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“Not so fast!” Axel yelled. “I activate my trap Burial from a Different Dimension! This allows me to add my 2 Volcanic Shells and Infernal Flame Emperor to my graveyard, putting them back into play!”

“This allows me to use my Firewall again by removing one Volcanic Shell from play!”

“Fine, the Doll-Joint Hero Aria attack!” Alice yelled but just like before her attack was negated. “Then how about this! I activate the spell Doll-Joint Split, allowing me to de-fuse my Dazzling Nea back into Dolly-Spacian Flare LadyBug and  Doll-Joint Hero Dazzling Nea.

“Nea attack!” Alice yelled, letting Axel block her attack because now there was nothing that he could do to stop her LadyBug whose attack was now 2300! Axel couldn’t stop her attack, bringing his Life Points down to 700!

While Axel was absorbed in the duel, Hassleberry managed to free Alexis, but it would seem that no one else noticed as they were all too busy paying attention to the duel.

“I won’t lose,” Axel mumbled to himself, remembering his father’s words. It was time to go all out!

Axel then drew Blasting Vein. During his standby phase, he paid 500 more life points to keep Firewall in play, bringing him down to 200 Life points.

“I active the spell card Blasting Vein to destroy my Fire Trap, allowing me to draw two cards. And since Fire Trap was destroyed, I can activate its second effect and draw one more card,” he said drawing WildFire to his hand.

“I then send Blaze Accelerator to the graveyard to activate Tri-Blaze Accelerator! Now I’ll activate its effect to send Volcanic Scattershot from my hand to the graveyard allowing me to destroy your Doll-Joint Hero Aria, inflicting you with 500 points of damage! And since it was Volcanic Scattershot that went to the graveyard you take another 500 points of damage! And with the second effect of Volcanic Scattershot, I can send two Volcanic Scattershots from my deck to the graveyard and destroy all of your monsters!

With each effect that activated Alice was left with a total of 650 life points! Before Axel ended his turn, he placed two cards face down.

“Axel what are you doing!?” Viper yelled at him through the end of the headset. “You are supposed to lose after pushing Alice to the brink.”

“I am, and to do that, I need to show her that she won’t win this duel,” Axel said before taking the earpiece out and smashing it on the ground.

“Alright, my move! I draw!” Alice yelled, drawing Doll-Joint Hero PureHeart! She summoned it to the field. While it only had 1500 attack, it was more than what she needed to win.

“PrueHeart Attack!” Alice yelled.

“Have you really learned nothing!?” Axel yelled, trying to activate Firewall, but was shocked when it would activate.

“Don’t even think about activating your Firewall, since PureHeart can’t be affected by traps! It’s over Axel!”

With that Alice had successfully won the duel!

“Alice! You were amazing!” all of her friends yelled running to her, but as they did the effects of the Bio-Bands activated, draining both Axel and Alice of their energy, causing both of them to collapse.

“ALICE!” Seeing her sister collapse, Alexis sprinted towards her, while Syrus checked on Axel.

“Hassleberry please help her!” Jesse yelled worried for Alice’s safety.

“I got her!” Hassleberry yelled picking up Alice after letting Jesse down. “I’ll come back for you as soon as I can!” he yelled running off back to the Academy at full speed.


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