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-1 Hour Later-

“How is she?” Alexis asked Miss Fontaine who just finished looking over Alice.

“She completely drained of energy,” Miss Fontaine said to her. “It’s worse than last time, but dueling shouldn’t be able to cause such a condition. Something is terribly wrong here. I must report this to the chancellor.”

“And what about Axel?” Jesse said, sitting down next to Alice’s bed. “After what he did, there’s no way that he’s going to get away with this.”

“Professor Viper has already informed us that he will be the one to deal with Axel’s punishment,” Miss Fontaine said, looking over at Axel who was lying unconscious in the next bed.

“That’s not fair!” Syrus yelled. “He tried to kill me! We need to call the cops!”

“Ehem, I believe that I was in the same position that you were in, and for much longer mind you,” Alexis said back to him since she knew that Syrus was the one that ratted her out to Axel. “If anyone should be complaining it should be Alice. She was the one that was forced to come to our aide when she was in no condition to do so.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Syrus said, realizing that he was being a jerk. “Ever since Jaden became Alice and I became an Obelisk I’ve been too full of myself. I haven’t taken into account her situation and I tried to force my feelings onto her when she needed a friend.”

“If I had cared then she and I would still be best friends and I would have never told Axel about you. I don’t deserve to be an Obelisk Blue and I don’t deserve to be Alice’s friend anymore,” he said taking off his jacket and walking out of the room.

“Syrus where are you going!?” Hassleberry yelled. “I’m sorry about this, the little guy is going through a lot. I’m going to go check on him,” Hassleberry said running out of the room.

“Urgh, can’t get a moment to rest around here, can I?” Axel asked sitting up from his bed.

“Axel! You did this!” Alexis yelled pointing at her sister.

“She was the one that agreed to duel,” Axel said, staggering out of his bed.

“Stop! You need rest!” Miss Fontaine said, trying to stop him from moving.

“I’m fine, I've been through my fair share of survival duels before. I need to go.”

“No, you will not! You will stay here until I say so!” Miss Fontaine forced the boy back into bed. “And if I see you try to get up again, I will give you something that will make you stay still.”

“Fine,” Axel, said, impressed with how stern this woman was. He had never met a woman that could force him to stay still before.

“You need to explain why you forced Alice to duel you,” Jesse said, furious at Axel for what he did.

“I don’t need to answer that question to you,” Axel said to them. “If she wants the answer then I will tell her, and no one else. Don’t bother trying to force me to talk, because I won’t.”

“That’s good because it’s already past midnight and all of you need to get some sleep,” Miss Fontaine said to them. “You two can visit again in the afternoon tomorrow,” she said leading them out of the nurse's office.

“Fine, but we’re coming back as soon as we can,” Jesse and Alexis said, looking one last time at Alice before Miss Fontaine locked them out. Hopefully, Alice’s condition wasn’t too bad, or Jesse and Alexis would make Axel regret messing with them!


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