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Bradley and Roy had to be nerfed a bit lol "The Gate appears identically to any and all who pass through it, the engravings on the stone doors appear different to each person as a reflection of their true self and to that alchemist's understanding of "The Truth" the mural depicts a stylized version of the Flame Alchemy array designed by Riza's father. (so in other words, Riza's tattoo is his gate lol). I always thought him not losing his eyeballs is because he was forced like, okay you must get punishment but not as bad as if he had gone with it fully. Roy and Riza's relationship keeps being amazing, I love them and that's all I'll say because I won't go into a Royai rant. But I must say, great voice acting with Riza as Roy is forced to do the transmutation and disappears, you can feel her desperation to now her seeing the one she loves being hurt and forced into something Mei is so great saving Riza and leaving the thing she has been looking for all this time. And my boy Al he's amazing too, he is also leaving the thing he has been wanting since episode 1 to go fight and help everyone


Alphonse’s Japanese VA is Rie Kugimiya (who is a woman), and yes she does a fantastic job. Younger-sounding characters are often voiced by women regardless of gender. But it is kind of amusing that both of the Elric brothers have female voice actors, lol Also, I want to find a person that will look at me the same way Roy looks at Riza 🥺💗 well… the way he used to look at her at least… too soon?


Remember back when Ed and Ling were stuck in Gluttony’s stomach and Ed was talking about how the body, mind and soul are separate. Meaning that while Al’s soul is bounded to the suit of armour, his body and mind would than be in the portal. It’s kinda trippy to think that Al’s ‘consciousness’ could be in two places but it makes sense with the rules that have been put into place. For me the idea that Al’s body is Truth isn’t really hard hitting enough as it demises the emotion of both Ed in 26 and Al in 59 promising Al himself that they will come back for him. Also Al in the portal is too much like how Al would act for it to be anything else for me. That’s how I have always read it anyway. Also another great call back this episode is from episode 19. “I look forward to the day those eyes will be wide with agony. It coming.”


That forced sacrifice is the only thing I kinda feel a little bit weird about in this anime. It was never stated that something like that would be possible, but it still went on as if it was nothing new. The way I interpret it is, that people in general are sometimes getting forced to do sins like Bradley forcing Mustang, Hawkeye, Armstrong etc. to annihilate Ishval and for that reason it kind of works as a concept in the show for me now. But during my first watchthrough I was really weirded out by that and didn’t really understand it. And I think what the truth told Mustang, is the same thing that it has said to Elric. That’s why it wasn’t shown. The fight between two nameless man, epic. Bradley was also the reason for the whole Ishvalen war, that’s why the match-up between them couldn’t be any better. As you braught up the dub, I need to talk about that. XD Hope you can check out the Promised Day arc in the dub cause I feel like it is one of the best performances of any eng dub. And on to the last 5 episodes!