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“Alice wake up it’s almost time for breakfast,” Alexis said, knocking on her sister's door. “…Alice?” she asked, concerned that something had happened. After spending time with their mother, Alice got used to waking up earlier. She was no longer one to sleep in.

“Alice, I’m coming in,” Alexis said, using the spare key that she was given to Alices' room. “Alice, what are you doing? It’s time to…Alice!” Alexis was stunned to see that Alice’s skin was pale, and she was sweating non-stop. Alexis put her hand on her forehead to find that she was burning up!

‘Alice, are you alright!?” Alexis shouted, worried for her sister.

“Hey, Alex…is. What are you…doing here?” Alice asked her weakly. Ever since her duel with Jesse, her body felt weird, weak even. She thought that eating a healthy meal before bed would do the trick, but she was wrong and woke up this morning with a severe fever. Her body felt like lead, and she barely had the energy to talk.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get Miss Fontaine,” Alexis said, running out of her room and then, not even a minute later, running right back in, dragging Miss Fontaine with her.

“Oh, my not you too,” Miss Fontaine said, looking at Alice. “First that boy Jesse and now you, what a coincidence that you would both have similar symptoms,” she said, pulling out her medical bag. “Alexis, you should get ready. Classes are going to start soon.”

“But what about Alice?” Alexis asked her, seeing the discomfort across her sister's face.

“She’ll be fine,” Miss Fontaine said to her. “She seems to just have a fever and a low amount of stamina. “Though I do insist that if you don’t want to get sick yourself, then you better leave. I will take it from here, now, get along to class, or I will have to report you for skipping class.”

“Alright, but I promise that I’ll be back as soon as I can,” she said, leaving the room in defeat. There was nothing that she or anyone else could do to argue with Miss Fontaine since she was right.

Once Alexis was gone, Miss Fontaine got to work, stripping Alice down and wiping her down with a warm wet towel before putting her into a new hot pink nightgown that Alice’s mother bought for her but never had the courage to wear.

She then prepared Alice a warm bowl of soup and a washcloth for her forehead. Since Allice was too weak at the moment, Miss Fontaine started to spoon-feed her. Bu, the time she was down, Alice felt sleepy once again and allowed Miss Fontaine to put her back to sleep.

When Alice woke up again, Miss Fontaine was gone, and she felt a lot better. She could tell that she was still sick, but at least now she could move around. Knowing that it would be best to stay in bed, Alice took out her duel pad and opened it up to see if anyone was online to duel. Luckily for her, there was one person for her to duel against.

Excited, Alice started dueling them using one of the premade decks that you were allowed to use. Though to her surprise, the person she was up against was really good. Out of the five duels in which they played, she won twice, and they won three times!

Wanting to see the person that bested them, she sent them a video call. To her surprise, the one that picked up was none other than Jesse!

“Alice, I knew it was you,” Jesse said to Alice. After she woke up sick this morning and the student who was in charge of looking after her called Miss Fontaine, it took her everything she had to make sure that her secret wasn’t found out. Her mother would kill her if anyone found out that she was a girl and not a boy.

After she was done with her quick checkup, she passed out for a few hours, only for Miss Fontaine to come back and tell her that Alice had gotten sick as well. Since then, she waited in the duel portal for her to show up, and she eventually did. She was overjoyed that she was able to win this time between them.”

“Jesse, I should have known it was you,” Alice said back to her.

“Well, we did get sick at the same time,” Jesse said to her.

“Huh, don’t you think that that’s odd?” Alice asked Jesse. “How did we get sick at the same time?”


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