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“Pfft!” That’s amazing, bingo-bango~!” Asuna said to her. “Kirito will hate to be so willy silly~!”

“Are you sure~?” Silica asked them, now for the first time feeling as if she was the adult of the group.

“Yes, wan,” Sinon said, marking the location on the min-map for them while sending a message to Kirito for them to meet. “This will be great, wan. Now let’s go wan~!”

Sinon led the group over to the secret factory that she found a while back with T1G3R following after them. Once they were there, they found that Kirito was already waiting for them.

“Hey guys I’m sorry about earlier,” Kirito said to them, his bald head reflecting the sun into their eyes. “It was rude of me.”

“It’s fine, wan,” Sinon said back to him. “You were just having fun, wan.”

“…Um what happened to you three while I was gone?” he asked, noticing their ridiculous appearances and trying his best not to laugh at them.

“It was T1G3R again, he’s after you, silly boy~,” Asuna said to him.

“That naughty boy is-”


T1G3R appeared from behind them and shot the three of them once just as Sinon knew he would. This next shot forced her onto all fours. As for Asuna, her clothes were completely transformed into a clown costume. Silica became slightly older, and she became a tad bit more top-heavy~.

“Kirito run into the factory, wan!” Sinon yelled at him. “The secret to winning this unwinnable event is in there, wan!” she cried making up a lie to get him inside.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you down!” Kirito said to his friends before running inside.

“If there is a secret to winning this stupid event it’s mine!” T1G3R yelled chasing after Kirito not noticing that the three girls had sadistic smiles spread across their faces. They had both fallen for it and now it was time to begin the show~.

“Stop right there!” T1G3R yelled catching up to Kirito inside the dark and damp factory. Kirito went in thinking that there was something there that could help his team win and T1G3R chased after him to beat him. Though the two of them soon learned that there was nothing there.

“Huh!? Where the fuck is the things that will let me beat you!?” T1G3R yelled at Kirito.


Before Kirito could answer a loud click echoed across the factory and the next thing the two of them knew, the lights of the factory turned on, temporarily blinding them.


“Huh? What the hell is going on?” T1G3R asked before both he and Kirito were grabbed by several hands and hung up in the air!

“What the hell!?”

“Now, now, there is no use for such language here~,” Silica said over the speaker.

After Kirito and T1G3R went inside the factory, the three of them entered through the employee entrance and found the control panel in the factory. Sinon would be the one controlling it if she could, but currently, her hands were paws.

“The two of you silly billies need to be punished~!” Asuna said to them over the speaker.

“Asuna, Silica, Sinon, please whatever this is, don’t do this!” Kirito yelled out begging them to stop. He didn’t know what it was, but that didn’t stop him from fearing it.

“You dumb bitches! No matter what you do to me I will always be stronger than you!” T1G3R yelled trying to make the girls let him go through fear, but that didn’t work with them. Asuna and Silica survived SAO, and Sinon was badass. It was time for them to start, but who to choose first~?

“Choose Kirito, wan,” Sinon said to them. His punishment wasn’t going to be as nearly as bad as T1G3R’s so he might as well have some fun with it as well~.

“Asuna, Silica, Sinon, please! I’m sorry!” Kirito pleaded, hearing that he was first.

“Aww, it’s cute to see you struggle~. Now, let’s get down to customizing your new form~!” Silica happily yelled over the speaker, eager to see Kirito humiliated like they were.

“Hmm, what to pick? There are so many colorful ones that I need to press them all~!” Asuna said, trying to press all of the buttons, but Sinon stopped her.

“Grrrrr. Silica, the first option is the body type so choose away, and make sure that it is something that will make him blush from pure embarrassment, wan!” Sinon said keeping the clown-minded Asuna away from the control.

“Hmm how about a tubby twenty-year-old FEMALE NEET~?” Silica said, pressing the first option. The moment that she did, Kirito was lifted up further into the air and he was brought over to several selections of skinsuits. The one that he was dangling over was some tubby female body suit that was wearing laid-back NEET clothes!

“No, no, no!” Kirito yelled out in fear. He knew that the suit would only last during the duration of the event, but he didn’t know if he could handle wearing that for the next few hours!

"OMG~! Yes, you will look amazing in this one~!” Silica yelled hitting the confirm button on the control panel. When she did Kirito who was trying to kick and squirm his way free, was also shrinking another 1cm in the game and IRL as he was lowered into the suit!


“The suit let out a giant farting noise as Kirito was firmly placed inside the empty see-through suit. The machine sucked his arms into the suit and forced him to stay still.

“Please don’t do this!” Kirito pleaded. He was having some fun before; this was going too far! “How will I even be able to move in this!?

“Pfft~! That’s your problem fatso~!” Asuna yelled back from her end of the speaker, mocking her soon-to-be tubby girlfriend.

“Hmm, what to do next~?” Silica asked Sinon.

“The next three options that you should consider are the size of his breasts, the extra clothes and the filling of the suit, wan,” Sinon said to her.

“Breasts…. Extra clothes~?” Silica asked trying to find the buttons that Sinon was talking about.

“Silly head, they’re here~!” Asuna said, accidentally pressing the button that would prevent Kirito from playing for the rest of the event.

“Uh-oh!” Sinon said, realizing what Asuna had pressed.

“Uh-oh? What do you mean u-oh!?” Kirito yelled back to the girls.

“Sorry, but it will seem that you’ll have to take a back seat in this event now dear~,’ Silica said back to him. “Asuna has decided that you’ll be given chunky gloves and booties~. These will make it impossible for you to run or even hold a gun~. I’m sorry dear~.”

The moment that she told him that two big-size gloves and boots were to be placed over Kirito’s hands and feet.

“Eww! They’re cold and gross!” Kirito yelled out in frustration. “Please get them off of me!”

“Pfft~! Sorry, Kirito, there is nothing that we can do about it now, wan,” Sinon said to him. She knew that there was a removal button, but there was no way that she was going to tell them that, after seeing how stupid he looked right now. She already had her camera set to auto so she would be able to show all of their friends this. It was going to be great~!

“Oh and don’t worry about it too much, but you’re about to get some wonderfully sized knocker~!” Asuna said, as two pumps attached themselves to Kirito’s skinsuit chest and began to pump. Within seconds Kirito was presented with E-cups breasts!

“Asuna~!” Kirito yelled out anger at her!

Oh~! This is perfect~!” Asuna yelled ecstatically, picking the two options she loved the most.

“Please stop this~!” Kirito yelled. He thought that this was just for the game, but what he didn’t know was that his body in the real world was being affected as well. He or rather she was slowly being transformed into a cute and tubby twenty-year-old female NEET! The only difference was that the gloves and booties were only in the game.

“Stop, wan?” Sinon asked. “Why on earth would I ever stop this, wan~? It’s all in good fun, wan! So Silica, what have you decided for the filling of the suit, wan?”

“Umm, I just picked skintight for that option~,” Silica said, not understanding what it meant, but it sounded less painful, so she picked that one.


All of the air of sucked out of the skinsuit and the skinsuit soon replaced his body frame in the game and in IRL!

“Perfect~!” Asuna said as the machine released the now tubby female Kirito.

“Ugh, this feels weird~,” Kirito said, taking a few awkward steps as Asuna went out to greet her and take her back to the control booth.

“Pffttt! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~!!!!!” T1G3R. Yelled at Kirito, still not understanding that Kirito got out easy and he was in for pure hell!


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