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Aot1x23 - Full Length.mp4



I like your facial expressions when all clues even before the reveal.that annie really was not hiding anything at this point


Nice reaction as usual


Its better to just delete or edit those types of comments opposed to combat it. Its not about your definition of spoilers or guiding. Its about theirs. You know darn well why you asked that question and how pointing it out will draw attention to a line that otherwise would probably go unnoticed.


Each one of us has definitely his own logic regarding reaction videos. I delet it only to avoid any chain reaction (due to self-interpretation of my question)


If it was just me saying "hey it's guiding stop!!!!" and you saying "no it's not you're just interpreting it as guiding because you've seen the series and filmbuff hasn't!!!" and we go into this back and forth and nobody else had an opinion about it then you could just tell me to shut up and I wouldn't really have a leg to stand on. But every time this happens, everyone agrees with me that what you write is guidance. The problem has to be you at that point, not the way everyone that's not you interprets your comments. Respect for deleting the original comment, I know you don't mean to spoil shit, we all (including Filmbuff) just have a different definition of what a spoiler is than you which creates this headbutting every time.


Cannot wait for your review. You had That Look in all the right places (like when Annie says she wants to be seen as person) so I just know there's some great Annie discussion coming up. I, resident no.1 Annie fan, am all here for it! :) edit: A note on Annie's laugh. The writer commented that her laugh was something like an expression of her guilt and relief (at no longer having to hide the secret that made her cold and isolated/lonely) all at once.

Shawn Lester

In the original manga, she just smiled, but for the anime, the writer told the animation director to have her laugh. Some things look better on paper, and some better on screen. (I can't imagine he could capture such a perfectly creepy laugh on paper.)