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“Lord Third the Uchiha clan has been wiped out, by Itachi Uchiha! The only survivor was his younger brother Sasuke Uchiha!” a member of the Anbu said, reporting the event to the Third Hokage.

“This is most terrible news” the Third Hokage said, trying to process everything that he had just heard. Nothing this terrible had happened since the death of the 4th Hokage several years ago. He gave his life to save the village leaving his only son as a shunned orphan.

“And what of the boy?” the Third asked the member of the Anbu before him.

“We have taken him the Anbu Black Op training facility. We believe that he will be safe there for the time being while we hunt down Itachi,” the Abu said to the Third.

“Take me to him,” the Third said to the member of the Anbu.

“My Lord, I can assure you that he is safe under the protection of the Anbu,” he said trying to convince the Lord to stay away.”

“You call handing over one of the last members of the Uchiha clan over to Danzo is safe?” the Third said to him. The Third knew that Danzo was up to no good and the destruction of the Uchiha clan was something that he wanted for a while now. There was no way that young Sasuke was safe there.

“Take me to him now or you won’t leave this room alive!” the Third yelled at the member of the Anbu who had no other choice but to obey.

“Here he is my Lord,” the member of the Anbu said as they brought the Third into a room with a one-way mirror. On the other side was Sasuke cowering in a corner.

“Why are you leaving him all alone in there?” the Third asked.

“In his current state he is violently anyone that when send in to interrogate him,” the member of the Anbu said.

“Why the hell are you interrogating him!?” the Third yelled furiously. “He is a child that just lost his entire family by the brother he loved! Who gave the order to do this!”

“It… it was Lord Danzo,” the member of the Anbu said to the Third. While Danzo may have been his master his loyalty was bound to the Leaf village and therefore the Hokage.

“Danzo! I should have known!” the Third yelled. “He’s always pulling shady things like this. Bring me the boy, I shall take care of him.”

“Just like how you “take care” of the 4th’s son?” Danzo said, limping into the room.


“Lord Minato practically entrusted you with raising his son after he died, yet you don’t,” Danzo said to him.

“Yet you stuck that child into a random apartment, and you don’t bother to have anyone take care of him, or even try to harness the power he possesses. That boy is a similar age to this one. It’s a surprise that the 4th’s son survived in such a neglectful environment. I am sorry my Lord, but since you have failed to properly take care of the nine-tail jinchuriki it is in this boy’s best interest that we take him under our wing.”

“I won’t allow that!” the Third said, but before he knew it Anbu that were loyal to only Danzo had their kunai placed at the Third ’s throat.

“I’m sorry, but you should already know that I hold more power than you in this domain,” Danzo said to him.

“Danzo how dare you!” the Third yelled but didn’t dare make a move.

“You know despite our differences we both have the same interests in mind and that is the safety of the Leaf village,” Danzo said, looking over at Sasuke.

“It is our jobs as elders of the Leaf to make sure that as many threats are taken care of as possible so that the new generations may live in peace. That boy is part of a generation that was born during a period where there is currently no war. Don’t you want to keep that peace? Though in order to do so a few sacrifices must be made. If that boy and the jinchuriki that you are protecting, make those sacrifices than the Leaf will be safer than it is now.”

“You can keep your little pet for now, but when the time comes, I will take him as well. That boy in the other room belongs to me now. As one of the few remaining Uchiha members he must be carefully taken care of and studied for our future.”

“Danzo you monster!” the Third yelled at him.

(I have been given permission to use this picture. It was created by Lightsource and can be found here: uchiha sasuke and orochimaru (naruto and 1 more) drawn by lightsource | Danbooru (donmai.us))



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