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Carys Barnes

There is a brilliant BBC adaptation of Robin Hood. It is a slightly more serious take on the story than this episode but it is family friendly and has a brilliant cast. This is episode falls a bit flat apart from a few good scenes for me but it was important they set up this doctor isn’t all dramatic darkness. I enjoyed the reaction a lot more than I thought I would. I’m very excited for the next one. It couldn’t be more different.

The Kernowyon Penguin

Glad you enjoyed this one! Honestly, this is one of my favourite episodes to revisit, not because of its stellar plot, because as you say, it's sort of the weakest element, but because of just how fun it is, especially with the Doctor and Robin's chemistry and banter but, honestly, I also enjoy a camp ott villain every now and again which the Sheriff does well! It's definitely the episode I started really warming to Capaldi as well tbh. Looking forward to Adventures in Time and Space now! I have a feeling you'll really like it tbh.

The Kernowyon Penguin

Yeah agreed that adaptation is great! You do have to go into it with a DW style of mindset imo, knowing there will be campy episodes and characters, it won't necessarily have the biggest budget, etc. However after the first few episodes it really hits a stride and yeah the cast have great chemistry together which really helps to carry the show!


For me Capaldi's tardis is the most beautiful and is fully utilized, unlike some of the others. Def some of the most beautiful and unique interior tardis shots we've seen. I love that it really feels like his home and we get to spend a lot of time w/ him and Clara there. Thanks <3

Thomas Midena

I'm a huge Robin Hood nut. The BBC 2006 series being one of my favs. So I had high expectations and was disappointed this episode wasn't more substantial. But hey, it is fun, still a good time!

Thomas Midena

Yeah, the first episode is SO bloody campy haha, but it's all uphill from there. What a show.


very excited for the next episode