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AoT1x25 - Full Length.mp4



Awesome dude!. I really love how you analysed and enjoyed this series. Will you be going through season 2 too? If so will you be keeping up to date with season 3 in July?


Yo we need your commentary! xD


He is hoping to catch up tp watch the Season 3 when it airs


".....the fuck?" ~A perplexed man, 2018


I don't think I'll be watching his review on this episode, given he's too sharp and he might predict something that're going to be true that I wasn't aware of.


you must watch the S2 now befor the they spoilry 💖💖💖🙏


The plus side of having only just started the series is you don't have to wait 4 years for Season 2. And Season 3 is coming at the end of the year, so no torment of waiting and waiting.


I like the music when Eren was biting Annie out, the vocals behind had the sadness while Annie was shedding tears.


I like how when the piano stopped playing as Armin was staring at the birds flying over the wall near the end, you probably thought the Colossal Titan was about to show up like episode 1. That trolled the fuck out of me the first time I watched it.


I like how he is so engrossed in the story and don't give any heed to the people dying left and right lol.


Yay you did it! if season 1 left you with a lot of questions just wait for season 2 lol! Another thing, if you really wanna go full blind into season 2 I recommend you not to watch the opening in the first episode and also not to read the title of the first episode.


Ill wait to watch these when the discussions come out, for best experience :D

Ryuuji Gremory

That reaction to the after credits was just perfect XD


why did you change the subtitles? The previous batch's sub is better


Loved this. Can't wait for s2


dont forget the all OVA


"Is it bad that I kinda want Annie to get away" + LOTR reference = you have my heart lol


If you are concerned about ANY type of spoilers I would highly suggest not watching the intro for season 2 on the first episode. Hell If you can make it to episode 7 that would be even better. PLUS all the ass hole commentors


Like some of the comments already mentioned, I would recommend skipping the intro of season 2 for the first couple of episodes if you'd like to go full blind on it. For someone who is very smart like you, it might be quite spoilery. Can't wait till you get to Season 2!!


Everyone is mentioning to not watch the opening of season 2 but I think it's better if you don't watch the ending. You're very smart and that ending hints many things that we discovered recently in the manga. I don't know why they did that but the ending is more dangerous for you than the opening :O I bet you'd get spoiled analyzing the ending images. Whenever there is the "to be continued" panel just close the video.


Filmbuff is pretty much Armin with a beard


he did it omg just w8 another year for s 2 now :)


don't forget to post your reaction on season 2 opening


Definitely agree about avoiding watching the ending song of season 2. They show a lot of things that could be potentially spoilery particularly if you have an analytical mind.


Are we really gonna talk about this in every comment section of every video guys... also, not watching the ending is overkill. Skipping the title and opening of episode 1 is the sensible approach because it's an in-your-face spoiler before the show even begins. Anything else just fuels theory-crafting and should be encouraged to watch.

Shawn Lester

Remember when Commander Pyxis was talking to Eren, he said something like, "People will continue to fight each other until a bigger threat to humanity appears and then they'll band together to survive." I still think there was a war going on a long time ago and it was getting to the point where millions were dying. So I think the government or some other force created the Titans out of volunteers (or maybe prisoners) to create a twisted kind of peace to keep people from killing each other. And they're going to continue to replenish the number because to get rid of all Titans, they believe, would mean the wars will start up again. I have not read the manga so please no spoilers, but this is what I'm theorizing at this time. It's the Ozymandias solution (for those who've seen Watchmen). Maybe Annie's part of a resistance that wants to expose the Titan creators and set humanity free? Which means she was one of the good guys?