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Alice took the first turn, drawing her first card to see that she had Doll-Joint Hero Nea, Dolly Mirror, Doll-Joint Hero Aria, Doll-Joint Hero Brix, Doll-Joint Hero Polymerization, and De-Fusion in her hand.

“I use the spell Doll-Joint Hero Polymerization, to fuse together my Doll-Joint Hero Brix and Doll-Joint Hero Aria to create Doll-Joint Hero Glittery WingGirl in attack mode. I then place two cards face down and end my turn,” she said wiping her forehead. She didn’t know if she had the energy to duel right now, but she had to for Alexis.

“I play Blaze Accelerator and activate its effect,” Axel said to her. “By sending my Volcanic Shell from my hand to the graveyard I can destroy one monster on the field, and I chose your Doll-Joint Hero Glittery WingGirl!”

“Not…not so fast!” Alice yelled at him. I activate the quick spell, De-Fusion, to get back my Aria and Brix, by sending my monster back to the extra deck!

“Fine, be that way,” Axel said, indifferent to her move. “I then activate Volcanic shell’s effect from my graveyard by paying 500 Life Points to add another Volcanic shell from my deck to my hand. Then I active the effect of Blaze Accelerator one more time to destroy your Doll-Joint Hero Brix! I now place one card down and end my turn.”

“Ahhh! What’s going on!?” Alexis yelled, finally waking up.

“Don’t worry Alexis, I’ll save you!” Alice yelled to her sister.

“You better focus on saving yourself before you focus on your dear sister,” Axel said to her. He knew that she would be fine since unlike Syrus he didn’t go to the extreme. She was simply tied up.

“Sarge! We’re here to help!” Hassleberry yelled, running out of the forest with Jesse on his back.

“What are you two doing here?” Alice asked looking back at them.

“Syrus told us what happened,” Jesse said to her. Her body was too weak to move at the moment, so she had to ask Hassleberry for help. “You focus on this duel, and we’ll get Alexis.”

“I think you mean that I’ll get Alexis,” Hassleberry said to her. “I’m technically the one doing all of the work.”

“Hmm, so it would seem that her friends have arrived,” Viper said to himself watching the duel unfold. “No matter, there is nothing that they can do to stop it now. Come on Alice show me your true power! I brought all of these duelists for you, the one with the highest dual energy around. Don’t waste this chance that I am giving you.”

“I draw and I summon my Dolly-Spacian Flare LadyBug, and with its effect it gains 300 attack for each face spell card on the field and in the graveyard, giving it 900 extra attack, putting her at 1400 attack points!

“Go Doll-Joint Hero Aria, attack Axel directly!” Alice yelled, trying to do some damage this turn.

“Not so fast!” Axel yelled revealing his trap card. “I activate the trap Firewall! If I am about to be attacked directly, I can remove from play one pyro monster from my graveyard to negate your attack! So, I will block both of your attacks! Though at the standby phase I need to pay 500 Life Points to keep Firewall in play.”

“It’s my move! I lose 500 Life Points to keep Firewall in play, putting me down to 3000!  I draw and active Soul of Fire to remove from play my Infernal Flame Emperor! This will inflict you with half of his attack points, dealing you 1350 points of damage! Though as a result, you get to draw an extra card. I then set two cards face down and end my turn.” He knew the plan was for him to lose, but he wasn’t planning to, he had to win.

“Fine, it’s my move!” Alice yelled, feeling a bit better at this point. “I activate the spell, Imation Dolly! This card allows me to special summon one Doll monster from my hand or deck to the field, but it cannot attack and at the end of the turn it will return to where it came from.

“I then use the special ability of my Nea, allowing it to fuse together with my Dolly-Spacian Flare LadyBug to fusion summon Doll-Joint Hero Dazzling Nea. Though after my turn ends if she is still on the field, I take 1000 points of damage and she is sent to the graveyard.

“Doll-Joint Hero Dazzling Nea gains 300 attack for each card with doll and dolly in its name that are in my field and graveyard! This boasts her attack power from since I have 7 cards that’s an extra 2100 attack brining my Doll-Joint Hero Dazzling Nea’s attack points from 2500 to 4600!”

“Doll-Joint Hero Dazzling Nea attack Axel directly and win this duel!” Alice yelled hoping that she could win right here.


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