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Several days had passed since then and the security of the camp had increased thanks to Lilith easily making her way into the commander’s tent.

The security especially increased around the three of us. This was either to protect us, or make sure that we wouldn’t try to run. Though there was nowhere for us to go.

Ever since a few days ago the commander has been sending and receiving letters through carrier birds. I never could see what was written on them, but he had a pained look across his face when he looked at me.

Sara on the other hand was the exact opposite. Whenever she saw me, Tully, or Sola her face would instantly brighten up. She played with Tully and Sola, while she feed me and told me stories. It was actually a fun several days, despite what had happened.

I did my best to try and not think about it, but it was hard. There were a few nights when I woke up screaming because I couldn’t handle it. She would show up in my dreams, bleeding out, begging me to save her.

Sara, Tully and Sola, always managed to calm me, down, but I knew that I would have these dreams for a while.

Unfortunately for me, it was time to say goodbye to Sara. Today we had finally made our way into the capital city of the Empire.

It was an understatement to call it amazing. Everything looked like it was sparkling. The people were dressed in fancy clothes, the streets were full pave and clean. Multiple shops and homes littered the streets. And it didn’t even look like there was a single homeless person. This place was better than the area I grew up in on Earth.

I was the only one stunned, but so were Sola and Tully. This place was something that goblins could only dream of seeing. Sara had to make sure to hold there hands, while I was seated in the basket on the side of her horse.

The people were even lined up and cheering for all the soldiers that had returned. This place was almost a paradise…almost. Everyone here hated the mere existence of monsters and the ones that they hated the most were goblins. They hated them so much that they would attack their villages without just cause. It didn’t matter to them, so long as the threat was gone. Hopefully we wouldn’t have to stay in this place for long.

“Look we’re finally here, you’re new home,” Sara said, as we started to get closer to a giant white mansion! We were told that the orphanage was big, but this was just ridiculous!

“Greeting, Lord of the North, Sir Vst,” an elven man who appeared to be in his forties said, bowing before the commander. “Thank you in advance for letting us know that you were coming. Shall I have the children come out and met you?”

“There is no need to bother,” the commander said to the man, who looked oddly relieved to hear that, though since my angle was awkward there was no telling if I was just seeing things. “As I told you in my letter, I have found three elven girls that were kidnapped by goblins. I would like them to have raised here for the time being.”

“Most certainly my Lord,” the man said in a creepy manner. Something didn’t seem quite right about him, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. “I shall make sure that these three are well taken care of~.”

“Very good,” the commander said, pleased with him. “Alright girls this will be your new home. I promise that there is nothing to fear and that you will be safe here.

“D-do we really have to?” Tully asked, figuring out that something about that man didn’t feel right.

“It will be alright,” he said kneeling down in front of her. “This orphanage has been in my care for many years now and I can promise that you’ll be safe.

“Al-alright,” Tully said walking over to the elven man.

“Why can’t we stay with you?” Sola asked. During our trip her she had actually become very attached to Sara.

“I’m sorry sweety, but I don’t have what it takes to raise an adorable little girl like you, but I promise that I will visit whenever I can,” Sara said back to her, sounding a tad bit heartbroken. I was heartbroken to see her go as well. Compared to the other soldiers, she was different. She never saw us as burdens.

“You promised, that means that you have to come back!” Sola said to her, before running over to Tully.

“Alright little one it is time for you to go for now,” the commander said picking me up from the basket. His words sounded a bit strange to me. “Please make sure to take extra care of this one.”

“With pleasure,” the elven man said to him, as the commander placed me into his arms which were unpleasant to the touch. His hands were ice cold, and they made my skin crawl, it didn’t like it.

“Nnnnnnghhh!” I moaned in discomfort as the commander and Sara left. There was a part of me that didn’t want to see them go, but there was nothing I could do to stop them.

“Is this really being new home?” Sola asked him, distracting him from my moaning.

“Why of course it is~,” the man said back to her. There was a smile spread across his face, but his eyes were dark. It was almost as if he was looking down on us. “Come, I’m sure that the other children will be most happy to see you.”

The elven man brought us inside to mansion. Through what until recently looked big and beautiful, now felt small and filled with dread.

“Here we are, children come meet your new siblings,” the man said as we entered. “They will be living with us from now on. Please take extra care of them.”

The front lobby was filled with small human children, the oldest looking no more than twelve or thirteen. Each one of them were wearing plain white shirts and pants. Their hair styles were the same and each one of them looked at us with a smile, but there was something more than that. Those were smiles of happiness, they were smiles of obligation. I know, because back in my old world I was forced to smile like this every day or risk losing my job. Their eyes looked lifeless, as if they had no hope left.

“Can you girls show these two to their new rooms?” The man politely asked the two oldest looking girls. “Since this child is still young, I shall keep her with me for now.”

It looked like Sola and Tully wanted to object to leaving me, but their curiosity from being in a new place got the better of them. Though before they left, Sola made sure to tell him that they would be back to see me latter.

“Alright children, now the rest of you go do your chores~,” the man said to them, before walking away from them with me in his arms.

Did I misjudge him? It didn’t look like he was abusing the children. Perhaps I was just being paranoid.

“Here we are,” he said as we entered what looked like an office, but it was clear that he slept here as well. “Sorry about this, but I let the other children have the rest of the room, so it looks like you’ll be stuck with me for a while,” he said to me with a smile on his face. This time it looked less creepy.

I guess I was misjudging him. He didn’t seem like a bad guy. If he was, I doubt that he would be so kind to a baby when he was all alone like this.

“Don’t worry there are a few female workers here that can better suit your needs here, but it’s their day off, so please bear with me for now,” he said, placing me down onto the sofa in the room, before walking over to his desk.

“Phew, I thought that the Lord wanted to come in today,” the man said placing his hands on his ears. “If he had come in the children would have been in danger.”

Hmm? What was he talking about danger?

“Ugh, I do hate these things, they give me such a migraine. I wish that they didn’t force me to wear them all the time. I know I could easily get my job down without them.”

As I watched him talk to himself, I watched in horror as he took off his ears! He was no elf! He was a human!


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