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Doctor Who REACTION! 2x2 "Tooth and Claw"


Alec Campo

This was the first episode of season 2 that REALLY made me love the Tenth Doctor and Rose together. They definitely did a better job with this than New Earth (which was meant to be a more comedy episode). The next few episodes are all great! There are a couple of stinkers near the end of the season, but overall the production value and pacing is much better in this series (:

Shawn Lester

Torchwood (an anagram of "Doctor Who") is really a good show and if there's ANY way you can look at it, you should try it. It's geared towards a more adult demographic, where Doctor Who is aimed at children and families. So much so that crossovers can only happen one way. Characters from TW could potentially appear on Doctor Who, but BBC wouldn't dare allow the Doctor to visit Torchwood. Too much of a risk he'd bring his young viewers with him ;)