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Ascending the headmaster's tower, Bruce is on his way to get his first lesson from Albus Dumbledore.

After some quick hellos, Bruce used the time turner and appeared five hours in the past. His teacher wasn’t in the room this time so Bruce began to snoop around.

After a few minutes of perusing the bookshelves and other things, Professor McGonagall arrived and was surprised to see Bruce alone in the Headmaster's office.

“Mr. Wayne, is there a reason you’ve somehow snuck into the Headmaster's office?” She asks suspiciously.

It’s a Saturday so there are no classes for his past self to be in. Thinking of how his teacher may not be allowed to give him access to the time turner, Bruce keeps it tucked under his shirt.

“I’m waiting for the Headmaster. He knows I’m here.” Bruce says with a shrug.

“I see, then you won’t mind if I wait as well?” She asks but he knows that wasn’t a question.

“Sure, I wanted to talk to you anyway.” Bruce says as he takes a seat in the Headmasters chair. “Have a seat.”

Seeing Bruce at the Headmaster's desk, Minerva couldn’t stop a frown of displeasure from showing on her face. Even though she wasn’t very happy, she knew that Albus wouldn’t mind one bit. That’s just the type of person their Headmaster is, so she simply took his offer and sat across from him.

“I found out from the Headmaster that you’re my magical guardian.” Bruce reveals.

“Yes, I am. Do you have questions regarding the guardianship?” She asks.

“Yeah, I plan to open a vault at Gringotts and possibly start or invest in some businesses in the Wizarding side of the world. I just want to know if I need you for any of that?” Bruce asks, knowing how guardianships in the muggle world work.

“Hmm, you would need me to sign the papers alongside you. Though, I don’t think you should be worrying about these things. You should be focusing on your education.” Minerva says in a lecturing tone.

“I agree but I believe that I can juggle both. So far, every class has been rather easy. Excluding DADA but that’s not my fault.” Bruce adds with an annoyed sigh.

“What do you mean by that?” She asks curiously.

“Well, Professor Quirrell is a stuttering and mumbling mess. The only challenge in that class is understanding a word out of his mouth. Thankfully, I’ve memorized the textbook and plan to practice on my own. Otherwise, I may actually fail that class. I just feel bad for the other students because if I’m having trouble, then they’re probably struggling.” Bruce explains.

“I see, he wasn’t always like this. He was apparently traumatized over the summer. Something about a Romanian vampire coven.” Minerva explains as her hand moves to her chin in contemplation. “I’ll call a meeting with Professor Quirrell. If his new impairment is affecting his teaching ability, then we may have to find a replacement.”

Knowing that the whole impairment is fake, Bruce speculates that Quirrell would ‘fix’ his speech impediment. His master, Voldemort, has plans in Hogwarts after all.

“Sure, whatever gets the class back on track.” Bruce says with a shrug. “Now, If I bring you the papers for my investments and such, would you sign them, or am I wasting my time?”

“Sigh, I have no problem with signing them, but the second any of these side projects cause your grades to fall, I won’t be signing anything anymore.” She agrees.

“That’s fine with me. I don’t plan on my grades lowing. In fact, I’ve been thinking of skipping grades.” Bruce reveals.

“Oh, that’s the first I’ve heard of this!” A familiar voice sounds from behind Professor McGonagall.

“Hello, Headmaster. You’re late.” Bruce says and scratches his chest near where the time turner was hidden under his shirt.

“Ah, my apologies.” Albus picks up on Bruce’s hint instantly and takes a seat beside Minerva with a tired sigh. “Some of the Slytherin parents called the Wizengamot into session and tried to get our new rules and regulations revoked. Luckily, Hogwarts has autonomy from the government, so it was nothing more than a bunch of overgrown children complaining.”

“Albus, not in front of a student!” Minerva reprimands him for talking so openly in front of Bruce.

“Don’t worry about Bruce, Minerva. I’ve taken him as my student.” He says, shocking Minerva.

Many have wanted to study under the great Albus Dumbledore, but everyone from geniuses to hard workers has been declined without a second thought.

“Now, what is this I heard about my young pupil wanting to skip grades?” Albus turns the conversation back towards Bruce.

“Well, Hogwarts has just been a little too easy.” Bruce explains.

“That’s commendable but...” Minerva says but Bruce stops her with a raised hand.

“I know what you’re going to say. The school year just started and I should wait and see how things go.” Bruce says in a stern McGonagall-like impression. “I get that but I’m bored. I have to spend hours in classes that so far have been mind-numbing boring. I’ve memorized every first-year textbook and many of the spells that haven’t been taught in class yet.”

“...” Minerva was speechless.

“You want more of a challenge, eh?” Albus says with a reminiscent smile.

He was the same in his schooling. Dying of boredom in classes while waiting for his own far more challenging self-study to begin.

“Yes, and I’m sure our lessons will be challenging, but you have to remember that the other half of my day is spent in classes with a much lower bar. A bar that I’m already exceeding and will continue to surpass.” Bruce explains.

“Okay, I agree.” Albus nods along with a reluctant but agreeable McGonagall. “Though, I’m not sure how to go about this...”

After a moment of thoughtful silence, Minerva was the first to speak up.

“We could have each Professor put together a series of tests. If Bruce can pass them with flying colors, then he can be moved into the second-year classes.” She explains.

“I think that’s the first time you’ve called me Bruce instead of Mr. Wayne.” Bruce says as he wipes a nonexistent tear from his eye.

“Very funny, Mr. Wayne.” Minerva scoffs and rolls her eyes.

“I just ruined it, didn’t I?” Bruce remarks.

“Yes, I believe so.” Albus says with a small chuckle. “Though the idea is good. I’ll call a staff meeting and get things rolling.”

“Sounds good to me. Just give me about a month to master everything and I’ll take the tests.” Bruce agrees as Minerva stands from her seat.

“I’ll leave you two to your lesson. I have some paperwork to finish.” She says and curtly leaves the office.

“Is she always like that?” Bruce asks.

“Ever since she was a student.” Albus nods and pulls a box out of his wizard's sleeve. “Now, it’s time to start your first lesson.”

A/N: Second chapter will be out soon. Starting it now.


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