by the end had really mixed feelings about it I can't deny 'Monster' its great characters. It's the strongest point of this anime alongside its Fincher-like moody atmosphere.


Fair enough, just about having mixed feelings about the end and not getting what you wanted out of it. I know it's not a spoiler but it's approaching that territory


Yeah, I got ya. My mixed feelings don't have to do with any specific scenes in the end it was a gradual thing throughout the story that snowballed by the end. So the only thing that I spoiled is that as much as critically acclaimed and beloved 'Monster' is not everybody is in love with it. But it still has its undeniable strengths which I underlined. Anyway dw, I won't comment about it anymore, annoying people with 'potentially spoilery' stuff and negativity towards their favourite show was not my intention.

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I've started watching Monster alongside with you and yeah Eva is just fascinating. Urasawa really making me feel so conflicted. Eva is clearly such a bad human being but I can't stop feeling pity. Can't wait for more episodes as I am going a bit faster than you at this point, next little arc is very interesting!