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Sadly this is the last time we see that lovely gang, so if you want to see more you got to listen to the BigFinish audio books also that scene at the end with the phone call and the "Just see me" is sooo good, I love it


How much do I love Capaldi? Enough to pay $10 on the 26th of the month only to be charged again in a few days. That's how much! I won't deny S8 has it's bumps but it doesn't matter because pcap elevates every single ep and overall I love S8! I'm so happy we're finally here :) Thanks <3

Linus Marjeta

"Think I'll keep it" Because she's speaking with a Scottish accent too (hard to tell in those short sentences though)


Umm I just paid £9 for a full reaction and it's just you with no video or audio of the episode... wtf is going on?! Did I just get fucked over?!


My friend, that’s what timer based full length is. You sync your copy of the episode to the full length reaction, as it clearly specifies in the Tier description (though it appears you may have completely skipped over all of that important info) The entire episode cannot be included, that would mean I’m selling compete episodes, kinda illegal. It appears others are still doing this, and because of it people are just conditioned to assume full length means the entire episode being included.