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Man, this episode absolutely blew my expectations out of the water. I must've watched those last 2 scenes like 20 times. The voice acting from Einar and the score as it leads to that beautiful scene reintroducing Canute... Can't say enough good things about the direction on this one


Beautiful, touching and amazing episode, the first step for einer and thorfinn, to think that the manga only gets better as well. I love this adaptation, 100% justice to the source material.

Large McDonald’s Sprite

I’m new to the Patreon, does Im not usually give his review when posting initially? I know this is the full length version, I just meant in general.

Oppai Master

Usually for series that he is caught up on yt and patreon get the review the same time, patreon just gets reaction early

Large McDonald’s Sprite

Okay cool, got it. I was confused because for the previous episodes for Vinland S2 all three video types were dropped around the same time.

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

Perfect reaction for a near perfect episode. Your energy is so infectious it felt like I was watching the episode for the first time again :) I can’t wait for the discussion portion on youtube


absolute cinema