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“Huh what's going on?” asked Naruto to himself as he woke up in his bed with a groggy feeling across his body. The last thing he remembered was fighting alongside Sasuke who recently died and granted him his powers. Then there was something about Kaguya turning him into another version of her.

His memory was fuzzy, and he didn’t quite understand what was going on. He remembered something about understanding the truth and how to save the world but, none of it really made any sense.

As Naruto tried to get up out of the bed, he noticed that his sense of balance was different. As he looked down, he saw that there was a huge pair of j-cup breasts located on his chest!

“What the heck is!” he screamed as he jumped out of the bed to notice that the room he was in wasn’t his own room. It looked like it belong to Sakura or Hinata. Naruto instantly thought that he was under some sexy transformation Jutsu. Though he was surprised that when he tried to undo the Jutsu, it didn't work!

In a panic, he managed to find a body-shaped mirror on one of the doors of the room. Looking at the mirror, he noticed that he didn’t even slightly resemble his old self. His skin color had turned gray, while his right eye posseed the rinne-sharingan, and his left passed the tensei-byakugan. In his forehead a third eyd passed the fusion of the jogan and isshiki dojutsu. His hair had turned pitch white, while his nails were painted a deep black and his lips were a creamy brown. In addition to all of that he, no she, had three horns growing out of her head. One was gold, the other silver, and the final one was bronze.

Naruto was basically looking at a younger form of Kaguya. From the looks of it she was 14 maybe fifteen years old, but she could easily pass for an adult with her j-cup breasts and bubble butt.

The most concerning thing going on right now was that Naruto was butt naked! Too embarrassed to leave the room naked, Naruto opened up the dresser to find that it was filled with sexy lingerie. There was a single pair of plain panties or bras.

Doing her best, she slipped on the pair of sexy undergarments and then made her way to the closet, where this time she only found one singular dress. It was a white kimono dress with a black stripe on the collar sleeves with six yellow tomoe on each sleeve. Three red tomoe on the chest and nine blue tomoe on the bottom of the dress. It was basically a carbon copy of the dress that Kaguya wore.

Reluctantly Naruto put the dress on and made her way of the door of the room. She tried to contact Kurama and the other Tailed Beasts using their connection to one another, but nothing worked. She was all alone to face what was on the other side of that door.

Before Naruto could open the door, a voice from the other side pierced through the door. “Honey, are you awake?” The voice outside the door was soft and sweet. It reminded her of her mother in that alternate world. However, the voice on the other side of the door did not belong to his mother, it belonged to Kaguya.

Slowly Naruto opened the door to reveal that he was in what looked like his home in that alternate universe.

“You're finally up,” said Kaguya from what looked like the kitchen. Naruto slowly crept toward the kitchen, preparing for battle. As he got closer, he noticed that Kaguya was at the stove and a delicious aroma filled the air.

When Naruto reached the table, Kaguya turned around and looked at Naruto with a bright smile on her face. “Sweetie, you're finally up. How did you sleep?” she asked as she put a plate of food down on the table. When she did, Naruto noticed that she had the fusion of the magan and ranmaru dojutsu's in her right eye, the fusion of the ketsuryugan and yome dojutsu's in her left eye, and the fusion of the senrigan and shion dojutsu's in her middle eye.

She was dressed as a suburban mom with a pick apron that said, World’s Best Cook. In addition to that, she looked at Naruto with caring eyes, unlike before when they fought.

“What's going on here?” Naruto asked as she held her hands up, ready for battle.

“Now, sweetie, while mommy is happy to see that you are ready to fight, it is time for breakfast. We can spare later. For now, please sit down and eat some breakfast. After that, we may talk.”

“No!’ Naruto yelled as she tried to activate her sage mode, but unfortunately, it wouldn’t work either. “What did you do? Why can’t I use any of my jutsu’s?”

“Young lady, I already told you that we’ll talk after breakfast. If you don’t listen to me this time, I’ll have to punish you,” she said as she pointed to the left, where there was an entire wall filled with weapons! Some of them included the sword of nunoboko, a dual-sided sun and moon shakujo, and a one-sided shakujo! Those were legendary weapons, and she just had the sitting on her wall!

Naruto reluctantly complied with Kaguya’s demand, knowing that she stood no chance against her without her powers. Naruto sat down and began eating breakfast. It was a simple breakfast, scrambled eggs with toast, pancakes, and bacon, but oddly enough it started to bring tears to her eyes.

“Why, why does it taste so good? I should hate you, but oddly enough, I can’t feel the urge to kill you.” Naruto was confused. At this moment, he should be trying to kill Kaguya for what she did to Sasuke, but she couldn’t find her hatred.

“It tastes good because I made it with love.” Kaguya looked at Naruto with tender eyes, and Naruto felt a warm sensation wash over her. “There no way,” she said as she stopped eating. “There’s no way that you love me, you lie!”

“I do not. When we fought, I saw your pain. You lost your family just like I have. You have suffered all of your life, but here you don’t have to. Here in the infinite Tsukuyomi, we can be a family. Truthfully I have also desired a daughter.”

Kaguya slowly moved her hand toward Naruto, but Naruto moved back as her hand got close. “Stay away from me! These feelings aren’t real! They can’t be real! You killed Sasuke. You have to pay!”

Naruto’s mind was a mess. Not only was Kaguya’s statement shocking to her, but these new emotions that she was feeling must be from her sudden gender change. There was no way that she was in the right mind right now. She had to stay strong, to avenge Sasuke and save the world.

 “I love you, mom, let’s stay together forever!” she yelled out, unable to resist the change. This was her life now, and there was nothing anyone could do to change it. 


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