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Because these episodes are rather long, I think I'll be skipping this one (Really appreciate the early upload though!) and won't do as much of a thematic/narrative deep-dive as I unexpectedly did with 8x2. Oh man, you can expect one for the next episode of the season though. And I've never fully watched an Adventure in Space and Time despite knowing the backstory of it so it will be cool to experience that with you Like you said, these type of episodes can be a bit hit or miss depending on each person's subjective view. Even though it's very light-hearted and rompy, it does serve a nice purpose overall by placing this new iteration of the Doctor in a setting of this tone to highlight his personality for contrast. Imagine, for instance, the Eleventh Doctor in this situation. Matt Smith wouldn't just play it differently, the dynamic and dialogue would be completely different. From memory, I really like the clashing of those two personalities and of course Clara's role in it. Reminds me a little of the Doctor-Rose-Jack trio in their first outing in S1. And it shows that the Doctor, for all his wisdom, can be quite childish. The new TARDIS is great! Look, it feels annoying for my favorite season and my favorite TARDIS and my favorite companion and my favorite Doctor to all be from the same era... But I just love the look of it. The cooler and darker colors are perfect, and the lighting is balanced enough for it to not be overbearing like Eleven's 7B TARDIS. Overall, the episode like many others sort of demonstrates the forced-episodic nature of the show sometimes falling into. While it's great for giving us a variety of different stories, and it feels like a wasted opportunity not to use the huge premise of the show's core to have a bunch of writers creating their own little stories, I can relate to being more excited when there's a building cohesive narrative present. If that's what you're into, you might be in luck when it comes to the upcoming series. With the direction tv has been heading towards anyway, and the shorter episode count, I wouldn't be surprised if Doctor Who heads towards being completely serialised in the future. But less serious adventures like this would always be great to sprinkle in there for the variety.