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My website is up and ready for viewing! 

Erotibotica.com is where I’ll be posting my comics from now on. As a patron you may not have much incentive to use the site for updates as you'll continue to receive new pages early through Patreon, but the site can be used for easy reading as the pages come out. Plus there is a comment feature in case you feel like interacting with the masses.

See you there!




Very cool site's looking good


Looks good... But have u tought in a responsive website for mobile access?!


My knowledge and experience in building websites is very limited, but I tested the site on a couple of my mobile devices and it looked good and formatted to the width the center column for easy reading. I'm not certain I need to do more than that at this moment, but if you have any suggestions I'm all ears.


Oh NICE! Congrats on the launch of the site and the name made me laugh because it's HELLA poignant. Erotibotica ha ha. It's perfect and the site looks great, by the way.


Hahaha, yeah I had that name stuck in my head for a while. Think I bought the domain like 6 months ago.


Congratulations of the launch of your site! Keep up the great work :)


Congrats on the launch, it really looks nice!!!