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Leaving the Headmasters tower, Bruce looked down at the new bracelet on his wrist.


Taking a square box from his wizard sleeve, Dumbledore hands it to Bruce, who takes it with a questioning look.

“What’s this?” Bruce asks.

“A present from teacher to student.” Albus says with a smile. “Open it up.”

“Okay...” Bruce mutters as he opens the lid and sees a silver bracelet with different kinds of runes inscribed all over it.

“These runes look familiar.” Bruce remarks as he inspects the bracelet.

“They should. Many of them were in the books you read in the past week.” Albus says.

“Cool...” Bruce mutters as he takes it out of the box. “What does it do?”

“It’s a foci similar to your wand but a little different. Wands are the best foci you can get, while this bracelet is one of the worst.” Albus explains.

“Great, thanks for the horrible foci, I guess?” Bruce says in confusion.

“You’re most welcome.” Albus says with a knowing smile.

“Okay, what’s this really for?” Bruce asks while holding up the bracelet.

“When I was younger, my first wand was destroyed. I had to use a horrible foci until I got a replacement. It wasn’t as bad as the bracelet but it wasn’t great either.” Albus says with a far-off reminiscent look.

“Okay, so it’s a right of passage or something?” Bruce infers.

“No, I wouldn’t put you through that without reason.” Albus shakes his head. “It just so happened that after using the bad foci for a while, I found that it was easier to practice wandless magic.”

As he says this, Dumbledore waves his empty hand and the objects in the room come alive and begin to dance.

‘Transfiguration...’ Bruce thought as he saw the objects dance and move as if they were in a Disney movie.

With another wave, the objects returned to normal.

“After you’ve mastered using magic with the bracelet, we can move on to true foci-less magic. Though that would take some time. It’s not easy to use a, for lack of a better term, sh*tty foci, and it’s certainly not any easier to use magic without any foci whatsoever.” Albus explains with a smile.

-Flashback End-

It would take time for Bruce to master his new foci, not to mention the time it would take to learn wandless magic after that. This would be a long-term kind of practice that he may not fully master for at least a few years.

This is why his teacher wanted to start this as early as possible, and Bruce certainly appreciated that.

After getting his new foci, Albus gave Bruce a lecture on magic theory that was far more in-depth than any book he’s read on the subject.

Once that was finished, he gave Bruce some pointers on the spells he hasn’t learned or mastered yet and the five-hour lesson came to an end.

Later that night, Bruce returns to the common room, where Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Ron were talking in hushed whispers.

“What do they think they're doing?? Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school.” Ron asks with a scared look on his face.

“You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?” Hermione looks at Ron as if he were an idiot.

“To be fair It was hard to look anywhere else but its three giant heads.” Neville is scared as well but he tries to stop the argument before it starts.

“It was standing on a trap door. Which means it wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something.” Hermione explains.

“Guarding something?” Bruce asks, making himself known.

“That's right!” She answers and freezes as she turns to see Bruce standing nearby. “H-Hey, Bruce.”

“Hello, it sounds like you guys had an adventure, so what’s this I hear about a giant three-headed thing guarding a trap door?” Bruce asks.

After a long conversation about how they accidentally found Fluffy the giant three-headed Cerberus-like dog, Bruce told them to stay away from the corridor and went off to bed.

Ron was pissed as he wanted to figure out what was going on, but everyone else understood that it wasn’t their business and they were already warned to stay away.

-Time Skip-

As the days turned to weeks and the weeks turned into months, the Hogwarts school year began to fly by.

After speaking to Professor McGonagall, DADA became a much more understandable class. Professor Quirrell faked a sort of recovery and began to speak normally in class again. He threw in a few stutters here and there so as not to cause suspicion, but other than that he was perfectly understandable now.

A month after that was taken care of, Bruce took his tests and was moved up to second-year classes. This shocked his fellow first years as well as the second years who he ended up joining.

Even in second-year classes, Bruce is still at the top of his class. He asked once again if he could move up a grade, but the Headmaster refused him. Something about needing to take things slow and enjoy his schooling, rather than blow through half of it in a single year.

This didn’t perturb Bruce though. He still needed to spend some time in school to learn from Dumbledore and loot the Room Of Requirement.

Speaking of the room of requirement, Bruce made his first trip there after getting settled into his second-year classes.


Arriving in front of the hidden entrance opposite the tapestry depicting Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls ballet, Bruce walks past it three times while thinking of a storage room filled with useful things.

That way useless things like clothes, random objects, garbage, and other nonsense would be weeded out. He didn’t have the time or patience to sort through everything anyway. Especially when he could have the room do it for him.

After his third pass of the entrance, a door appears and Bruce swiftly enters before anyone stumbles upon the area.

As he closes the door behind him, it disappears from the empty hallway wall as if it were never there in the first place.

Inside the room, Bruce is met with a gigantic storage room, but one thing certainly caught his eye.

Behind all the shelves and trunks stacked up everywhere around the room, was a large hill or small mountain of gold, jewels, and other shiny treasures.

“Damn, I may be rich but that’s still a sight to behold.”

-Flashback End-


Alex Estrugo

Room of useful things is a way to sort it I don't think Ive seen in another fic