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Hey everyone, hope you all had a fine November (and a Happy Thanksgiving if you're in the US).


Not all of you are social media users (probably a wise decision!) so if you missed the news, I am now selling art prints through my new INPRNT gallery. These are insanely high-quality, I was honestly blown away by the samples I inspected before publicly launching the store. INPRNT ran a sitewide Black Friday 15% off discount, but I've manually set an extended-period discount for all my paywall champs here. Use code "2PNGP9L" for 15% off, expires Dec 30th.

Major thanks
to everyone who's bought prints already or even just shared the store link on social media, it helps me out a lot. I'll add some more artwork over time, but if there's any pieces of mine you'd like as a print but don't see on sale, just ask and I'll do my best to provide it!


Here's the solid numbers. Out of 210 pages total, we have:

  • 162 inked
  • 75 lettered
  • 19 fully colored
  • front cover art fully inked
  • 1 Foreign-language translation agreement secured, a second one is in talks (I'll reveal more on this closer to launch time)
  • IndieGoGo crowdfund launch - aiming for Spring 2022.

I know I've been hovering around "160-ish pages inked so far" for a while. There's a few reasons for this, first off being that I took a lot of time recently to color and letter a bunch of previously inked pages, so that meant the 160ish figure wasn't moving much since I was finishing the colors and lettering for a lot of them. The coloring was easy, whereas lettering took longer than expected until I devised a more streamlined process for it in the final half or so.

Secondly, I've been having to help my father with a lawsuit he's been stuck in for the past 2 years. I can't go greatly into detail, but it involves our water rights being violated, which deprived his farm of enough water to cause major crop damages for multiple years. It threatens our livelihood.

Originally this was supposed to be settled mid-2020, but Coronavirus hit and caused the courts to shut down for months, which invited other compounding factors into the case. Until about 5 or 6 months ago he was able to handle it himself, but his health started taking a downturn from the stress he's been under. So I've been stepping in to handle some of the data-entry and evidence-gathering things, and additional random farm tasks so he can focus with his legal team and not get bogged down in daily minutia. If he wins the case, he keeps his farm, and I can keep living here.

This disrupts my workflow, often unpredictably and on short notice. He totally understands how critical this book is for my longterm stability, so he wouldn't be asking for this much help from me unless it was direly urgent.

Since this all sounds like downer news, let me be clear that this is NOT stopping the book. It's a lot of stress and chaos, but Wyit is something that's very helpful and de-stressing to work on, so I put as much of my at-home-time into it as I can, both so I can get it done, and also because it honestly helps me deal with this rough patch.

No idea when the case will be over, but my dad does seem optimistic that one of the main chunks will be settled in Dec or Jan, which would mean fewer demands on us both while the other smaller points are dealt with in court.

So, I am more stressed out, but not discouraged at all, and none of you should be worried about me or the book's progress.  

Over 80% of the book is already done. The final chapter I'm inking is the best work I've EVER drawn. The coloring stage will be EASY based off how quickly I was able to color those first 19 pages (about 2-4hrs each). I'm in good health, and have zero doubts about Wyit's success. I've been through way, WAY worse times.

Aside from 1 recently finished co-promotion collab with Jonathan Pageau, I've postponed all my previously planned collabs with other comic artists so I can be as freed up as possible for Wyit, and won't be taking anymore. Sucks, but, it's pointless to do those co-promotions if my book isn't out in a timely manner to promote it in the first place.

It's been a frustratingly slow half-year for me and those who wanna read the book, but I can't emphasize enough how thankful I am for all of your support and for being a part of this journey with me. I'm still happy as ever to keep working on this and get it done, but I thought you all needed an update since it's been a while.

OKAY so you got through all that, check out the Attachments to this post for the hi-res images, time-lapse video and layered PSD+CLIP files for this lil Wyit drawing. 

That's a wrap for November! If anyone's got more specific questions at all, just lemme know. Getting back to work on the book now, but I'll see you at the next update in December with some figure drawings.




This is going to be a hit when it’s released, there’s nothing out there with the same combination of genres, killer art, and story. Take all the time you need to do it right, this thing will SELL. Wishing you all the best with the farm and legal woes, that stuff sounds incredibly exhausting and all consuming. Take care man!