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“Please stop, I give in, don’t hurt me!” The Pamperess pleaded as she fell to the ground. Vegeta stood confidently over her as he had finally won.

“Hah! The dumb fucking bimbo!” Vegeta yelled at her. Did you even think that you stood a fraction of a chance against me! I am prince Vegeta! You are nothing but a dumb bimbo that got lucky!”

“You tried to turn me into a dumb drooling baby, but your pathetic magic could not hold me for long! I have finally done it! I have finally proven who the true baby among us is!”

“And who would that be?” The Pamperess asked with confidence which was a complete 180 from how she was pleaded for her life seconds before.

“The hell are you talking about!?” Vegeta yelled at her in confusion, as the world around them began to disappear. “It is obvious that you are the baby!”

“Really, because it looks like the little princess has wet her pants again,” The Pamperess said, making Vegeta look down to see that she was a little girl again wearing a soggy diaper.

“Wat wid u do!” Vegeta yelled as The Pamperess now loomed over her, unable to hold back her baby lisp.

“Aww, the little princess is cranky,” The Pamperess said mocking her. “I’m quite surprised that you were able to regain your memories after 15 years of being my adorable baby girl.”

“It looks like someone wasn’t as strong as she thought she was, but don’t worry that doesn’t mean that mommy loves you any less. Don’t worry mommy promises to take care of you, so be a good girl and open your eyes, it’s time to bring you back to the real world.”

“Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” Upon opening her eyes Vegeta began to cry little the baby girl she was, begging for a change because she had messed her diapie the moment she woke up.

“Don’t worry little sis, big sister Bra is here for you,” Vegeta's former daughter said, picking her up and rocking her in her arms to calm her down.

“That’s a good girl, Bulgeta, waking up and already asking for a diapie change, such a good baby you are,” The Pamperess said from inside Vegeta’s mind, practically narrating her new life as a baby. Vegeta wanted nothing ,ore than to yell at her to get out of her head, but after 15 years of acting like a baby her body forgot how talk. All she could do was close her eyes and hope that this was all just some terrible nightmare and she would wake up as Vegeta again laying next to her wife.

“Oh no, you can’t fall back asleep,” The Pamperess said mocking her. “Good girls must stay awake for now.” Upon hearing her words, Bulgeta to trying to fall asleep, almost as if she couldn’t disobey mo-The Pamperess’ orders.

“I know that things seem confusing for you since you were nothing more than my adorable diaper baby princess for the past 15 years, but this is all real. None of this is a dream. I’ll let you stay I my baby’ sweet little mind for now, but I’ll make sure that you’ll be begging me to turn you back to nothing more than my baby and finally draining you of these foolish big boy thoughts that have no place in my baby’s mind.”

“Oh look at this my little sweepy head,” The Pamperess said grabbing Bulgeta’s attention. “Your own daughter is changing your dirty diapie wipie~” she said mocking her.

“How does it feel to know that after 15 years your daughter has grown into a fine young woman while you’re still in the most absorbent diapies that we make? Oh, it’s alright you don’t even have to ask because I can hear your little rude thoughts from here.”

“To answer your question I do run Capsule Corp right now, and you’re wearing the diaper brand personally created by your very own mommy. Look Bra is putting you into a new bulky pink pair of them now. They’re called Bulgeta’s Bulgies and guess who’s the model, that’s right you are!” The Pamperess said proudly.

“I am so glad that my own baby diaper princess is known across the whole world as the eternal baby princess. Isn’t that just great, now the whole world gets to recognizes that you are a royal princess through advertisement, and commercials.”

“And look you don’t just sponsor diapers,” The Pamperess said as Bra put on a matching pink t-shirt that had Bulgeta’s Bulgies written on it, before putting her in a lovely frilly pin tutu. “Besides clothes and other baby products, there are even dolls! Yes, that’s that right there are actual life-size dollies of you that young girls play with.”

“Bulgeta’s Bulgies is the most popular baby brand in the world. It is even used to help train those naughty little sissies like you used to be before your change. Aren’t you glad that you got to contribute something so big? …Oh it looks like this little one has made her diapie wet again. No worries, these diapers can be worn for days without needing to be changed, just the way you like them. Though with how much you mess yourself they end up having to be changed quite frequently.”

“Here you go little sis,” Bra said, placing Bulgeta in her high chair before she went over to the cupboard to get Bulgeta Yummy Yums Baby food, just another product sponsored by the Bulgeta brand. This food guaranteed that your baby would be rid of big kid thoughts in no time, making them obedient to their parents.

While Bra was still preparing Bulgeta’s food Bulma and The Pamperess walked into the kitchen. Despite being 15 years older both of them actually looked like they weren’t a day over 20.

“And here comes your mommy’s!” The Pamperess narrated from inside Bulgeta’s mind.

“Aww, there’s my little baby!” Bulma said, picking up Bulgeta in her arms smoother in a widdle baby between her breasts which baby Bulgeta couldn’t resist the urge to paw at them, trying to grab her former wife’s boob for milk.

“Aba bbabddub!” baby Bulgeta gruggled, begging for breast milk.

“Aww look at that even with an adult mind you’re nothing more than a baby,” The Pamperess in her mind said, mocking her. I guess I was right to turn the once all-powerful prince into a baby. Even Lord Beerus agrees that someone like you is far better off as a bay princess than a warrior, and you don’t have to worry about your former friends they all understood that this was a change that you wanted.”

“Each one of them was very supportive of you during your first birthday. Oh and you don’t have to worry about Goku since I’m his rival now and even Piccolo is now stringer than you were before. I think he can turn orange now or something. I’m not quite sure, but just be happy that your former friends like the new you far more than they did Vegeta.

“Pfft,” Bulma giggled at her silly baby before passing her off to The Pamperess. “Aww what a silly baby you are,” The physical Pamperess said, gently holding her daughter in her arms. “You know that mommy Bulma stopped breastfeeding you ages ago, but it would seem that this baby doesn’t seem to learn,” she said, unhooking the front of her black bra before letting Bulgeta instinctively latch onto her ginormous breasts, sucking on them as it was now second nature for her.

“Pfft, how does it feel knowing that you’re suckling from the very woman that turned you into an infant baby girl. Aww what’s that, you don’t want this?” How adorable~ You really think that you can fight back when your body and spirit are that of a baby’s now. You may think that I’m your enemy, but I’m sure that you know exactly what I am to you now. Come one say it~ You now you want to~”

Against her unheard screams, Bulgeta instinctively Bulgeta unlatches from The Pamperess’ boob and looked up at The Pamperess.

“Momma, momma, momma!” Bulgeta said over and over again, clapping her hands together as she did. “Momm-nnnnngh!” Bulgeta stopped chanting momma and she clench her baby butt and released a huge mess into her diaper, showing an revealed expression across her face as she did.

“Hehehe! Asubadobu!” Bulgeta giggled as she clung to her mommy The Pamperess.

“Bulgeta did you really mess yourself again!” Bra said, finally bringing over the baby food for her. “I just changed you!”

“It’s alright,” The Pamperess said to her daughter before taking the baby food from her. “I’ll take this from here,” she said shooing Bra away before looking at her cute baby girl.

“Look at that,” The Pamperess inside of Bulgeta’s mind said to her. “To your own daughter you’re nothing more than a poop machine, constantly messing her diapers and inconveniencing her. What a fine baby you are, don’t you agree?”

The Pamperess then quickly laid Bulgeta on the table for a quick diaper change, summoning a brand new diaper from thin air with her magic.

“Oh no, honey allow me,” Bulma said, taking the diaper from The Pamperess as she offered to take over. “It’s my turn this time, and besides I do have a little present for our little messy princess,” she said pulling out a new diaper variation of Bulgeta’s Bulgies: “The Sissies”.

They were the brand-new version of the diaper that Bulgeta was wearing right now. They’re all girly and pink with baby block letters that say “Sissy” on the back of them. They were so big that even if Bulgeta messed in them she could wear them for at least three of her normal messes.

“Oh my, a call back to when you first started out as our daughter,” The Pamperess inside her mind said, mocking her. “You were such an adorable little sissy, though I think that you’re far more adorable now. Oh my, she just put them on you and you already wet yourself out of pure joy, what a little baby you are! It’s so adorable. Just wait they have something fun planned for you next!”


Just as The Pamperess inside her mind said, her mommies did have something fun planned for her, well it was more fun for them at the moment, but they knew that their little angel would start to enjoy herself soon. Right now our little princess Bulgeta was taking part in a photo shoot to get pictures to promote the new diaper brand that she was currently wearing.

“That’s it! You’re doing great! Shake that diaper ass! Smile at the camera!” Behind the camera Bra’s best friend Pan was revealed to be the photographer for Bulgeta’s photoshoot, giving her encouragement as she wandered around the stage like an absent-minded baby, smiling whenever she saw her mommies look at her.

During these past 15 years, Pan had quit being a martial artist and has become Bulgeta’s personal photographer. It was the best gig that she ever had and loved that Bulgeta would never grow older making it so that she would always get to take pictures of the adorable little princess.

Inside her own mind Bulgeta pouted knowing that even Gohan’s daughter had grown and she was nothing more than a stinky baby. It wasn’t fair!

“Oh it might not seem far, but be honest after just a few hours in your current body and you know that this is what you want,” The Pamperess said, teasing Bulgeta. “Oh, it’s okay to deny it for now. I’m sure that you’ll understand that I am only thinking about what’s best for you.”

“Pan these look great,” Bulma said looking at the pictures that she took of Bulgeta. “I’m so glad that we hired you for this.”

“Don’t mention it,” Pan said, going over and lightly pinching Bulgeta’s chubby cheeks. “Anything for this cutie pie. Besides, I should be the one that is saying thanks to you guys. I couldn’t ever ask for a better job. I mean where else would I find myself a job taking pictures after such an adorable angel. I hope that when Uub and I decide to have kids they’ll be just as cute as her.”

“I’m sure that your children will be adorable,” The Pamperess said to her. “Now we must be off, there is an important interview that this little princess needs to attend,” she said, picking Bulgeta up and making sure that her new diaper was working the way that they should.

“Are you sure that you are going to go through with it?” Pan asked The Pamperess and Bulma as they started to leave. “I mean it’s been 15 years; don’t you think that something could go wrong.”

“It’s fine, I’m sure that she’ll be an angel just as we raised her to be,” Bulma sad to her.

Bulgeta had no clue what was going on and started to unconsciously suck her thumb as she was brought to a Live Televised Talk Show. Bulma, The Pamperess, and Bulgeta were here today to discuss their new brand: The Sissies.

Bulma and The Pamperess sat down together, sitting close to each other like the power couple they were, while they put Bulgeta down on the ground to play with her toys and sponsored her new diaper as she did.

“Bulma, Pamperess, it’s a pleasure to have you both here today,” the host said to them, shaking both of their hands before sitting down herself. “And thank you for bringing this adorable ball of sunshine,” she said making her cameraman zoom in on Bulgeta.

“We’ve all been eagerly anticipating the arrival of the diaper princess herself this entire week. Our audience today is packed with mothers that love her brand. Bulma, if you don’t mind me asking, what made you come up with the idea of having your precious daughter be the spokes girl for Bulgeta’s Bulgies?”

“Well, to be honest, the idea was my beautiful wife’s mind, not mine. The Pamperess has always wanted to start a brand that is easily recognizable, trusted, and eternal,” Bulma said proudly talking about her wife.

“Not to mention that the brand was inspired by our own daughter Bulgeta herself. As you all know Bulgeta may be a darling little princess and never causes us too much trouble, but the one issue she has is her lack of control. She is a very messy girl and is in need of constant changes throughout the day. We developed this brand to perfectly cater to her needs as well as those that are like her.”

“That’s wonderful,” the host said, preparing her next question. “Pamperess as we all no Bulma used to be married to a man name Vegeta around 15 years ago, but he disappeared from public eye around the same time that you first started openly dating Bulma. What we would like to know if you had something to do with his disappearance? I know this question seems like it is coming out of the left-field straight to attack you, but it’s a question your fans have been dying to know. Ever since you got involved in Bulma’s life and Vegeta disappeared the world seemed to change for the better.”

“I don’t feel bothered with that question at all,” The Pamperess said proudly to the audience. “In fact, I have been waiting 15 years for someone to have the courage to ask me this.”

“Vegeta was by no means a good man. He was a trash husband and a trash father. But his mistakes could easily be traced back to his own upbringing. I won’t go into detail of what I know, but what I can tell you is that Vegeta lost his mother at a very early age and was never given the proper love that a child should have.”

“Despite what people may think I helped Vegeta discover his true destiny and I can assure you aal that they are better off now than they were as Vegeta.”

“What a kind and generous woman you are,” the hoist said. “Everyone please give a round of applause to The Pamperess,” she said as the room was filled with cheers for her, which died down minutes later.

“Alright going back to Bulma, what makes these diapers so special?” the host asked her.

“Oh I do believe that I can answer that question,” the Pamperess said, smirking as she looked over to Bulma who gave her a singular nod.


The Pamperess snapped her fingers together and instantly little princess Bulgeta grew right back to adult male Vegeta. His cute baby clothes ripping apart as he grew, leaving him In nothing but a giant pink diaper that said sissy on the back of it. The audience stared back in shock after witnessing what just happened.

“Surprise!” The Pamperess said to Vegeta. “Here’s your chance, show everyone who your truly are!” This was Vegeta's big chance. An opportunity that he had been waiting for for 15 years! He could finally have his revenge!

Though as Vegeta noticed all of the people staring at him all the confidence that he thought he had just vanished. He was no great warrior anymore, giant a baby in a giant pink diaper. Who was he to try to take revenge?

“Wahhhhhhhh!!!!! No I-I dwon’t wannna! I wan momma! I wan mama! Wahhhhh!!!” Vegeta broke down into tears, begging for The Pamperessto to turn him back, just like she had predicted.

“Hehehe!” The Pamperess giggled as her physical self and voice in Vegeta’s mind made fun of him. “I I told you I’d have you begging me to change you back,” they said in unison, letting Vegeta knew that her voice in his head was never a figment of his imagination but the actual Pamperess mocking him.


The Pamperess snaped her fingers once again and Vegeta shrank back into Bulgeta, who fell back on her giant diapered but giggling and gurgling to herself.

The interview restarted after that as if nothing had happened. No one seemed to care that The Pamperess and turned Vegeta into Bulgeta and it was quickly forgotten about.  The only thing that the audience and fans cared about was the promotion of their new diaper brand.

Once the interview was over the three of the headed home. Bulma and The Pamperess laid their precious little princess back down in her crib. It had been a long day and she needed her rest. Though before she left The Pamperess kissed Bulgeta on her forehead, causing her to dump away any residual thoughts and memories of Vegeta into her diaper. All that was left was her precious Bulgeta.


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