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“You know it’s not too late to back down,” Maki said, mocking Beni in his current state. He wouldn’t stand a chance against her.

“Just shut the hell up already!” Beni yelled at her. “There is no backing down from this fight!”

“Fine~” Maki said, with a slight grin. “Though how about we make this a bit more interesting? If I win little Beni has given up their precious title of “Waka”. I mean it wouldn’t do to call you the strongest if you lose to me. Also, you have to do whatever I say.”

“Pfft! As if I would ever lose to a dumb fat ass bimbo like you!” Beni laughed at her. “But if I win, give up being a Fire Force soldier and become my personal bimbo maid for my squad and you’ll have to refer to me as daddy whenever you talk to me.”

“Oh my, what a perverted little one you are,” Maki said, teasing him by leaning her giant breasts towards him, making his face turn bright red. “Though I can agree to your terms if you can agree to mine.”

“Fine, it’s not like you’ll even stand a chance, to begin with,” Beni said to her. “Meet me in the town square of Asakusa, in an hour, and we’ll finish this like real Fire Force Soldiers, though it’s not like you’re going to be one for much longer! Hahahahahahaha!” Beni laughed at her as he left the room.

“What an arrogant little brat,” Maki said, watching him leave. “It would seem that the little naughty brat was in need of some discipline. Though before that she had to make a call, there was something that she needed to be able to show him is place.

-1 hour Later-

“Hah, I’m actually surprised that you showed up,” Beni said, trying to act confidently in front of the townspeople that gathered to witness the Waka fight as they always did. They were the center stage, and the entire village was ready to celebrate. Unfortunately for Beni, that celebration would not be for him, but for the new Waka. This would come as a shock to them as well, but they most certainly like the change.

“I wouldn’t miss this fight for anything in the whole world,” Maki said, casually strolling up on stage, not even slightly concerned about the possibility of losing. Thanks to a friend of hers, she was ready to thoroughly humiliate little Beni in front of all his fans.

Beni prepared to fight, but there was still one last thing for Maki to do. She ripped off her orange fire force jumpsuit revealing her sports bra and sports thong that clung to her body. She stood on stage with pride with her skimpy clothes and big witch hat which were specially made by her friend and idol. She wanted to look just like her when Beni was shown his place.

Upon seeing her strip and her current attire, the men in the crowd began to cheer. And despite their initial disgust, several of the women cheered as well. Maki smirked when she heard their cheers. Though she smirked more when she saw that little Beni’s face was as red as a tomato’s.

Beni still remembered what happened earlier quite vividly in his mind. In fact, he felt intimidated for one of the few times in his life. What made it worse was that he was intimidated by the humiliation of the mere grinding of her ass against his crotch. Never before had he been so turned on, but he couldn’t show it; she didn’t even feel it. It emasculated him! Was he even a man in her eyes?

As Beni continue to wonder what she thought about him, he was unaware that his tiny little penis had shrunken again. This time it shrunk all the way down into the size of a newborn baby penis.

Ugh, it’s almost like every time Maki's busty figure cane into his view, he lost all sense of reason. He was a grown man! Or at least that’s what he wanted to believe, though Maki already knew the truth of what he was, and all that was left was to show him it. She was too much a woman for him to handle even before he started to become weaker, and now she was way out of his league.

“BEGIN!” The announcer of the fight yelled, initiating the two of them to start. They began to exchange blows. Beni attacked her with a rapid assault of attacks hoping to catch her off guard, but it was pointless to try.

Maki was unfazed by all of his attacks, each one more predictable than the last. In fact, she was getting bored with him. Though her board look only infuriated Beni more. He attacked and attacked over and over again, but as time went on, his attacks became weaker and weaker.

The crowd, which had started to cheer his name, was now dead silent as they watched their Waka try so desperately to defeat one lone woman. Maki finally decided to end this farce of a fight and caught his next punch with ease.

She then easily swung Beni around and pulled him over her lap before proceeding to pull down his pants revealing to everyone that the great and powerful Waka was wearing white training panties! He was forced to put these on earlier after he found out that he tinkled in his underwear, and it would seem that they were indeed needed, looking at the small yellow staining the center of them. The townspeople were on the edge of embarrassment and laughter at what they just witnessed.


“Ahhhh! What are you doing!?” Beni yelled out in pain as Maki gave him a much-needed spanking. Despite his protests, she continued.


“Ahhhhhhh! I’ll fucking kill you, you stupid bitch! Let me go this instant!”


Maki didn’t respond to his threats or insults. He was just a child throwing a temper tantrum in her eyes, and he needed to be disciplined.

“Ahhhhhh! Stop it! Stop it!” Beni yelled, starting to lose some of his current resistance.


“Wahhhhh! Pl-ease, please stop!” Beni started to ball his eyes out. He was the Waka. How on earth could he ever let himself to reduced to such a state? It wasn’t fair!


Maki continued to spank him, to let him learn his lesson. With each spank, she gave him, the stronger that she felt and the shorter he became. Such a naughty child like him could not be trusted with such a power. It was better off with her.


“Wahhhhh! Wahhh! Mommy stahp it! Pwease!” Beni yelled out, losing all sense of reason, crying his eyes out, calling her mommy while crying out in a cute little baby lisp.

Maki and the townspeople were shocked that he had called her mommy. In this brief moment, Maki let Beni go, and he squirmed away from her as fast as he could as he tried to pull his pants up.

Beni was now 4 feet tall, the same height as a child, but he wasn’t going to let his new height stop him from defeating her!

“Oh my,” Maki said, looking at the angry little Beni stare back at her in rage. His angry face was quite cute. “Does little Beni really want me to be his mommy that bad? I’m sorry sweety but as you can see, I won this fight. I’m sure that even your most loyalist of fans, would agree with me.

“No! I refuse to give in!” Beni yelled at her. He couldn’t afford to look weak. Trying to save face, Beni launched a fireball at Maki using the rest of his power in hopes of defeating her. To his surprise, Maki didn’t even try to dodge it. Instead, Maki easily absorbed it and sent it right back at him, burning away all of his clothes except for his training panties which were becoming more yellow by the second.

“No, no, no! Why won’t it stop! Pwease stahp!” Beni cried out, unable to control his bladder anymore, as he wet himself in front of everyone. Beni fell to the ground as the training panties started to leak out, forming a small puddle around his legs.

“Aww, it looks like the little baby Beni had an accident,” Maki said, mocking him.

“NO! NO! NO! I’m not a baby! I am the Waka! I’m da Waka!” Beni yelled, crying his eyes out as he threw a temper tantrum, falling over onto his back and flailing his fists in the air.

None of the townspeople could believe what they were seeing. Their mighty Waka had become something unimaginable to them, a crying child. It was pathetic.

“Shh, it’s alright sweety, mommy came prepared~” Maki said teasing him, pulling out a diaper bag that she hid under the stage before the match started since she knew that this was going to happen. “Now let’s get you changed~”

“No, no, no! Stay away! No come!” Beni yelled at her, unable to use proper grammar at this point. He wouldn’t let her near him. He couldn’t!” He tried to kick her in the face, but she caught his precious little foot with ease and gently pushed it down to the floor.

“Let go! Let go!” Beni yelled at her. I no want change!” Beni yelled at her. If she changed him in front of the entire town, then his reputation as the Waka would shatter! He would no longer be able to show his face in public!

“Now, baby, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way; the choice is yours,” Maki said, not willing to put up with such a disobedient baby. He would need rigorous training to become the baby she knew he was deep down inside.

Beni saw the dark look in Maki’s eyes, and he instinctively did as she asked and calmed down. He knew that she was someone that he could mess with now, and there was nothing that he could do about it.

“That’s a good baby,” she said, teasing him. She smiled at him while he tried to avoid her face, as she quickly and easily removed his dirty wet training panties. Then in front of everyone, she cindered them into ashes. “You won’t be needing these anymore. Training panties are for big girls. Babies like you need these,” she said, pulling out a pink diaper with an X on the front and an O on the back. They were wetness and messy meters to show her if the baby would be truthful to her when they wet themselves.

She proceeded to wipe down Beni’s little Willy and ass with a wet wipe before proceeding to apply a thorough amount of baby powder on him. A properly diapered baby was a happy diapered baby. That is what her friend taught her.

“It’s so small that it’s like you actually belong in these~” she teased him, as she taped the front of his diaper, tapping the front of it to humiliate him some more. “Oh, and it would look like those big boy clothes won’t be a proper fit for my baby, now will they? What does my little baby think about these?” she asked, pulling out a cut little maid outfit with a nice short skirt that would obviously showcase his diaper.

“No, no, no!” Beni yelled upon seeing the cute sissy outfit that his future mommy wanted him to wear. He couldn’t wear that! That, along with the diaper, was too much! He had to escape! He had to!

“Now, now, fussy babies get spanking~,” Maki said, teasing and scolding him at the same time.

“Eeep!” Beni let out a small scream of fear as his hands went to the back of his diapered ass. Underneath his diaper his ass was beat red. Though it didn’t hurt as much as it did before. The diaper actually made it feel better, safer.

“That’s a good baby,” Maki said to Beni. “Now be a good girl for me and hold your arms up,” she said, standing him up for everyone to see the current diapered state he was in.

“B-but I’m a boy?” Beni said nervously to her, hoping that he wouldn’t get punished for talking back to her, as he did what he was told, raising his arms into the air.

“Aww, that’s cute. The little baby thinks that he’s a boy,” Maki said, teasing him, as she slid the maid outfit on him. The skirt barely covered half of his diaper. He tried to pull down on his skirt to cover more of his diaper, but it didn’t work.

“You my dear, are a lovely little sissy. You may think you’re a boy, but everyone here can see that this little one is far better off as a girl,” she said, pulling out a hand mirror from the diaper bag to show her new baby their new form.

“No, but I-I da Waka…” Beni couldn’t believe how cute he was. Just a few hours before, he could never have even dreamed that he would be on stage in front of his beloved townspeople wearing a cute maid uniform that showcases his giant diaper. This was humiliating!

Tears started to flow out of Beni’s eyes as he was about to throw another tantrum. Though Maki saw this and shoved a pacifier into his mouth. Beni wanted nothing more than to pit it out of his mouth but after the first few suckles he started to calm down, suckling on it as if it was natural and waiting patiently as Maki tied his hair into an adorable ponytail.

“That’s a good little sissy,” Maki said to him. “Don’t you feel better now?”

“Suckle. Suckle. Suckle.” Beni knew that he was being given permission to talk, but his new pacifier made him feel so safe that he didn’t want to take it out. It was the only thing that was constant for him now.

“What a good little baby,” Maki said, taking several steps away from him. “Now come over here so that everyone can have a better look at the new you~”

Beni did as he told, but when he started to walk over to her, his normal confident strides were replaced with clumsy baby waddles. His diaper was so big that he could barely walk in it. As he waddled towards her he could hear several people start to laugh and make fun of him. His face turned bright red as he managed to make his way to Maki, who hugged him the moment that he made it over to her.

“Such a good and brave little baby you are,” she said, mocking him. “I how that little walk, or should I say waddle, has shown you that you are not the same person you once were and that there will be changes around here starting today.

“From this day forward, you are no longer the Waka, I am. Everyone here saw that humiliating loss of yours and they saw how you threw a tantrum for losing. Oh and you aren’t even a Fire Force Solider anymore.”

Beni tried to take out his pacifier as she said that, but she lightly put her finger over it, preventing him from doing so.

“There is no refuting my orders,” she said to him. “I am the Waka now, and what I say goes. From today forward, you are nothing more than a maid, and a diapered one at that,” she said, patting the back of his giant diapered butt. “There will be no more fighting for this little baby.

She then picked little Beni up with ease and gave the viewer in the back a better look at their former Waka.

“I’m your mommy from now on, and you will address me as such,” she said, giving her baby a sweet yet intimidating smile. “From now on you come to me for everything and that includes a diaper change. Sissy babies like you are not allowed to change their diapers. If they try, then mommy will have no choice but to put you in baby mittens. And when you talk to me it shall always be in a cute baby lisp. If you try to act like a grownup you will be punished. Now do you understand?”

Beni slowly nodded yes to his news mommy as tears rolled down his cheeks. This was, unfortunately, his new life now, and he knew that his mommy would never let him go. To signify his current change, Beni wet himself, and his mommy smiled to herself, looking down to see the X on his diapered to become darker.


“The crowd started chanting Waka over and over again in honor of her accession, as she stood there on the stage holding her new precious sissified and humiliated baby on her hip by his big, diapered butt for everyone to see.

“Hahahahahahahaha! Get used to this, my little sissy baby, because this is only the being!” Maki yelled, laughing at Beni. The fun was only beginning, and there was still much more to be done. It was time to show this sissy baby their place!



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