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“That’s it, Lucy, just a bit more feeling!” the photographer yelled at her, taking several more pictures.

Lucy was taking a break from taking quests and decided to work her side job as a Sorcerer’s Weekly model. The pay was good, and she loved the job, but unfortunately, today, she wasn’t at the top of her game. The photo’s that they took were alright, but they weren’t to the level that she usually gave them.

She put a bright smile on her face, but it didn’t deny that she was distracted today, since, once again, Natsu had failed to notice her as a woman. They’d known each other for years now, and she was pretty sure that everyone in the guild knew that she had a crush on him, but he was oblivious to her advance toward him.

She invited him to meet with her at the park for a picnic the other day, and she even dressed up for him. It took her three whole hours to get ready, but when he got there, he had brought Happy along with him! The stupid cat got in her way, and Natsu didn’t even compliment her for her appearance. It was utterly humiliating!

She needed some time away from him and took this job, knowing that he wouldn’t follow her. Though unfortunately, her current mindset was a hinder to her work. It was obvious to everyone in the studio that Lucy’s heart wasn’t in it.


“Alright, everyone, it’s time for a break!” the director yelled, walking over to Lucy. “Lucy, are you alright? You’re usually more into your work. I’ve never seen you like this. Do you need to take the rest of the day off?”

“I couldn’t. I have to stay here and finish,” Lucy said to her director.

“Lucy, your health and wellbeing matter more to me than a few silly photos,” the director said back to her. “Besides, we have other girls here in the studio today that can take your place for the rest of the day. There is no need to push yourself so hard.”

“Thanks, but I can’t afford to miss out on this job. My rent is almost due, and the money from this job will help me pay it. I can continue to work.”

“Alright, just come to me if you can’t do it anymore, and we’ll pay you for what you have done so far,” the director said, walking away from Lucy, who headed off to her dressing room.

Lucy spent the first few minutes just laying down on the couch in her dressing room, hoping that if she got a bit of sleep, she could just forget about the whole Natsu thing.


Lucy opened her eyes and checked the clock to see that only ten minutes had passed since she started her break. It was too soon for them to ask her to come back. Who the heck could it be?

Lucy got off of the couch and made her way to the door. Upon opening it, she saw that the one and only Jenny Realight from Blue Pegasus, who was also the current Miss Fiore, was standing before her! Just like Mirajane, she was a super popular model and someone that Lucy had long since looked up to.

“I knew you were here!” Jenny yelled with joy before hugging Lucy with all of her might. “When I heard that there was a blond-haired mage from Fairy Tail here doing a photoshoot, I knew that it had to be you! I’ve been wanting to meet you for so long that I was worried that we would never have a chance to meet like this.”

“Wait, you wanted to meet me?” Lucy asked, surprised as Jenny let her go.

“Of course, silly. Who else would I want to meet?” Jenny said to her as if it was something obvious for her to know. “Ever since I saw you compete in the Grand Magic Games, I have been dying to meet you!”

“The way that you fought was amazing! You displayed such passion in everything you did. I was especially interested when I saw you take part in my match against Mirajane.”

“That’s nice of you to say,” Lucy said as her face started to turn red. It was embarrassing for someone she idolized to view her in such high regard.

“I especially loved seeing you with that pinked hair boy, Natsu Dragneel. You two are just adorable together!” she said, making her way into Lucy’s dressing room, closing the door behind her. “So what’s the deal? Are you two an item yet?”

“Whaa!?” Lucy was in shock that Jenny would ask her such a thing. “We… we’re just friends!” Lucy said to her.

“Ph really, because I was certain that I saw sparks fly when the two of you were together,” Jenny said, sitting down on Lucy’s couch. “Come on, tell big sister all the juicy details; I’m sure that it’ll feel much better if you get that weight off of your chest.”

“You promise you won’t laugh?” Lucy asked her, concerned that someone as successful and popular as Jenny would understand her problems.

“I promise,” Jenny said, reassuring her. “I won’t laugh at all, so please tell me everything.”

Lucy spent the next half hour explaining her situation to Jenny, who eagerly listened to every word. By the time Lucy was done explaining everything to Jenny, she understood the situation and knew of the perfect way to solve Lucy’s love life problems.

“Hmm, it would seem that you have chosen someone that is not easy to love, I see,” Jenny said to her. “Though I do believe that there is a way for me to help you,” she said to Lucy with a smile.

“Are you sure that you can?” Lucy asked her. “I’ve tried everything, and nothing has ever seemed to work.”

“That’s because you’ve been doing things that he would expect you to do,” Jenny said. “What you need is more confidence in yourself. That boy isn’t too bright, but he does respond well to those that are more powerful than him, and those that take a more rough approach.”

“Rough approach?” Lucy asked, confused by what Jenny meant by that.

“Ugh, it means that you have to be more forceful with your attempts to seduce him. Though it’s pretty obvious that you won’t be able to do it with your current t mindset. You need to be more like me to get him wrapped around your finger.”

“But isn’t that a bit much?” Lucy said to her. “There’s no way that I can be like you. You’re way out of my league.”

“Oh sweety, of course, it’s not too much. With guys like him, you need to take the more forceful approach, and if you’re worried about not being like me then you have nothing t worry about,” Jenny said, pulling out a small vile with a strange blue liquid inside of it from her cleavage.

“If you want to be as confident as I am, then all you have to do is take this,” she said, handing Lucy the vile.

“What is it?” Lucy asked curiously.

“That right there will give you the confidence you need to succeed in your love life,” Jenny said, tempting her to drink it. “If you take it right now, I’m sure that you’ll be able to push away the thoughts that distract you and focus on your job. And if you like it, I could easily give you more. This is what I use to help myself to become as confident as I am.”

“Are you sure that if I take this, I can become just like you?” Lucy asked her.

“Of course, you can; all you have to do is try it,” Jenny said, eagerly waiting for Lucy to drink it.

“Alright, but just this once,” Lucy said, opening up the vile and swallowing the contents in one go. The moment that she did, her body started to feel warmer, and all of her doubts and worries started to vanish. She felt like her whole emotional drama with Natsu was pointless.

“So, how do you feel?” Jenny asked her.

“I feel amazing!” Lucy said to her. In fact, I’m ready to finish that photo shoot right now!”

“Woah, hold your horses,” Jenny said to her, stopping Lucy from leaving the room. “Your attitude was just the first part that we had to work on. The second part is your appearance.”

“What’s wrong with the way I look?” Lucy asked Jenny, starting to feel concerned that she was hot enough to have Natsu for herself.

“Nothing’s wrong,” Jenny said, trying to assure her. “It’s just that you’re going to need a new look to match your newfound confidence. Don’t you agree?”

“Ye-yeah,” Lucy said, agreeing with her. She didn’t know why she agreed to Jenny’s suggestion, but for some reason, it felt right for her to obey.

Jenny sat Lucy down in front of her vanity and began to style Lucy’s hair to look just like hers, and after that, she did her magic as well. While there were still many noticeable differences, Lucy’s style now matched Jenny’s.

“Um, are you sure that this is right?” Lucy asked, concerned that she was becoming someone else.

“Of course it is, sweety,” Jenny said to her. “You said that you wanted to become exactly like me, isn’t that right?” Jenny said to her.

“I did, but-”

“Alright, let’s get you on that stage!” Jenny yelled, dragging Lucy back to the photoshoot where everyone was ready to begin.

“Lucy, you are right on time. Let… um, Lucy, what happened to you?” the director asked, noticing that her entire look had changed thanks to Jenny.

“She’s trying out something new, can’t you see that?” Jenny said, looking down at the director's lack of willingness to accept that Lucy was starting to change for the better.

“Lucy, are you sure that you want to continue with the shoot?” the director asked her. She didn’t want Lucy to be forced to change who she was because of Jenny.

“I’m fine,” Lucy said back to her. “I asked for her help, and I want to do this,” she said as she felt the confidence given to her from the potion that Jenny gave her once more. She knew that she could do this thanks to Jenny’s help.

“Alright, let’s start!” the director yelled to everyone.


“Yes! Yes! That’s perfect! Just like that!” the photographer yelled out to Lucy. She was perfecting the poses that she failed to do during the first round of shooting. It was almost like the photographer was seeing a young Jenny Realight in front of him! She was a talent that only showed up once every few years!

“Amazing job Lucy,” the director said, congratulating her when the shoot was over. “I’m still not sure that you should change your look too much, but the results speak for themselves. How about you come by next week and work on another shoot?”

“I’m afraid that-”

“She would love to,” Jenny said, interrupting her. “Right Lucy?” she asked Lucy.

“Of course, Lucy said back to her director, unable to say no to Jenny for some reason. “I’ll be back next week for another photo shoot.”

“That’s great news,” her director told her. “See you next week,” she said to them before leaving.

“Un, Jenny, why did you make me agree to another shoot?” Lucy asked her. “I have to get back to Fairy Tail soon.”

“Really, and go back to being the Lucy that Natsu pays no attention to?” Jenny said, hitting her with the facts. “That potion you drank is only temporary, so if you leave now, there will never be another chance for you to become the strong and confident girl that you want to be,” Jenny said to her.

“Though if that’s what you want, then I guess Natsu is better off without you. You know, there was another girl that I saw at the games that caught my eye as well. I believe that she was Mirajane’s younger sister, Lisanna, right? Perhaps she could use some help to win his heart.”

“No, don’t!” Lucy said, realizing that without Jenny’s help, there was no way for her to make Natsu notice her. She needed to do whatever Jenny told her to do. This was the only way.

“I’ll do whatever you ask me to do!” Lucy yelled, begging Jenny not to leave her. “I’ll do whatever you say! Please help me!”

“Well, if you insist,” Jenny said with an evil smile across her face. She had gotten exactly what she wanted. Now all that was left was a little bit of time.

First off, let’s talk about that photoshoot of yours. It was just awful. Those kinds of poses may work on low-ranked photographers like him, but what you need to do is use poses that entice the reader to want more. It looks like before we work on your love life, we’ll have to work on everything else. Come along. Big sister has much to show you.”

“Yes, whatever you say, Miss Jenny,” Lucy said, following after her, not understanding the true meaning behind Jenny’s words.

A whole month had passed since that day, and Lucy, now Libi, has been constantly working hard to be exactly like her older sister Jenny, obediently following her every command.

At first, Lucy didn’t understand why she had to follow Jenny’s exact orders, pose in pervy poses and even dress like her. Though other times with each potion her loving sister gave her, the more it made sense to her.

Why be plain and boring Lucy Heartfilia when she could be Libi Realight, Jenny’s lovely sister?

Little did Libi know, but with each potion, she drank, the more obedient she became, and not only that, but the more that she began to look like an exact copy of her big sister. Though at that stage of her transformation, she hardly found a problem in it.

It came to a point when Jenny told Lucy to abandon Fairy Tail and join her as a member of Blue Pegasus. She did so without question, removing her precious Fairy Tail guild mark as if it was nothing.

All that mattered was that her big sister was happy. If being a mage and model for Blue Pegasus was what it took, then that was what she would do.

In fact, she was just finishing up a bikini photoshoot gig that her big sister signed her up for, Posing in the most seductive way that her sister taught her.

“Great work today Libi,” Jenny said as Libi changed into the exact same outfit her big sister was wearing after the shoot finished up.

“Did big sister really think I did well?” Libi asked, always eager to receive her big sister's approval.

‘Of course, you did,” Jenny said. “I’m certain that once the next issue of Sorcerer’s Weekly comes out, you’ll be on the front page. Those pervy mages will just eat you up. Oh, speaking of mages, the Fairy Tail mages are looking for Lucy Heartfilia,” Jenny said to her to test her little sister’s reaction.

“Oh really,” Libi said to her big sister. “Why should I care? I tossed away that pathetic guild to be with you, big sister. They should just leave us alone already.”

“I agree with you, my sweet sister,” Jenny said to her. “Fairy Tail can be such brutes sometimes. It is baffling that they stand above us, but that won’t be for too much longer.”

“My dear sweet sister, did you know who they sent to search this area?” Jenny asked Libi.

“Which pathetic mage did they send, Romeo?” Libi said, not expecting Fairy Tail to try that hard to find her after she willingly gave up being in the guild. There was no point in them trying to hold onto her. They should just be happy that she is living her best life with her big sister!

“Far from it,” Jenny said, with a sadistic grin growing across her face. “The mage that they sent is none other than the same one that my dear sweet sister has a crush on. Natsu Dragneel is here searching for you~”

“Natsu!” Libi yelled, starting to get excited to show Natsu the new and improved her. This was her chance to finally make him belong solely to her. This was her chance to make him see her as a woman!

“I knew that my dear sweet sister would be excited to her that her beloved was looking for her,” Jenny said to her, happy to see that her sister’s long-awaited dream was in her grasp, though it meant that what she was about to say would be far more enjoyable to her.

“I’m afraid that Natsu isn’t here to accept your love. I believe that he is here to force you back to Fairy Tail and turn you back into plain boring old Lucy. He won’t be able to see you for the woman that you truly are,” Jenny said, toying with her sister.

“No! I don’t want to be Lucy again!” Libi yelled out in frustration. “I want to stay as Libi! I want to stay as big sister’s little sister!”

“I don’t want him to take you away either,” Jenny said, knowing that whatever she said next, her dear sweet sister would agree to it. “If only there were a way to convince Natsu to join Blue Pegasus, and then there could be a way for the two of you to be together~”

“Big sister, are you forgetting about the potion that you used to make me see the light!” Libi yelled to her. “It’s thanks to that potion that I became your little sister. Could we use it on Natsu and make him realize that he has always wanted to be with me and make sure that he stays with us in Blue Pegasus?”

“Perhaps we could,” jenny said, happy that her sister came up with the exact idea she wanted her to. Now all that was left was making Natsu belong to her sister. The only question was, what effect would the potion have on him after seeing how her dear sweet sister turned out?

-3 Months Later-

“Finally, we’re all alone, my dear Natasha,” Libi said, looking at her younger sister, formerly Natsu Dragneel. “Your sense of style is impeccable as always,” she said, comparing their dresses to each other, which were the exact same.

“Yours as well, my dear,” Natasha said, as the two of them began flirting. Natsu was such a fool not to see the beauty that had been chasing after him for years. He was lucky that big sister jenny and Libi had shown her the little, transforming her into their youngest sibling and Libi’s lover. She even joined Blue Pegasus to make sure that they could all stay together.

She was going to make sure to spend the rest of her life-giving Libi the loves she deserves, and making sure that no one could interfere with their love. Though before any of that could happen, she had to get her dear Libi out of that dress. Natasha was certain to make this a night to remember.


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