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“You lying piece of shit!” Axel yelled, pulling Syrus up the rope wire he was tied to, hanging from the tree. “You lied to me and made me look like a fool.”

“I-I-I wasn’t lying Syrus yelled back at him in fear. “Alice is my best friend!”

“Like I would believe such lies,” Axel said to him, not going to be tricked by him again. “Tell me the person That Alice cares about the most, or I will throw you off this cliff right now.”

“It’s Alexis! Alexis Rhodes! She is Alice’s adoptive sister. When Jaden became Alice, she was adopted into the Rhodes family!”

“Wait, Alice was a kid known as Jaden?” Axel asked, sounding confused. Syrus explained everything to him, but even then, it didn’t make any sense to him. Thinking that Syrus was a loon, he tossed him aside and decided to finish his mission.


A few hours later after their call, Axel called Alice again.

“Huh? What is it now?” Alice asked, wishing that she could just sleep in peace.

“I still want a duel. Thanks to dear old Syrus, I now have the person that means the most to you. If you would like to see sister again and keep her in one piece, then you better do as I say and come to the location I sent you,” he said, ending the call.

“Don’t worry, Alexis, I’m going to save you!” Alice yelled, jumping out of bed, though when she did, she found herself getting dizzy all of a sudden. She was seeing spots as she got dressed and slowly made her way out of the dorms with her duel disk strapped to her arm. She wanted nothing more than to run to Alexis, but this is all she could manage at the moment.

About an hour later, she managed the locate the area that she was sent, and Axel was patiently waiting for her while Alexis was hanging down from the tree next to the cliff. This wasn’t the first time that Alice has had to duel here, and it looks like it won’t be the last.

“You! Let…let Alexis…let her go!” Alice wanted to sound tough, but in her current sick and tired state, she sounded as if she would collapse.

“Finally, you…you really don’t look that well,” Axel said, noticing how pale she was. “Are you sure that you are up for this?”

BZZT! “What are you saying, Axel? You have to duel her.” Viper’s voice spoke to him through the earpiece that Axel had on him.

“But professor, it looks like she’ll collapse any second now. Shouldn’t we wait until she is feeling better?” Axel asked, taking low enough that Alice couldn’t hear him.

“The tougher the challenge, the better she will duel to overcome said challenge,” Viper said to him. “Now duel her. I need you to make her duel seriously.”

“Yes, sir,” Axel said to Viper, who watched them from his surveillance room.

“Axel give me Alexis back!” Alice yelled at him to release her sister.

“If you want her back, then you have to duel me!” Axel yelled at her.

“…Fine,” Alice said, preparing her duel disk as well. She could barely stand, but she wasn’t going to back down now. She would save her sister at all costs!

“Get…get your game on!”


Matthew Miller

Aww, I mean I understand why she feels that way. But I think a bit of Jaden remains of caring about him still.