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“Oh Sasuke, it’s time to go~,” she said walking over to his room. His door was closed and when she tried to open it she found that it was locked. “Sasuke please open up, we have to get going,” she said, trying the door one more time, but it was still coked

“One second!” Sasuke yelled frantically from the other side of the door. Orochimaru could hear him moving around a lot from her side of the door. Curious to see what it was she pulled out the key to the bedroom and opened up the door.

“OMG! You’re so cute!” she yelled with joy, seeing that Sasuke was wearing the short dark purple frilly dress that she bought him. He looked as if he was trying to take it off but was having trouble with the zipper in the back.

“S-sh-shut up! I’m not cute!” he yelled at her. Tears of embarrassment started to form in his eyes.

“Aww, it’s alright,” she said kneeling down before him, helping him take off the dress. “You can be whatever you want to be, there is no judgment in this home.”

“But I don’t want to be cute,” Sasuke said to her, as she went into the other bag and pulled out the actual dress clothes that she had prepared for him to wear. “It’s just that-”

“Shh,” she said covering his lips, helping him into his dress clothes. “You have all the time in the world to figure out what you want, just now that I will always be there for you,” she said putting Sasuke at ease.

“Are you sure?” he asked skeptical of her words. He didn’t understand why he put on the dress, it made no sense to him, but he just couldn’t help himself.

“I am,” she said gently to him. “Now, let’s get a move on. We can’t keep Lord Third waiting now can we~?”

“Yeah,” he said, putting on his dress shoes and walking out to the living room with her. “Huh, where did the two men go?” he asked noticing that they were gone.

“Oh, they had to leave for a reason that they didn’t care to share with me,” Orochimaru said, making up a tiny white lie for her son. He didn’t need to know what happened. “Come on, I know the way,” she said holding out her hand, which Sasuke took, to her surprise. It would seem that her willingness to accept him wearing a cute dress put him at ease with her.

Once they left their home it took them around twenty or so minutes to arrive at their destination. As they walked over there were many people that couldn’t help but talk as they walked by.

“Sorry, we’re late,” Orochimaru said, bowing her head in front of the Third Hokage, his son Azuma and his officially adopted grandson Naruto. “I got so caught up with cleaning that I didn’t get ready until really late.”

“It’s fine,” The Third said to her. “Quality cleaning takes time. Please sit down, we just got here ourselves.”

“Thank you,” she said, pulling out a chair for Sasuke to sit down, before sitting down herself.

“As you may know this is my son Azuma, and my grandson Naruto,” he said. “Naruto please say hi to our guests.”

“Wow, your breasts are huge! Are they real?” Naruto asked her.

“Naruto! That is not how you talk to women,” Azuma said, forcing Naruto to bow his head to her.

“Oh, it’s no problem at all,” Orochimaru said to them. “If I remember correctly, you were the same way when you saw Tsunade’s. It would seem that you have matured a bit since those days.”

“I have,” Azuma said to her. “And you have changed as well,” he said implying that Orochimaru used to be a man and a wanted ninja.

“You both have grown up to be fine adults,” The Third said to them. “Though I do believe that we are here to discuss the children. Naruto this is Sasuke and Sasuke this is Naruto.”

“Hi,” Sasuke said to Naruto, not too particularly interested in him.

“Hiya! My name is Naruto! It’s nice to meet you!” Naruto said cheerfully, reaching out his hand over the table to shake Sasuke’s hand.

“Sasuke, be nice,” Orochimaru said to him, encouraging him to take Naruto’s hand. “That’s good, you two are roughly the same age, so it would be best if the two of you get along, now shall we order?” she asked everyone.



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