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Hey all,

So firstly I just want to apologize for the brief period of down time since the last update. I’ve been developing a website for the comic and that's been distracting me from work but the good news is it’s mostly done and should be up soon.

Anyways, that aside I’ve been thinking about branching out a little and experimenting with different types of content for the future (either for the $10 tier but also maybe for some illustrations). I realized I have a lot of interests and fetishes, but I’ve rarely indulged some of them in the past.

Some of the things I’m interested in include (but aren’t limited to): femboys and male characters, lesbians, bondage, size difference, light furry stuff (nothing different than what I’ve done before), muscle girls, monster girls, and more…  

Nothing too crazy really, and there are still some areas I won't go (like violent stuff or drawing characters who appear underage), but I wanted to get your take on this. Obviously I’m inclined to do as I please, but you are here to support me (and for those of you in the $10 tier the extra content is a part of your reward), so I’m interested in knowing how you feel…. that's why I put up this poll! You are not voting for anything per-se as this is not a decision, but your feedback definitely helps me get an understanding of what the audience wants. Feel free to vote honestly here, I won’t know who votes for what anyway.

See you again shortly!



Quick question will there more than just chapter 2 of the comic or will it end there? If it continue these things you want to branch out to will it slow down the current rate the pages are coming out?


There will be at least 3 chapters - maybe 4. And no, this doesn't change the rate at which pages are made. This has more to do with the stuff I wanna create in-between. Sketches, bonus images, and illustrations. I think I'm basically just trying to figure out if people are *uncomfortable* with me branching out a little here and there. That's all.


Honestly while I don't really prefer the monster or furry stuff it does make me take a step back and view it as art instead of something that's just visually pleasing to look at. It's actually really interesting to see and is enjoyable in another perspective. You do you.


I'm not a fan of furry stuff, giantess, musclegirls, but I'd like to see how you approach those themes. Your style is very nice and it would be interesting to see it in something else. Although I would like you to be able to add those themes in your comics. I really love your comics!


Well, I'm not too fond of furry, monster or otokonoko but I like the other subject you mentioned so, it's a bring it on I think :p


As long as it's not violent, you do you 💖 ... Lol (but what's cuter than a couple lesbians 😉😉😉 a couple lesbeans sucking girl dick ò v ó)


I have a wide range of fetishes myself, so while I am perfectly happy with your current offering, I'll welcome it all with open arms! I would be very interested in seeing you tackle monster girls. They allow for unlimited potential in creativity!


Hit me with your best tied-up muscle-bound tinygirl/bigboy skunk-cryptid shot!


100% down for you to do whatever! All of the listed ones sound great, even if I don't look at them much personally I can imagine I'll be A-OK with whatever you create!


femboys and male characters, muscle girls, bondage - NO lesbians, monster girls, and more… - YES size difference, light furry stuff (nothing different than what I’ve done before) - MAYBE (my opinions on content)


I'm completely on board with the things you presented in the post. "The more the merrier" as they say. You always do fantastic and fun things with your work, man, and I'm all the more interested if you have a hankerin' to try some different things. By all means! Nothing you've listed is outside of my personal scope of interest, so here's a whole "Aye" vote from this one, for sure. By the way, thanks for always communicating the way you do with us Patrons. It's awesome and refreshing; it's a lot of hard work, I know, but you do a great job and make it a pleasure to support you. Stay awesome, Erotibot.


femboys are good too O3O bring on the cute trap cocks~! \o/


That's honestly how I feel about most things in general. I'm so interested in adult art and sexuality as a subject that even if it isn't my bag I'll still likely find it interesting one way or another. Glad you feel the same way.


Thanks. Ultimately anything I do will still be done in my style with my own sensibilities... as for adding those things to my comics, I dunno yet! Depends on the story really, but it's fun to think of the possibilities.


Cool! Thanks for the input. Just to clarify this is just me feeling things out a little. No guarantee that I will or will not indulge in any of these. I just don't want anyone to be spooked if I throw a curve ball once in a while.


Thank you for your honest reply! I appreciate you telling me how you feel. Honestly there is no way to control what types of content we're attracted to and what we're not. To be honest with you in return I've been feeling the need to indulge in some of my own fringe interests. I'll likely draw one or two of the things on your no list, but it's not likely to be that often, nor will it prevent me from drawing the sexy ladies I always do or anything else. Thanks so much for your support, I'm glad to have you here!


Honestly I worry that I don't communicate enough. Sometimes I start to fret when I haven't posted anything for more than a few days, but all of you have been so supportive and accommodating of me I honestly don't know how to express my gratitude. All I can say is I have a lot of fun interacting with you here and it's my pleasure to reply to you whenever I can. Thanks so much for your support and engagement!


Eheheheheheheeeeee... it's a weird fetish for me in that I *really* like women, but get *slightly* confused when a cute boy who looks like a woman wears a negligee. Oh noo!! What do I do?!?!


IMO, do what you want, and I can skip what doesn't interest me...but I definitely want to see you do femboys. :3


I've had this request from many people now... and I'm way overdue to give it a shot.

Todd Whitesel

I say go crazy and give us a little squick risk now and then, it'll be good for us. Even the stuff I am not normally into should be interesting in your style because of the authentic energy that you give your characters by putting them into all sorts of wacky situations :3


Can you draw video game characters or anime characters styled in your artwork kind so it gives them a new view of perspective of what they would look like with your signature art style....like that one you did of Fio I think it was for Metal Slug........ Actually with your art style, I wouldn't mind seeing an animated cartoon of a show in that kind of style!