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Here we go, 12, even though 11 is MY doctor I see 12 as the most Doctor and so happy you at the beginning of his journey


The call from the previous doctor is a message to the fans as well. Loved it

Michael T

11 was my first doctor, but 12 is my favorite doctor


Looking forward to this era and my favourite Doctor (+companion in Clara)! Capaldi Era let's go 😎


Yes! I feel this on such a deep level. And I've seen others say the same thing, that someone else is "their" Doctor" but Twelve feels like a definitive version of the Doctor for whatever reason. For me Capaldi is both "my" Doctor and he feels like the most Doctor, you know? It's interesting that some people can separate those two aspects in their mind


Back when you commented on the Doctor making note of Clara's short skirt it was hard to resist hinting at this part here where he tells her "I never said it was your mistake". Showing that he's the one who thought differently of their relationship.


So excited for my favorite era of NuWho!


As someone who was a younger fan at the time and didn’t really vibe with Capaldi at first, rewatching this first episode with you…. Wow! I can confidently say every intro episode up to Whittaker has just been spot on, just great stuff :))


Honestly such a good era I hope you enjoy it as much as I do


This episode is one that seems to get better each time I watch it. Watching it when it came out I found it kind of eh. Not nearly as fun as The Eleventh Hour, and nor is this Doctor as instantly likeable. But there's so many layers (I love the "Just see me" speech) to appreciate now that I'm older. I think it could have been a little shorter, but honestly I do like the cozy feeling of it, like Clara saying good morning to Strax, the Doctor taking a while to find his footing, etc. And yeah, in the recent episode you talked about wishing you hadn't seen the last of the Paternoster gang, only for them to show up in the very next episode haha. The new style is really cool too, and I love the aesthetic of the episode. The new theme sounds a little shrill but I really like the visuals. Welcome to my favorite era! Really excited for this discussion and your thoughts on both Twelve and Clara.


Aaahhhh I'm so happy we're in Capaldi's era now! Attack eyebrows 🥹


I'm with you and tom. Pertwee was my first Doctor, Smith is my favorite, but Capaldi is the iconic Doctor.