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In this zip:

  • Layered PSD and CLIP files

  • Time-lapse video (unfortunately it only started recording after I started inking, but it still has some good material)

  • all 5 preliminary sketches

I don't usually take commissions or collabs right now, but I did do 2 side-collab things in recent months. First was a Wyit crossover with Rusty Cage who's legendary tunes you may know (unfortunately that got postponed due to mishaps on my end, so it'll appear in his next book), and the other was this pinup for Jonathan Pageau's book 'God's Dog'

You can check out his book for more info or read up on the Wikipedia lore, but basically St. Christopher is often depicted in Orthodox iconography as a canine-headed barbarian (cynocephalus) in Eastern Roman imperial uniform. Jonathan asked if I'd like to do a drawing of St. Christopher, who's used as the main character in his book, and since this was such a golden opportunity to do my own spin on the subject matter (while doing an homage to my Redwall, Narnia, and Secret of NIMH "animals with swords" source inspiration) I simply couldn't pass it up. 

Somehow this ended up being my most popular image ever on Instagram. About time my page there started getting some traffic. 

Anyways, hope these layered files and sketches are helpful for the artists out there, or simply of interest as behind-the-scenes material for everyone else. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments and I'll answer in depth!

Will have another December post for you all, probably towards the very end of the month. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas until then!




Incredibly cool to see your process with this. Yeah, that final image is strikingly amazing, I can see why it got the traffic it did. Subject matter is right up my alley as well 😉.


Yeah, I'm trying to bridge that gap between Narnia/CS Lewis and... Whatever my niche genre is. Glad you dig it!