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very fun and wholesome episode :)


my favorite thing about the Rei/Asuka interaction was Rei just side-eyeing her silently. You could tell she was thinking “I don’t have to say anything, she’s going to keep talking” 😂


You could take it as Rei just being her serious Rei self but really she does look so not impressed and a tad annoyed. It’s the subtle things with her lol


There are two ways I like to think about the tonal shift that happens particularly in this episode. One is that the studio was really figuring out the formula of the show as they went, the writer's room was a very flexible place and they were leaning into a more conventional 'freak of the week' approach to tribute the action genres they're pulling from. The aerobatics and the goofy angel definitely add to that sense that the style of the world feels very different here. The second way which I prefer is that this show is entirely psychological. The mood of the show is an extension of the mood of the characters; the storytelling choice is to shape the world around them. This episode is kind of kiddy because Asuka and Shinji are in this playful, bratty arguing stage of knowing each other, as you point out it's not a kind of relationship either have had before and they're getting to be children in a way they've never been before with their sense of independence and self-reliance. But don't worry, the doom and gloom we know and love will be back!


I love this episode, so much incredible visual storytelling and techniques