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It's so funny when Asuka, after hatching her plan, says "Gehen!", which is the literal word for the verb "to go" in German. But we Germans don't say the word for going when we mean "Go!" as in "Let's start this" lol We say "Los!"


This is a fun episode. I love the more casual feeling of this and all the aspects that create a more lighthearted feeling - the blackout, everyone being forced to work together, seeing the Nerv staff doing their laundry, and the first outing for the three pilots as a trio. I'm glad I don't have a good eye for art because I didn't notice the artstyle change at all upon my first or even second watchthrough. Even knowing about it going into this one I was surprised how quickly you picked up on it (and hard to say if the shots I noticed were tainted by my knowledge and sort of a placebo effect). As always the focus on the physical mechanics of Nerv and the Eva makes the science fiction aspect of the show really come to life and feel so grounded. It's sluggish, bureaucratic and very step-by-step. This has one of my favorite little comedic moments of the series, Gendo and Fuyutsuki sitting calmly only to then cut to them having been standing in buckets of cold water to cool off, and Gendo's calm "It's warm". Always gives me a chuckle.