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Gonna add edits as I go - Interestingly, I found the Clara boyfriend stuff odd at first but with this rewatch I like it. The jarring clash from the flirty light-hearted fluffy nature of Eleven and Clara's relationship to this episode, and the Doctor feeling like he needs to clarify things to Clara works for me. It's a good example right off the bat of how I feel like Capaldi's run has a deeper appreciation of exploring more complex emotions (in my opinion). I like Vastra's role in it too, and her defense of the Doctor. Both Clara and the Doctor's feelings feel extremely palpable and justified despite their conflict, which to me is a great sign of character writing. I'm so in love with the last stretch of scenes in this episode between the two of them. It's good to explore this new ground, since it's different to Rose who didn't take long at all to adjust to Tennant. - Yep! The garden set is the same - Haha, yep Clara's character has a bit of a reboot this episode. But there's instantly so much to her. For a character who's been introduced three times already, this episode does a great job of giving you a feel for who she is after so many episodes of kinda being a blank slate - With the handholdy point, in general I feel like the whole show comes right out and explains things too much with Moffat (even just small things, like in the sleeptalking scene I'd have preferred if Clara just looked from the Doctor to the dinosaur rather than saying "Are you translating?" out loud). For me, the phone scene absolutely works. It was a big point of contention for fans, and I think a lot of Capaldi fans see it as fanservice for people who can't let go of Eleven - You bring up a good point and one I've heard and kiiind of share that Clara should be the most well-equipped to handle a regeneration from everything she's seen. For me, her behavior in this episode doesn't betray that, just because it's very well-written and rationalized, and of course well-acted, so I buy her feeling this. And ultimately it makes for a better story IMO - Not for Im! ROT13-spoilers "Vg ernyyl rfgnoyvfurf gur Qbpgbe abg nf fbzrbar gung vf tbbq, ohg fbzrbar gung jvaf". Gjb guvatf cbccrq vagb zl urnq jura ur fnvq guvf. Svefg bs nyy, vg'f fhpu n terng bofreingvba naq V vafgnagyl gubhtug bs Zhzzl ba gur Bevrag Rkcerff. V YBIR gung rcvfbqr sbe Gjryir. Uvf neebtnapr, guvefg sbe xabjyrqtr (Gubhtu gung bar ernyyl trgf rkcyberq va Yvfgra) naq oeninqb. Zna, jung n tbbq bhgvat sbe uvz. Ohg gur frpbaq guvat gung cbccrq vagb zl urnq jnf gur "Whfg xvaq" fcrrpu gb pbzr va Gur Qbpgbe Snyyf. Jung n ornhgvshy punenpgre nep. V pna'g jnvg. - Jenna Coleman and Peter Capaldi's acting chemistry is so good. There's so many scenes I could point to (the emotionality of their interaction at the end is my favorite), but a really fun one is when the Doctor returns in the underground lair. Their banter isn't just two witty people who feel like they're trying to out-clever each other for the sake of comedy unlike how Eleven/Clara felt to me, it genuinely feels like two people with really fleshed out personalities that just clash and I love the frustration, haha. But then it ends with the cheeky synchronized "Geronimo" showing that these two people get each other despite that

Carys Barnes

Was so excited for you to start this series. You are right about the handholding. They definitely seemed fearful that the new young fan base they picked up in Matt’s run were going to be scared off by going in the brave new direction and though the phone call is a great scene to watch I do feel it undermines Clara learning to accept this new doctor on his own terms. Talking of Clara this rebooted Clara is a now a character that really has depth and Jenna gets to shine. The doctors that regenerate with a companion are particularly interesting as you can really feel that the companion informs on who they become. It is clear with 10 that becomes someone Rose can fall in love with and he mirrors lots of traits off her and you can already see in this episode (particularly in the restaurant seen when the doc and Clara are going head to head) that they share some traits. These cross regeneration relationships are in some ways the most profound to the doctor. You are right about the this doctor looking inward and being questioning of himself. One of the main reasons this doctor is so beloved is the mask has slipped away and both the good and the bad is true doctor. Can’t wait for more.


Personally, for me, 11 to 12 feels like the best switch of Doctors they truly feel like the same person just a new regeneration(and some personality changes) sometimes it can be hard to see different incarnations as the same person. The "Just see me" talk and the phone call works so well in my book Also, I don't know if I said it when 11 got the new tardis look but this is my favorite Interior specifically after 12 redecorates it and makes it feel homier, and the orange lighting Also also, are we getting a double doctor who drop this week, or is that next week?


Love the comment! I'm gonna enjoy reading people's thoughts on this era

Carys Barnes

You can try and read narratives as to why a doctor changes into the new person he becomes. I agree that this regeneration narrative is particularly compelling (and clear) that 11 “died” so big, as a great warrior who pretends he is not tries to be (he has this childlike pretence fixing all the to toys in Christmas) and he becomes smaller and simpler in lots of ways. This narrative helps you connect two people who in many ways are very different. You can see how most new doctor is a reaction to the last but I enjoy this one being more explicit.


So so excited for you to start the Capaldi era. He's my doctor and I can't wait for you to watch more!!


I love Capaldi so much :')


Doing the secret coding with rot13; Vagrerfgvat abgr gung Vz gnyxrq nobhg gur eryngvbafuvc orgjrra Gjryir naq Pynen frggvat gur obhaqnel bs ABG orvat ebznagvp evtug njnl, nf V oryvrir gung jnf gur qverpgvba gurl jrer urnqvat sbe vavgvnyyl ohg Wraan naq Crgre'f purzvfgel vf ba nabgure yriry gung gurve qlanzvp fyvccrq vagb fbzrguvat zber. Qbvat zl orfg abg gb fuvc gbb zhpu urer (naq V guvax gurve eryngvbafuvc vf hc gb vagrecergngvba/gbb pbzcyvpngrq gb chg vagb n jbeq nf fvzcyr nf 'ybir') ohg, lrnu, guvf vf zl nofbyhgr snir cnve, pna'g jnvg sbe gur whvpl punenpgre nepf sebz urer ba.


Well since the intention was for the season eight finale to be Clara's exit, even in that they don't both make the fully informed decision to separate. And with how season nine ends it fits with Twelve trying to assert what their relationship is. Both of them are aware of the faults in their relationship and both try to distance themselves in different ways but are unable to and eventually are forced apart and have to make the decision to give up. Fb V guvax vg jbexf cresrpgyl jvgu guvf rcvfbqr orpnhfr vg fbeg bs sberfunqbjf jung'f gb pbzr.