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This was actually supposed to be Jenna Colemans last episode. The scene when she's older wasn't originally meant to be a dream, but Capaldi and Moffat convinced her to stay on and they shot a new ending.


Shona was actually meant to be a full time companion for the next series, but when Jenna Coleman changed her mind about leaving the show, those plans were dropped


I think this is a really good episode but not one I can rewatch much idk I think when I was younger I didn't like it for whatever reason and it just lingers in my mind now but enjoy it a lot more after re-watching it now

Carys Barnes

I so glad you loved this episode. It is definitely one of my favourites too. It has a masterful balance of all the different elements. You forgot don’t be lasagne or your Moffat don’ts list 😂


This is one of my favorite Christmas specials too!


I remembered this being a great Christmas episode, one I rewatched a lot, but again since that was before I really developed taste or thought critically about media, it's hard to know how well it would stand up. I definitely knew it would be in the upper half of these type of episodes (especially compared to more forgettable ones like S6's Christmas special). But with the whole thing of "Oh Clara's back, no she's gone, no just kidding she and The Doctor are off to more adventures!" I had this lingering feeling that it'd be a bit middling and functional. But man it holds up well. There's still so much of that cutting subversiveness I love from the Twelve/Clara dynamic, and seeing your reaction to it was nothing short of a joy. And I remember now why I rewatched it so much as a kid. The Christmas theme feels the perfect level of poignant, filled with a childlike wonder yet the necessary underlying darkness. So much nostalgia, yet depth, yet action, yet mind-turning. The look of it all! I can't wait to hear what you think about S9's look, because I've always thought it really starts to look cinematic around there. Very dark high contrast, with blacks/shadows and saturated colors. It feels a lot more sci fi than the slice-of-life softer more desaturated S8, like it finally has the maturity both S7 and S8 tried in their own ways. Why am I talking about Season 9 again...? Oh yeah, I feel like it sort of starts here. I think streaming services vary between lumping in the specials with the preceding or succeeding seasons, and thematically/narratively this definitely fits within S8, but aesthetics-wise it really feels like S9 to me. Capaldi looks exceptionally striking on camera, especially in the first scene, and the soft, dreamy (emphasis on "dreamy") blurred focus on Clara persistently throughout the episode is an interesting choice. They were surprisingly ambitious with the CG, though, I have to say, haha! Miscellaneous praise & criticism: • Funny that I mentioned the selfie bit in the last ep's review, just a couple of hours ago, and it happens again here. I'm not fond of the elves for comedic relief, but I guess santa needs backup. • The doctor telling Clara to interrogate everything and not trust anything me of Dark Water -- "Give me skeptical, critical". • I like the Doctor's "You've got a horror movie named Alien? No wonder they keep invading you". It feels a lot more natural and effective than the constant "You're being racist against elves!" eye-rolly lines. • "And a punch in the face too, while you're at it", they're both so charming. God, I love them together. • Clara surrounded by "Dying!" on the blackboards remins me of Rory and Amy in the TARDIS when House takes over during The Doctor's Wife. • I like that the Doctor instantly jumps to killing the Dream Crab once he's told they can't just remove it. It's very un-Doctor like but very Twelve. For Clara, he would. • I like the Doctor's disgruntled "I will hold Clara's hand, but that's it" as everyone joins together. • For 12 year-old me, the volcano the Doctor wakes up from twice send me into deep theorizing that this was a secret third-part to the Season 8 finale, and that it was all a dream or something. Shaky at best, so I quickly dismissed it, but it still feeds oddly connected to the first third or so of Dark Water. The Doctor waking up at a volcano and being induced in a lucid dream state is very coincidental to have in the span of three episodes. I didn't take the idea far, though, so I can't even remember what I thought it meant. It's funny because if this was an anime it'd be for reused animation/backgrounds, but it's a different shot I'm pretty sure. I agree with you that Danny's sendoff in this episode is a nice touch. The holiday specials feel almost like a pocket dimension in some sense (though this one does uniquely change the status quo), so it doesn't feel too soon or too anticlimactic to have him show up here. And Shona, though I found her a bit grating and too comedic, but by the end of it her characterization as rather lonely is very touching. And she was apparently intended to be the new companion had Jenna Coleman not decided to stay on for one more season, so there's that. There's something Donna-like about her loinging sense for companionship that I think would have worked, and her air-headedness (if that's a word) actually would've made for quite the shakeup for Twelve after the logical headstrong Clara. "Time of the Doctor" parallel was very endearing, and ironic considering Twelve being much older than Eleven but Clara being the aged-up one. I also think Jenna Coleman's performance of an older Clara is very convincing, even rivalling Matt Smith's. She has a line that feels like a completely different character, I think it might be when she says "Go on, then", but I can't check right now. And for all the Doctor's snide jabs to Clara's appearance last season, it's funny he is actually oblivious as to her age. Your lucid dream story made me smile, ha. I wonder if you'll give it another try after watching this episode, like how with Eva you've felt inspired to seek out a sensory deprivation experience. And lastly, wonderful analysis with Clara's tether to earth being gone. That's been my favorite haunting parts of S9 Clara. Ambitious, reckless, self-destructive... You've seen Face The Raven, so you know where these lead her. I remember it being particularly embodied in her giddiness in the Under The Lake / Before The Flood two-parter. Who knows if/when you'll see this, but this is me reminding you, as you asked, to rank the episodes! Top 10, top 20, top 30, or all of them! I'd be happy with just knowing your top 5, personally. maybe the next phase of the channel can include these, along with your ideas to stream (and possibly some manga too?).