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“I don’t know, maybe just bad luck? I was feeling a bit strange after the duel, but I thought it was nothing.”

“Right! So did I,” Alice said back to her.

“Do you think it has to do anything with these bio bands?” Jesse asked her. “Something like this has never happened to me after a duel before.”

“I don’t know, but that Professor Viper creeps me out. I didn’t like the way that he was staring at me,” Alice said to Jesse.

“I agree,” Jesse said to her. “I’m going to go, I’m getting tired, and I’m about to pass out. I’ll talk to you later.

“Sure,” Alice said, ending the call before ending her call.


“Huh? What’s going on?” Alice woke up in the middle of the night to a call on her pad. Thinking that it was Jesse again, she picked up the call. Though to her surprise, it was Axel Broody.

“Missed you at class today,” he said to her in a cold tone. “I wanted nothing more than to fight Duel Academy’s best, but you weren’t there. I guess that means I’ll just have to make you come to me.”

“Huh? What are you talking about? I was in bed all day because I was sick. If you wanted to duel, you could have just asked. In a few days, when I feel better, I’ll duel you without hesitation. For now I need rest. Good night.”

“Wait,” Axel said, keeping her from ending her call. “I don’t want to wait. Only the weak use the excuse of being sick not to duel. If you don’t duel me, then I will have no choice but to get rid of your best friend.”

“Alice, help me!” Alice heard Syrus over the phone scream for help.

‘Is that…Syrus?” she asked.

“It is, and if you want your friend Syrus back, then you best get down to the location that I just sent you.”

“Um, my answer is still no,” Alice said to his surprise.

“What! Why not?” This little twerp told me that you two were best friends with a strong bond.”

“Well yeah, Syrus was my best friend, but6 after hearing what he planned to do to me and how he views me now and I think that I need some time away from him. It’s not good to be near those that treat you like an object, you know. Like obviously, don’t kill him or anything, but I guess you could rough him up if you wanted to.”

“Wow, I guess that makes sense. I’ll call you back in a bit,” Axel said to Alice over on his end of the line before hanging up the phone.


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