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Hey everyone, thanks for another excellent year of support. I know 2021 has taken a beating on almost everyone (financially, health-wise, and emotionally), so it means a lot to me that you've all continued supporting my comic work through it all, despite delays on my end.

Just to show how much of a difference your pledges make, I recently got actual high-speed Starlink internet out here in the wilderness and canceled the unstable cellular modem plan I've been on all this time. Had it not been for the support I've had from all of you, it'd have been extremely hard to afford the ISP hardware and monthly subscription costs.

Incremental improvements to my studio/living situation like that help me waste less time fussing with tech issues, meaning more time I can just get to work. So I'm looking forward to smashing past the final barricades with you all, to finishing this book in the New Year... And announcing what's next.

Anyways, here's some more sketches from the figure drawing sessions. How are you all liking the flat greyscale toning for these? I wanted to make these a little more interesting/readable at small sizes than a pure line sketch on blank white, so let me know if it works or not to your eyes.

As always, feel free to use any of these poses for your own drawings if you find em useful!



David Lillie

They grayscaling tones are great- they make the poses pop for the eye much easier, love it.

Rocky Starr

Your figure sketches are always so inspiring, I gotta draw some Wyit fan art!