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“Welcome all to Mt. Lady’s and Mt. Girl’s anniversary stream! And hosting this event is none other than me Mt. Girl your favorite seductive sidekick with her co-host Mt. Lady!” Mt. Girl said to her eager fans on the stream.

It has been exactly one year since Deku became Mt. Girl and she could be happier. She was a full-time hero sidekick and she had tons of fans, not to mention her obviously sexy body. Her life as Deku was almost a thing of the past now.

“We’re here today at our home to celebrate our anniversary with all of our loyal fans,” Mt. Girl said to them with a bright smile on her face.

“Can you guys really believe that it’s been a year since this adorable little lady has joined my team,” Mt. Lady said to her fans, squeezing her breasts right onto Mt. Girl.

“For this stream, we will be answering all of your questions about our hero work as well as taking lewd requests for the right price,” Mt. Girl said. “Though try not to ask us for too lewd. You guys remember last time right? My account was banned for over a month. Luckily this kid named Deku let us use his. And remember each donation helps fund Mt. Lady’s crime-fighting.”

“Oh my, and it looks like we already have our first donation for the day!” Mt. Girl said with delight. “Pyro_Dad has just donated 15,000 yen for Mt. Lady and me to bump our fat jiggly booties together 10 times while saying our ass pun catchphrases. Hmm, Mt. lady what do you think?”

“I say that Pyro_Dad’s request has been Asscepted,” Mt. Lady said, bumping her fat ass into Mt. Girl’s. “Come on Mt. Girl you have to be more Assertive,” she said bumping their asses once more.

“Well if you Assist me I will be more than willing to comply.” Mt. Girl said bumping Mt. Lady in the ass.

They continue to make their ass puns 7 more times before the next request came in.

“Of Mt. Girl look at this,” Mt. Lady said, pointing to the new request. “Daddy_Whale has donated 50,000 yen for us to delve into some punishments with 10 spankings a piece. What do you th-”


Mt. Girl smacked Mt. Lady in the ass before she could even finish her sentence.

“Oh, so it looks like the sidekick took the initiative this time around, how Assertive of you,” Mt. Lady said back to her. “Though it seems that I never fully taught you on how to give a smack, but to take one inside!”


Mt. Lady spanked Mt. Girl 3 times in her fast ass before she slipped away.


Mt. Girl spanked her two times before Mt. Lady started chasing after her. For the next several minutes the stream was just Mt. Girl and Mt. Lady chasing after one another while spanking each other and yelling out ass puns.

Once it was over they spent the next 2 hours on stream doing nothing butt sexy and lewd activities with one another. Not once did their stream even begin to talk about their hero work.

The stream was almost over now and there was time for one final request for the stream.

“Alright so Mighty_DILF has donated 100,000 yen for me to French kiss Mt. Girl for 30 seconds,” Mt. Lady said, reading the last request. “Well we can’t say no to that,” she said before instantly making out with Mt. Girl, sticking her tongue right in Mt. Girl’s mouth.

Mt. Girl didn’t even try to resist. A year ago while she was still Deku she wouldn’t have ever thought that he would ever make out with MT Lady. Yet here she was, getting her mouth violated by her. Though to even think that this was their first time doing this you would be dead wrong.

Thanks to Mt. Lady’s training over the past year Mt. Girl didn’t feel any romantic feelings from this. It was just another kinky method for them to make money. She was 100% a female now and was completely attracted to the opposite sex.  Now if this was a hunk like All Might then she would be creaming her panties right now.

Mt. Lady saw that the girl wasn’t giving their fans the expression that they wanted from her, so Mt. lady slightly enlarge her tongue and shoved it deep down Mt. Girl’s throat, causing her expression to go bright red just before the stream ended, blue balling all their horny fans on the stream.

“Hah,” Mt. Girl and Mt. Lady let out a sigh of relief as the stream ended. They could finally turn off their “acting modes” and relax for now.

“You know that was uncalled for,” Mt. Girl said to Mt. Lady. “You could have at least warned me before doing that.”

“I could have, but where’s the fun in that,” Mt. Lady said to her, popping open a can of beer. “Besides the moment that our fans saw your face we were donated an extra 80,000 yen,” she said before handing Mt. Girl a can of beer as well since thanks to her change she was of legal age to drink.

“So what does that put our total income at from this stream?” Mt. Girl asked her, taking a sip of the beer, which she found tasteful.

“Around 1.5 million yen,” Mt. lady said back to her, before finishing off her first can of beer and tossing it to the ground which was a mess.

“Not bad,” Mt. Girl said to her. ‘Aren’t you glad that I convinced you to start a stream with me,” she said tossing her empty can of beer onto the ground as well.

The apartment is over the past year Mt. Girl picked up a bit too many habits from Mt. Lady and is now just as lazy as she was now. Mt. Girl has long since immersed herself into her new role no longer believing in the illusion that she will ever turn back.

Besides even if there was still a part of her that wanted to change back it was impossible as her debt has only increased since she started out as Mt. Lady’s sidekick. Despite not having a quirk Mt. Girl found herself also prone to doing property damage just like her mentor. Her fat ass would constantly knock down and destroy expensive items such as vases, and paintings, the latter being ones that she sat on. The only reason she wasn’t in jail was because of Mt. Lady’s influence.

Mt. Girl turned on the tv as they both laid down lazily on their couches, each munching down on a bag of chips. The tv displayed the show for prize money of women surviving on a deserted island. Mt. Girl acted as the host of this reality/competition. It was a gig that Mt. Girl earned through her own merit and not with the help of Mt. Lady so she was happy to watch it.

Mt. Girl on the tv was shown during the previous episode recaps yelling at the women to complete the challenges and spanking her own jiggly butt. She did this in order to motivate the girls with her ass puns, and you could easily see the competitors pissed off that such a young girl could have such a filled-out ass.

Today was the final episode of the season-spanning an hour-long time frame. An hour later the final episode ended with Mt. Girl announcing to all her fans that the winner of the competition was a minor hero known as Goblin Girl. She gave an emotional tearful hug to Mt. Girl the moment that she learned that she won. Mt. Girl on the show was in tears telling Goblin Girl that she deserved the win as she continued to emotionally embrace her until the credits rolled.

“Pfft! Hahahahahahaha!” Mt. Lady laughed after seeing that ridiculous scene. She never thought that she would see her horny sidekick act like that.

“Ugh, please stop,” Mt. Girl groaned. “You know I hate cheesy shit like that. It was my first gig using my own merit and they needed a sexy eye-candy host. I had to say yes, besides it was only for one season. I don’t plan on hosting for a show that’s one some deserted island again unless there is some fine hunks to flirt with.”

“You know that last scene with what’s her face… Goblin Girl was all fucking scripted. I never even wanted to hug that bitch in the first place. It’s so obvious that her tits are fake. I mean who on the whole has bigger tits than us? I’ll tell you, only bitches that get fake tits. God, I only took the job because it helped our brand, giving us some more spotlight. The new heroes that are coming out these days are trying to steal that away from us and I won’t let that happen.

“Oh, speaking of shows you have a talk show appearance with Midnight tomorrow,” Mt. Lady said to Mt. Girl. Unlike that other show, you were in Midnight is a pro, so you’re going to want to prepare for tomorrow.”

“Alright, what do I need to know?” Mt. Girl asked as Mt. Lady began running her through what she should say at certain points predicting how the interview will go. Mt. Lady was a pro so she knew what would happen during the interview since she’s already done many more just like it.

“Ugh this is going to suck,” Mt. Girl complained at the thought of acting like such an arrogant bitch in front of Midnight who used to be one of her teachers.

-The next day-

“First off I would like to thank both of you for coming,” the ditzy host of the show said to Mt. Girl and Midnight as the show started. “I’m so happy that I get to conduct an interview about being role models for female heroes with the two of you.”

“Thank you for having us,” Midnight said, deciding to have the first words. “Though is it alright for Mt. Girl to be here? I mean this is supposed to be an interview with heroes and as a sidekick with no quirk, Mt. Girl doesn’t really qualify as a hero now does she?”

“You don’t need to have a quirk to be a hero,” Mt. Girl fired back at her. “I have helped Mt. Lady countless times without a quirk!”

“Oh, so you call shaking your fat ass in front of the cameras and civilians being a hero?” Midnight retorted, obliviously trying to start a fight with Mt. Girl.

“Ironic coming from the woman who has a history of being almost naked before,” Mt. Girl said. “Not to mention that your so-called costume leaves too much for the imagination. An old woman such as yourself should just let the new generation take over. Your time has long since passed. Though I guess you already knew that since you spend most of your time teaching these days.”

Mt. Girl said everything that Mt. Lady told her to say, knowing that it would piss Midnight off. If Midnight was going to act like a stuck-up bitch then Mt. Girl wasn’t going to hold back.

“A sidekick shouldn’t even be here!” Midnight yelled back at her. “Mt. Lady is such a lazy fat ass who can’t even bother to show up personally for these talk shows anymore using an obsessed fangirl like you as a placeholder! I bet you begged to become her sidekick didn’t you?”

“Haah!?” Mt. Girl yelled at Midnight genuinely furious like Mt. Lady right now. She didn’t need to script anymore as she followed her rage.

“I’m sorry, but at least Mt. Lady ahs fangirls unlike you whose only fans are perverted old men in their 60s! You dress like such a slut that mothers have to cover their kid's eyes and there was even a lawsuit against you several years back against you for that BDSM costume of yours!”

“At least my costume is better than that lame of an excuse you’re wearing,” Midnight said to her. “What did you make it yourself you little fangirl!”

As the two of them continued to argue the talk show host was helpless to even stop them. This was supposed to be an interview about being a role model for young female heroes, but now it’s turned into a full-blown cat fight. She wanted to stop them, but as the data showed before every time these two get into a fight ratings soar through the rough. Technically it was Mt. Girl instead of Mt. Lady, but the results would most definitely be the same.

They continued to fight for the rest of the interview. When the talk show finally ended Mt. Girl left the studio building still furious about what happened with Midnight.

“Ugh, that old hag needs to learn her place and be taught a lesson,” Mt. Girl said completely forgetting that she used to be one of her teachers back when she was Deku. She was now acting like Midnight was always her rival because anyone that rivals Mt. Lady is a rival to Mt. Girl.

As Mt. Girl approached the parking lot building where she parked the car Mt. lady let her use Midnight and approaches her without warning. She snapped her whip to show that she was ready and pink mist began to flow out of her body. Mt. Girl didn’t know what to do as Mt. lady never told her that something like this would happen.

“What? Nothing to say?” Midnight asked, getting closer to Mt. Girl. “Did you really think that you could insult me like that on her behalf and get away scot-free? I’m going to have some fun with you and when I’m done you’re going to tell me every dirty little secret that Mt. Lady has.”

“Feel free to teach this old hag a lesson so she can learn her place if she can,” she said, indicating she heard Mt. Girl’s loud angry rants earlier.

Mt. Girl wanted nothing more than to run away but she knew that it was impossible. Midnight may be an old hag but she was still a top-ranked hero. In this isolated area, Mt. Girl couldn’t do anything. Unlike Mt. Lady that had such an amazing quirk to back her up, Mt. Girl’s only weapon was shaking and spanking her fat ass with ass puns neither of those would help her here.

Midnight’s gas finally reached Mt. Girl’s nose and by only smelling a bit of it she started feeling dizzy, moaning in pleasure as Midnight went forward and began spanking Mt. Girl’s fat ass several times with her whip. It wasn’t long before Mt. Girl lost consciousness. Midnight sadistically smiled to herself as she took Mt. Girl away.

A few hours had passed since then and Mt. Lady was back in her apartment.

“Huh, where is she?” she asked herself looking back from the phone to the door. Mt. Girl was never this late after filming, where the hell could she be? It wasn’t that Mt. Lady was worried about her sidekick. It was just that Mt. Girl was supposed to go to the grocery store after her talk show with Midnight ended. Mt. Lady was starting to feel a bit peckish.


After hearing a knock on the door to her apartment Mt. Lady got up and opened the door. To her surprise, it was none offer than Mt. Girl tied up wearing a spare of Midnight’s tight leather hero outfit with a ball gag in her mouth and a blindfold on her eyes with her blushing in shame!

Midnight who was behind her whips Mt. Girl on her ass, sending her hopping inside and covering behind Mt. Lady, letting her surprised yelp guide Mt. Girl to her.

“Midnight how dare you do this to my sidekick!” Mt. Lady yelled at her. “What did you do!?”

“Oh nothing much,” Midnight said as she casually walked into Mt. Lady’s apartment without permission. “I just spent some intimate time with her. I gave her a makeover and taught her a lesson and in return, she let me in on some juicy details,” she said cracking her whip and upon hearing it Mt. Girl moaned in pleasure.

“I know that Mt. Girl is Deku,” Midnight said to Mt. Lady. “I know all about how you conditioned her into being your perverted sidekick after making up some random excuse about her owing debt. It was clear that you lied to her, but her naive nature allowed her to be tricked by you.”

“I-I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Mt. Lady yelled at her as she started to panic.

“I believe that you do,” Midnight said confidently to her.

“Even if what you say is true you have no leverage against me!” Mt. Lady yelled. “You just forced your former student into BDSM play! There is no way that you won’t go down with me!” she yelled some more.

As they argued about who was more at fault Mt. Girl just stood there helpless in her current bound and horny state, completely ignored by the two of them.

“Fine, you made your case clear,” Midnight said to Mt. Lady. “Though whoever said that I came here to blackmail you? Even if I tried your popularity, as well as hers, are far greater than mine. The fans will obviously believe your word over mine.”

“I came here today because I want to know where you got that enchanted costume which turned Deku into your near identical-looking sidekick. After seeing the results I want one for myself.”

“Really? That’s all you want?” Mt. Lady asked Midnight, surprised that this whole mess could be solved so easily.

“Yes I have a perfect little one to use it on and I can’t wait to begin their “training,” so if you would…”

“Of course!” Mt. Lady said, writing down all the information she had on the costume. She was curious to know who Midnight wanted to be her new sidekick, but she knew that she had better not ask. She was just overjoyed that she got to keep Mt. Girl and that Midnight was now in the same boat as her.

After giving Midnight the information she left with a bright satisfied smile on her face. Meanwhile, Mt. Lady looked back in disgust at the sight of the bound Mt. Girl.


“You weak little pervert!” Mt. Lady yelled at Mt. Girl as she spanked her perverted sidekick on her fat ass. “How dare you give away our secrets to Midnight! And how dare you wear that Midnight replica costume in front of me!” she yelled feeling personally insulted that her own sidekick was wearing her rival's uniform.


“Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!” Mt. Girl can only moan helplessly as her poor butt was being used for Mt. Lady to vent. First, it was Midnight doming her and now it was Mt. Lady’s turn. This was the best day ever!

-2 weeks later-

During the past 2 weeks, Mt. Lady continuously punished Mt. Girl’s ass for letting herself be a toy for Midnight. After Mt. Lady finally decided that Mt. Girl was punished enough she sent her out to go buy them groceries for dinner.

Though on her way back Mt. Girl had the unfortunate luck of meeting with Midnight once again.

“There you are,” Midnight said upon seeing Mt. Girl. “ I have a job for you. I managed to get my hands on an enchanted copy of my hero costume, but I am having problems giving it to the person that I want,” she said pulling out a plain white box with the enchanted costume in it. “I want you to give it to them for me and make sure that they wear it. I’m pretty sure that you’re the only one that I can trust. The person is none other than Bakugō. If I recall you two were somewhat friends.”

“Do I really have to? And why him?” Mt. Girl asked Midnight. She didn’t want to have to see Bakugō again looking like this. She already had to endure that humiliation once, she didn’t know if she could do it a second time.

“I choose him because he is a rude young man that called me an old hag once during one of his angry rants,” Midnight said to her, and Mt. Girl agreed that it was something that Bakugō would do. And who said that I was asking you to do this,” she said showing Mt. Girl the handle of her whip, causing her ass to clench up. She began to imagine all the pleasure that she could experience if she did as Midnight asked so she decided to listen to her secret mistress.

“So how do expect me to get him to wear the costume?” Mt. Girl asked Midnight.

“You see that right there is the problem,” Midnight said to her. “I can’t get him to do anything I saw. I was assuming that you could shake your ass at him and see if that works since that’s practically all you good for.”

“Oh and if you fail I’ll make sure to punish you far worse than I did before to an extent that Mt. Lady will have to find herself a new sidekick since you’ll be nothing more than my obedient little toy,” she said walking away leaving Mt. Girl to ponder whether she should actually fail or not. Though she quickly came to her senses realizing the dangerous implications of becoming Midnight's permanent toy.

The next day Mt. Girl approached Bakugō who was as usual alone on his way to school. It would seem that not much has changed since she was gone.

“Oh, my what a handsome man you are,” Mt. Girl said as she started to awkwardly flirt with him. “I bet you like girls with a lot of junk in the trunk,” she said shaking and smacking her ass at his face. Though instead of getting a lustful stare from him as she did with the rest of her fans he just looked at her with a cringed expression from her butt puns, before ignoring her and walking away.

Mt. Girl pouted for a second as he walked away. Never before has she felt this humiliated. He was a high school boy, there was no way that he should be resistant to her womanly charm. Well if seduction wasn’t going to work it was time to switch to plan B which she just thought of a few seconds ago.

“Wait!” she yelled out to him, causing him to stop and turn around to face her.

“What the hell do you want!” Bakugō yelled at her. “I don’t have time to be messing around with bimbo’s!”

“You go to UA, right?” Mt. Girl said to him. “I hear that everyone at UA goes there in the hope of surpassing All Might. It just so happens that I am in possession of a state-of-the-art hero costume that can make you the number one hero in the entire world. All might couldn’t even begin to compare to you.”

“Really?” Bakugō asked, curious about what she was trying to show him. Though sadly for him everything that she said just now was utter bullshit to trick him.

“Really!” Mt. Girl said to him before handing him the box with the costume inside of it. Bakugō knew that it was rash to trust this woman, but it was just a costume, what’s the worst that can happen?

Bakugō went into a public bathroom and changed into the costume without even looking at it as he came out to present it to Mt. Girl. Though the moment he’s outside he notices the strange look that Mt. Girl is giving him and looks down to see that the costume she gave him is a copy of Midnight's tight leather.

“You mother fucker!” Bakugō yelled at Mt. Girl, about to rip the costume off, but stopped suddenly after hearing a strange sound.


Midnight snapped several pictures of him as she approached them from her hiding spot.

“My, my, what do we have here?” she asked looking at Bakugō whose face was turning red from pure embarrassment. “It would seem that my most troublesome studies has an interesting hobby of dressing up like me,” she said teasing him.

“You mother fuckers!” Bakugō yelled at them. “You two were in on this together weren’t you!”

“Now, now, I wouldn’t do anything rash if I were you,” Midnight said to Bakugō, holding up her camera. “If you don’t want this photo spread across the internet it would be wise of you to follow me home for some “strict student-teacher guidance”. I mean it is the least that I can do for a student that has the hobby of wanting to be just like me.”

“Be just like you? I would rather blow out my own brains!” Bakugō yelled at her. “I don’t give a damn about that picture! You’re de-”

Midnight used her quirk to make Bakugō fall asleep before he could even try to attack either of them. She then went over and picked up her prize.

“You did quite well,” she said back to Mt. Girl, tossing her a card with a phone number on it. “Call this number if you’re ever in the need to have some fun,” she said carrying off Bakugō to her home.

“I’m sorry,” Mt. Girl said under her breath as she watched as he was taken away. She hated herself knowing that she now directly made someone else suffer the same fate.

Three months had passed since that day, and no one had seen or heard from Bakugō since. After months of “training,” Bakugō was soon announced as Twilight the quirkless sidekick of Midnight.

She was in a waiting room for her next job. It was quite obvious by her expression that she absolutely hated her current situation. It wasn’t just the fact that she aged like 20+ years, but also that she was a woman. Not to mention a quirkless woman. She was even forced to wear Midnight’s tight leather outfit which was uncomfortable and humiliating. You would think that spending three months in this she would be used to it, but she wasn’t.

Even just sitting here in the waiting room she could feel all the horny stares at her while she was lost in thoughts. The long mane of black hair on her scalp was annoyingly heavy and hot to carry around. She would have cut the hair by now if Midnight didn’t forbid her.

Twilight tried to fight back at first when she awoke to find that she had been transformed into a Midnight clone, but it was no use. Without her quirk, she was powerless to resist and within the first month of her “training” Midnight eventually broke her.

All of Midnight BDSM punishments were too much in the end. Twilight could believe how lewd her new body is. Despite being an old hag she still had big boobs and a big ass which the outfit helps show off. It craved Midnight's punishments. And when they weren’t given to her Twilight found herself on the floor fingering herself and using all of Midnight's toys and BDSM equipment to try and recreate the feeling, but it wasn’t enough.

“Twilight we’re ready for you,” one of the workers called out to her, letting her know that they were ready to start the photoshoot. Twilight didn’t have a quirk she could no longer be a hero and fight villains. Though thanks to Midnight's influence she was still able to take part in the world of heroes as her sidekick, helping Midnight out on side gigs to make money just like Mt. Girl does for Mt. Lady.

Speaking of Mt. Girl, Twilight is supposed to work on a photo shoot with her. Though just thinking about it made Twilight cringe. While she hated doing photoshoots in general she hated the idea of being with Mt. Girl.

She was the dumb bimbo that did this to her! Not only that but after Twilight’s “training” was complete Midnight revealed that the true identity of Mt. Girl was none other than Deku her childhood friend! It made sense since he disappeared during his internship with Mt. Lady, though she wondered why she didn’t realize that sooner.

She remembered all the times when Mt. Girl acted like a dumb perverted woman on tv and on streams, spanking her ass with cringy butt puns. It was hard to believe that she was the same Deku who he started to respect.

What was worse was that Mt. Girl seemed to enjoy her current situation and has long since given up on changing back. She always seemed happy and doing her very best to help Mt. Lady. She even went out of her way to advertise their streams and merch that they sell whenever she goes to a photoshoot or acting gig.

Twilight could not understand how this could have happened to Deku. Perhaps this was a secret part of him that he kept hidden for many years. At least Twilight still kept a piece of her self-respect deep inside, holding onto the hope that their friends would figure out what was going on and put a stop to Mt. Lady and Midnight.

When Twilight entered the photoshoot she saw that Mt. Girl was already there. Twilight and Mt. Girl started posing together for the magazine. Twilight gave a cold stare as she poses silently while Mt. Girl was happy as usual shaking and spanking her ass while giving cringy ass puns.

“Come on Twilight you have to be more Assertive,” Mt. Girl said to her, smacking Twilight on the ass. Twilight wanted to attack her but knew that Midnight would punish her if she did.

The photoshoot lasted for about three hours, with multiple poses and costume changes. Twilight almost walked out after they told her that she had to wear a micro bikini, but one mention of Midnight’s name from the producer shut Twilight up and put her in line.

“Good job today Twilight,” Mt. Girl said handing her a bottle of sparkling water, which Twilight took since that was all Midnight allowed her to drink. She had to take extra care to keep her body in perfect condition.

“You know I think that we make a good team. A couple of quirkless sidekick girls making our way in the world of heroes. Just because our mentors hate each other doesn’t mean that we have to as well. I think that we could actually be the best of friends. I mean you do have the as for it!”


Mt. Girl quickly spanked Twilight to show her offer of friendship. Seriously girl you got a mAssive booty, despite being an old hag you got it going on!” she said making another cringy ass pun. “You know I’m sure that Mt. Lady would be glad to have you on our streaming channel as a frequent guest, what do you think?”

“You dumb fucking bimbo!” Twilight yelled at Mt. Girl furious about her recent comments. After what you did to me you should be glad that I don’t try to kill you here and now! I will never be your fucking friend, let alone appear in your dumb perverted stream!” she yelled storming out the photoshoot area, leaving a disheartened Mt. Girl behind.

Twilight has had enough of this shit! She was done. For the past three months, she has been saving up enough money on the side that Midnight doesn’t take so that she could start all over. She knew that she could never go back to being who she was, but she didn’t care, she just wanted out. She didn’t care that she would have to spend the rest of her life as an older woman, or that she couldn’t be a hero anymore because she didn’t have a quirk. Anything was better than being stuck as the hype girl for Midnight like Mt. Girl is for Mt. Lady.

Another month had passed since Bakugō was turned into Twilight and she was just finishing up a gig as the UA school tournament announcer. The job this time around wasn’t that bad. The pay was good and she even had the perk of watching the fights from up close, so she wasn’t bored.

She felt nostalgic seeing all the young heroes fight in a competition that she won before back when she was still a young man. Even though it was only around a year ago since she won it felt like ages have passed since then. It sucked she often acted like an old hag, being nostalgic about her youth.

Not to mention all of the annoyance that came from the entire stadium. She could feel each and every one of their horny and lust-filled stares directed at her. In fact, more people might have been staring at her than the fight. A lot of perverted men lust for this old hag’s body and thanks to her “training” she knew exactly the way that she need to flaunt it, even if she didn’t want to since it was ingrained into her body and mind.

During her break, Twilight sat alone in the girls changing rooms when Minetta of all people timidly walked in.

“Um. miss Twilight would you… would you. Would you please punish me! I’ve been a very naughty boy!” he yelled tearing his shirt off to reveal that he was wearing a male version of Midnight's hero uniform to Twilight’s horror. It would seem that as time passed Minetta just became more and more fucked up in the head.

Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to relieve herself of some stress Twilight pulled out her whip.


“Take it you gross piece of shit! Take it!” she yelled furiously at him, she didn’t even care if he was enjoying this or not. This was her only way to relieve all of the stress that she has built up these past four months!

“Fuck you! You’re all nothing but perverted freaks! All of you need to die! Die! Die!”

Twilight continued to whip Minetta until her break was over, kicking him in the gut as she walked away, not caring that he had a satisfied grin across his face. She had made sure to call the cops on him as well when she left. Let’s hope Minetta enjoyed this because he was about to be another person’s bitch for a long time.

Twilight was glad that this whole mess was almost over. Once she completes this job she’ll finally have enough to quit this line of work. She planned to leave right after getting paid for this job, move right out of this city, and start over like a normal person. It wasn’t ideal and she hated how much she fell from a top young male hero to a quirkless old hag woman, but it would be better than it is now.

On the bright side, she would no longer have to interact with Mt. Girl after this. That girl did not understand personal boundaries and would spank her whenever she saw her. It was annoying as hell. Plus those fucking butt puns. She would finally be free from them. Her ears practically bleed from how many times she was forced to listen to them. Now it was finally time for her to give her last performance and bid her life as a pervy sidekick goodbye.

-6 Months Later-

After Twilight completed her last job she made arrangements to get out of the city. She cut the length of her hair by half and ditched the costume in the middle of the night while Midnight was fast asleep. She passed out while watching her soaps and Twilight knew from past experiences that nothing would wake her up.

Though Twilight didn’t go far. With the amount of money that she save up, she was alone able to move over to the next city to start over. Within the first week, she managed to get a job as an office secretary purely on her looks despite no records of education.

A lot of the other employees thought that she was nothing but a slut fucking the boss, but despite their doubts and her lack of completed education, she was a decent and hard worker. She was a bit rough around the edges, but she eventually become a valued member of her workforce.

It did take her a while, but Twilight did manage to settle into her new life. Luckily for her people never even came close to guessing she was ever Twilight since she never wore her hero uniform and only wore her office clothes around them. Not to mention that she no longer went by Twilight anymore. She changed her name to Ayumi.

It was a Friday afternoon when Ayumi was on an errand for her boss to pick up jewelry for his wife. He would always send her on personal errands, but she dealt with it for the sake of keeping her job. Her normal rough and crude attitude had to be hidden and she was forced to act like the submissive employee that had no thoughts of her own.

While the shopkeeper was preparing the jewelry that her boss ordered bank robbers suddenly barged into the store and hold everyone including Ayumi hostage. Ayumi felt devastated that she couldn’t do anything in this situation, but without her quirk, she would only put everyone else at risk if she fought back.

It was humiliating for her to know that she was now just another powerless adult woman hostage tied up when she used to be a top young male hero. Though she knew that she couldn’t give up hope as a hero would rescue them. It could only get better from here, right?

Unfortunately for Ayumi, she was dead wrong. From outside the jewelry store Ayumi could hear them, she could hear the cringy butt puns and she knew instantly that the hero that came to save them were Mt. Lady and her pervy sidekick Mt. Girl.

Upon seeing that Mt. Lady and Mt. Girl were there the rest of the robbers surrendered peacefully, knowing that there was nothing they could do against a woman that could turn into a giant.

Mt. Lady and Mt. Girl walked inside the jewelry store and began to free the hostages, but stopped when they saw Ayumi who was helplessly tied up as a hostage.

“Pfft! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!” Mt. Lady and Mt. Girl started to laugh their ass off as they instantly recognized Twilight (Ayumi).

“OMG! It’s really her!” Mt. Girl said.

“Hah, and to think she wanted to be a hero,” Mt. Lady said teasing her.

“What a helpless old hag,” Mt. Girl said, mocking Ayumi. “Just look at her name tag, “Ayumi” that’s definitely an old hag’s name.


Mt. Lady took a picture of Ayumi and sent it over to Midnight.

“Found your lost sidekick bitch!”

“Mmmph!” Ayumi who was still gagged and tied up moaned as she tried to squirm away from them.

“Oh, what’s that? You have this delusional fantasy that you’ll meet the man of your dreams by bringing coffee to your boss every day, and answering his calls hoping that he’ll notice you one day?” Mt. Girl said teasing Ayumi.

“Alright Mt. girl let’s get her in the car,” Mt. Lady said as they picked her up. “I know exactly what we’re going to talk about in tonight's stream. The runaway sidekick Twilight and her horny office life. That’s right Miss Ayumi get ready because whether you want it or not your  streaming career begins today!”

Two hours later Mt. Girl and Mt. Lady were back at their apartment with a still gagged Twilight/Ayumi who was forced back into her old Midnight hero costume while they hosted another stream.

“Ladies and gentlemen now reintroducing Twilight the pervy sidekick of Midnight!” the both of them yell at the same time.

“Oh, it would seem that Daddy_of_All_Quirks has donated 60,000 yen asking Mt. Girl to spank the naughty Twilight for running away 10 times in her fat old hag ass! Well, let’s get to it!” Mt. Lady yelled they started taking turns spanking Twilight’s ass.

“Mmmmmm!” Twilight moaned in pleasure. She hadn’t been able to feel like this in months and she loved it.

“What’s that?” Mt. Girl asked. “You need some Assistance!? Well if the hoe wants it!”


“Thank you for BlueFire for donating 200,000 yen for us to sit on this horny bitches face!” Mt. Lady yelled in delight freeing Twilight from the ball gag. Before Twilight could say anything Mt. Lady and Mt. Girl wasted no time taking turns sitting on her face for the next five minutes.

“Mmmmmmmmmm!!!” Twilight moaned in the pleasure as it was beginning to affect her mental state from Mt. Lady’s giant ass squishing her face like a pancake using her quirk to flatten her face

“That’s right you stupid bitch get lost in the pleasure!” Mt. Lady yelled mocking Twilight and she lost more and more of her sanity. “Your face is nothing more than our chair!”

After the five minutes had passed Twilight’s face returned to normal after having a flat cartoony shape from being sat on, but she looked like a perverted mess. Drool was coming out of her mouth and she was so fucked up that her eyes were all over the place. She couldn’t even say a singular word.

“Alright, our final donator VampQueen has donated 50,00 yen for me and Mt. Girl to twerk over this horny bitch. Twilight who was still mentally dazed from the overload of pleasure that she hadn’t felt in half a year started giggling as she watched Mt. Lady’s and Mt. Girl’s asses twerk inches away from her face. She tried to twerk along with them, but it in her current state she was just bashing her fat ass on the ground over and over again.

“Look at the mAssive bitch try to copy us!” Mt. Gril said mocking Twilight, seeing her fall at twerking. “What a dumb bimbo!”

“It looks like Midnight wasn’t too Assertive in her “training”,” Mt. Lady said.

They continued to make ass puns at Twilight and she started to cringe a bit, but with all the trauma she experienced today she actually started to feel good when she heard them

The stream ended as both Mt. Lady and Mt. Girl spanked Twilight on her fat ass to congratulate her on her debut.

Twilight giggled like a dumb bimbo. Her mind was completely shattered at this point and all that was on her horny mind at the moment was being sat on by Mt. Lady and Mt. Girl some more.

“Pfft! Hahahahahaha!” Mt. Girl started laughing at Twilight. “Mt. Lady I think your ass might have overdone it a bit!”

“Who cares the dumb bitch needs to learn her place and Midnight obviously didn’t know how to keep her sidekick in check,” Mt. Lady said, and at the moment as if waiting for her name to be said Midnight stormed right into their apartment.

“Twilight there you are!” Midnight yelled grabbing Twilight away for them. “You dumb bitch, no one ever gave you permission to run away, and who the hell allowed you to take part in Mt. Lady’s stupid fucking stream!?” You are due for a major punishment when we get back!”

“Mmmmmmm!” Twilight could only moan in response. Her mind was still in a daze from being on Mt. Lady’s and Mt. Girl’s special seat, making her addicted to getting her face sat on. Hopefully, Midnight could fix her sidekick's shattered mind, or she might just be better off getting a new one and leaving Twilight with Mt. Lady and Mt. Girl. They could always use her for the lewd streams as their personal chair.


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