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“Tell me, Mr. Weasley, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?” Snape asked Ron, who stood frozen in the class's doorway.

Hermione, Harry, and Neville all raised their hands instantly. They’ve been studying this for the past two days, so anything the professor could ask is fresh in their minds.

Bruce isn’t the type to be over eager about something like this. If he’s called on, he’ll answer correctly. Though he understands his friends eagerness to show off the knowledge they honed for the past two days.

They also wanted to help out Ron. He may not be as close to them anymore, but he was still a fellow Gryffindor, so they would try.

Sadly for him, Professor Snape completely ignores them, focusing all of his attention on Ron. Though he was surprised to see Harry Potter raise his hand to answer the question.

“You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Weasley, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?” Snape asks another question.

Once again the trio's hands go up, and Bruce wonders if Ron is still muted by his silencing spell? It doesn’t matter either way though. Ron wouldn’t be able to answer any of these questions anyway.

“I don't know.” Ron says with a shrug, proving he either un-silenced himself or asked someone else for help.

“And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?” Snape asks again and Ron simply shrugs.

“Pity. Clearly, you haven’t opened the textbook. For being unprepared and tardy, I’ll be taking 30 points from Gryffindor.” Snape says, causing Draco and the other Slytherins to smirk and snicker. “Take a seat.”

Hearing the invitation, Ron sullenly and embarrassedly walks to an open seat one row behind Bruce’s group.

“You, Frizzy hair. Answer the first question.” Snape points to Hermione.

“Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion known as the Draught of Living Death.” Hermione lowers her hand and answers seamlessly.

Without saying a word, Severus changes his target and points to Neville.

“U-Umm, a bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat. I-It will save you from most poisons.” He answers nervously.

“Mr, Potter, our new celebrity... Care to answer the last one?” Snape says condescendingly, as if Harry wouldn’t know or answer wrongly.

“Yes, sir. Monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite.” Harry answered correctly, slightly surprising Severus, who thought Harry would be a slacker like his father.

‘Maybe the boy takes more after Lily...’ Severus thought.

“Well?” Professor Snape barks angrily toward Ron and the rest of the class. ”Why aren't you all copying this down?”

The students obey quickly and start to write down some notes. Snape returns to his desk and dips his quill into some ink.

“It seems not all Gryffindors arrived late and unprepared for today’s class. Gryffindors, note that five points will be given to your house.” Snape says reluctantly and starts writing again.

‘This f*cker took 30 points for one idiot and only gave 5 points for three perfect answers. If these points actually mattered, I would be pissed...’ Bruce thought as he saw some upset Gryffindors, who didn’t understand how useless the points were.

They weren’t just upset with Snape either. Ron was set in their crosshairs as well. They didn’t expect him to study before class, because many of them didn’t know the answers either, but how hard is it to show up on time for class?


After Potions class, many of the Gryffindors began giving Ron the cold shoulder, which Bruce’s group noticed fairly easily.

“Should we talk to him?” Neville asks.

“No, let's wait for him to come to us. He needs to learn his lesson. As much as we would all love to slack off and play around all day, we have classes and responsibilities to worry about.” Bruce says, receiving some reluctant nods from everyone. “We can link up with him soon, but it will be better for him if he’s the one to start that conversation.”

Everyone agreed and the group made their way to the next class, Herbology, leaving an isolated Ronald Weasley behind.

‘Maybe I should have studied with Bruce and them...’ Ron thought as he watched his classmates ignore him and leave the classroom.

Surprisingly, although they’d spent less time on Herbology in their study group, Neville was extremely gifted in the subject and instantly became Professor Sprout's favorite student.

After that class, Bruce ate lunch with everyone and said his goodbyes, leaving to the Headmasters office to use the time turner for the first time.

Turning the hourglass five times with a nervous expression, Bruce felt disoriented for a moment and appeared before the past version of Albus.

The old man was opening letters, and many of them contained howlers from parents who didn’t agree with some of the rule changes, or found out their children have already been punished for one reason or another.

Dumbledore looked exhausted, showing just how much of this he’s probably had to deal with before Bruce’s arrival.

“Unhappy parents?” Bruce asks, breaking his teacher from his gloomy state.

“Yes, they think I’m ruining tradition or some other nonsense.” He answers as he sees the time turner around Bruce’s neck and checks the nearby clock with a nod. “So, how was your first day of classes?”

“It was fine, Harry seems to have made a good impression on Professor Snape, who seems to have some weird hate for the boy.” Bruce says and Albus simply smiles without elaborating. ”which book should I start with today?”

“Hmm, this one.” Albus hands him a book titled ‘Coptic Runes & their use in Rituals’.

“Alright, at least this one seems interesting...” Bruce says and takes a seat across from his teacher, who goes back to dealing with the angry letters.


Like this, the school year officially begins and Bruce has many ideas for his magical growth. These ideas only grow with every book he reads or class he attends.

‘I should go to the Room Of Requirement soon...’ Bruce thought, as he has so much to test and gain from that room.

Just thinking of the knowledge and treasures hidden inside causes him to vibrate with excitement.


Class Schedule:

Monday: Potions & Herbology.

Tuesday: History of Magic & Charms.

Wednesday: Flying, Transfiguration & Astronomy.

Thursday: Defense Against the Dark Arts & History of Magic.

Friday: Astronomy & Charms.

A/N: starting second chapter soon. It’ll be out in a couple hours.


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