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Thank you for making your picks, Monster will be taking over the Tuesday/Friday slots after FMAB.

Hunter x Hunter is still part of the plans and I will bring it in at some point this year, it’s locked in as the next longer Anime option. I talked to some content creator friends doing it at the moment, and now I have a better understanding of how to potentially make it work without running into big copyright takedown problems. Perhaps some of the heat surrounding it will die down by then as well.




So excited for this! I’m still only 27 episodes into my first watch of Monster and I cannot wait to see your take on the story!


Monster is available on my version of Netflix so I think I'll watch along haha


Happy to finally get to Monster, still hope Steins;Gate wins at some point tho


Me too 👌🏼 I do love Time travel elements, so I’ve been excited to see how they implement the mechanics within the story. It's one of the reasons I was very excited about Dark as well, having a strong grasp on time travel elements and mechanics really made it so exciting.


Really excited as I just recently finished Monster(yesterday) and am also eagerly awaiting Steins;Gate!


Very exciting stuff coming up with Monster. And nice to hear about HxH as well. I do think/hope that the current takedowns aren't a permanent problem.


Hi IM, what version of the anime are you gonna watch. Did you know there's a recently released AI upscaled version of the anime? This show is notorious for having 480p versions as the best copies out there. (Even the Netflix version uses this) Thankfully there's a fan community who did upscale the whole show.


Yep, I will be watching the AI upscale version. I’ve seen some incredible results for AI upscaled early One Piece episodes. I checked out the quality of the DVD set I have, and it’s kinda rough, even the subtitles appear quite pixelated.


The excitement I feel is unreal! Super sad that FMAB is coming to an end for your channel but the fact that Monster will come straight after is just perfect. Let’s get some more seinen greatness into your life!


Also that’s great news on HxH it would be such a shame if you weren’t able to check it out at some point in your anime journey on your channel. Just gotta wait and see how this all dies down ..


This whole poll situation is a complete win for me. HxH, Steins Gate and Monster are one of my very few 10/10 anime and my favs in their respective genre. So I'm really excited for your Monster reactions and another cool rewatch for me👌


I'm not sure how bad the DVD set you've got looks, but I've got a release ready to go for the watch-along and it looks pretty good. From what I see of the the AI upscale, it makes background elements that are supposed to be out of focus look like they're in focus, colors are different, makes grey lines black, kills the noise, etc. It also has the usual smudginess upscales tend to have. I do think it defintely makes close-ups a little clearer, but that's all it has over what I've got (the 17gb [CBM] release on nyaa). Screens from what I have (1st ep cold open and generic line of subs). https://i.imgur.com/3faOBRT.jpg https://i.imgur.com/rmGpLEH.png AI upscale comparison (2nd isn't from the premiere but it's generic). https://i.imgur.com/Nly7FOX.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/cVr9tPB.jpeg I don't mean to tell Im or anyone else here to avoid the upscale, and I don't mind which one Im goes with; just sharing what I've got. Personally, I believe the DVD is fine and the upscale doesn't improve it. I think it fucks with the color design and compositing work too much for me to even give it a proper chance, but I'm a nerd who cares a lot about that.


Interesting, this is good to know, because I can’t really inspect much of it myself. I’ll definitely have to rethink this, I do have access to a few different versions. The biggest issue with the DVD version I have are the pixelated subs, they’re quite blocky and difficult to read


Yeah, I figured they'd be something like that from your above comment. Reminds me of the subs on my Sailor Moon set which are yellow and are about as blocky as the numbers on a freaking calculator display 😂


The best release imo is just called Monster TV 2004 on the cat, but that one sadly doesn't have English subs. Tbh the CBM release seems good enough too. From what I've seen there's gonna be an HD release in Germany soon, though I don't know how the quality will be for that one.


I have waited so long for you to react to monster. This story, be it in anime or manga format is definitely a once in a lifetime experience, it is brilliant


As this one is digitally processed, any HD version of it will be an upscale. It'd be different if the anime came out a few years earlier and would've been on cels, as those are shot with an actual camera, which means there'd be film to scan. Yeah, there's some color banding in dark spots on the CBM release, which is almost to be expected with a file size so small, but it's fine enough.


Oh, I'm aware that I'd just be an upscaled version, but it still might end up looking better than what we have right now, who knows though at this point. Monster really had an unfortunate release timing. Not old enough to be animated on cels but not new enough to actually have an HD resolution. In general the transitional period from cel animation to digital is the worst Anime has ever looked imo, although some productions end up looking extremely bland to this day, which wasn't really a problem pre digital in my experience.


Oh, lol. I didn't think you *would think* it'll just magically become HD. Just didn't mention that: yes, there are of course upscales that look better than others, and the German release could end up being the best this show'll ever look for all we know. I agree with the last bit. There are a handful that look good, but the average show from early digital comp days looks quite horrible in my opinion as well. Final years of cel we're watching color designers with decades of past experience with paint on acetate, and in 2002 we're watching the same color designers trying to adapt into the digital era with limited experience working digitally.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of AI upscaled anime either. The original artistic intent gets lost on the way, for just a little bit more picture clarity.

john ross

Happy to hear the news about HxH, excited for monster.

