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Time skip - One Week

The days flew by as classes started and Bruce spent his extra time, thanks to the time turner, with Dumbledore studying.

The old wizard said that he would begin to actually teach Bruce himself once he finishes the required books. This was understandable because each book contained a language used in magic, so Bruce would have to learn that before anything else.

He doesn’t have to master these languages, as one week isn’t nearly enough for that, but he would have to get a base level knowledge of them.

On Tuesday, Bruce had history of magic and charms. History was boring beyond belief, but not for the reasons that he thought it would be. It turned out that having a ghost as a teacher was interesting and Professor Binns was a fairly good teacher.

‘I can see why Albus hasn’t had him replaced by a living teacher.’ Bruce thought with an approving nod.

It’s too bad that Bruce has already read and memorized the textbook, so the class was just repeating things he already knew, so he took this time to sleep in class.

Professor Binns didn’t seem to mind as many students apparently do the same. History is just about memorization, so if they take the time to read ahead, the ghostly teacher doesn’t mind them using his class as a rest stop.

As for Charms, Professor Flitwick, the short dwarf-like man, was a very good and engaging teacher.

Charms are basically enchantment-type spells that add certain properties to an object or individual. This was the first class that which the students needed to use their wands for every aspect.

Bruce seemed to become Professor Flitwick's star student, as he already knew a handful of charms and for those he didn’t, he learned almost instantly.

Wednesday was Flying, Transfiguration, and Astronomy, which took place at around midnight so they could see the stars, ruining all these children’s sleep schedules.

‘I’m surprised they haven’t found some magical way to see the sky as if it were night during the day.’ Brice thought as he remembered the Great Hall's ceiling.

Transfiguration was taught by Bruce’s head of house, Professor McGonagall. She was a very strict teacher, but a good one nonetheless.

Just like in the movie, she waited for her students in her cat Animagus form. She wanted to surprise them and show what could be achieved through hard work.

Sadly, that was ruined by Bruce, who sat next to her and rubbed her furry body like a common house pet. What made it worse was he refused to stop, which made it harder and harder for Professor McGonagall to reveal herself.

Eventually, she had to run out of the class and return in her human form, not daring to reveal that she was the cat only moments ago.

Transfiguration itself is a tricky art. This subject, unlike Charms, focuses on changing the form and appearance of an object.

Although this was a harder form of magic to learn, Bruce managed to stand out above the rest, followed by everyone from his study group.

Astronomy wasn’t worth mentioning, but Flying class was fairly interesting. Everything happened similarly to the movie, except for a few changes.

When Neville lost control of his broom and fell, Bruce managed to transfigure the ground below into a thick springy mattress, saving the boy from breaking any bones.

Everyone in the class, including the teacher, looked over at Bruce with impressed and shocked faces. They could barely turn a match into a needle and here Bruce was, turning some dirt and grass into a large bed.

Not to mention the reflexes and quick thinking Bruce had, as even the teacher, Madam Hooch, couldn’t act quick enough to do anything.

After he was checked for any injuries, Neville's broom was found to be cracked, which was probably what caused the whole malfunction in the first place.

This leads to Professor Hooch leaving to get another broom and Draco to begin his villainous efforts, stealing Neville's fallen rememberall.

Sadly for him, once he flew off after refusing to give it back, Harry didn’t follow. Bruce held his shoulder and shook his head.

“It’s just an object. We can buy another and once Madam Hooch comes back, we can ask her to get it back.” Bruce explained.

“Yeah, don’t go. He’s trying to bait you into getting into trouble.” Hermione agrees and Neville nods behind her as well, though he was worried as the rememberall was a gift from his grandmother.

Though they weren’t the only hot-blooded Gryffindors in the class.

Ronald Weasley, being the act first think later type, rushes onto his broom and chases after Draco, who is floating in the air as he admires his spoils.

A chase began and ended with Ron falling off his broom and taking Neville's spot in the nurse's office that day. He was too far for Bruce to save him as he did with Neville.

Although, something good did come from this scenario.

After a few days as a failed student and being ignored by his housemates for constantly losing them points, Ron finally broke and asked to study and hang out with them again. It took all of that and some broken bones to get Ron to finally see that it was time to take his schooling a bit more seriously.

Bruce would give him a chance and see how it goes, but he wasn’t holding his breath. If he turns himself around, good. If not, then Bruce and everyone else will at least be able to say they tried.

Though, Ron and Draco did get a few days of detention for breaking school rules. Draco got about double the time for stealing.

Luckily, Nevilles rememberall was returned to him undamaged.

The next day was Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) and History once again.

DADA was horrible.

It seemed like Voldemort planned to teach as little as possible in the most boring and unintelligible way he could. Probably in hopes of ruining the student's future ability to resist his uprising.

Professor Quirrell stuttered and mumbled more than half the time and when they could understand what was said, it was all useless information.

Friday was Astronomy and charms again, which marked the end of Bruce’s first week of classes, and it was on this day that he finished the last assigned book in Dumbledore’s office.


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