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“Hmm, what about this one?” Luz asked herself, testing out another glyph combo.

“Luz what are you doing?” King asked walking into her room.

“Oh King!” Luz said shocked to see King just walk into her room out of nowhere. She did her best to hide the glyph before her brother could see what she was working on.

“I’m just looking over a few things Amity sent me,” Luz said, pulling out a letter that she got from Amity the other day. “She says that her and her family love their new home, but it will be a few days before she’s ready for any of us to stop by. You know with everything that happened with her mother I’m glad that she’s getting away from her.”

“Oh, you mean her,” King said. “I think Eda was talking about her having some sort of mental breakdown and then her body changing or something. When I ask to see a picture she always says no to me. Luz could you show me a picture of her?”

“Um… I don’t think that you would like it if I did,” Luz said, knowing why Eda didn’t want her eight-year-old son to see her. In fact that’s kind of the reason that Luz hid the glyph that she was working on.

“Come on, no one ever shows me anything interesting!” King complained, but it was no use, Luz was going to show him what she looked like now, it would traumatize him, in fact it somewhat traumatized her. “Whatever I’m going to hang out with Gus, at least he doesn’t hide things from me,” King said before running off.

Once she knew that he was gone, Luz made sure to lock her door and windows before revealing the glyph combo she was working on. It was a temporary short stack girl transformation glyph, that should last for twenty-four hours.

Luz had been working on this glyph for weeks and after testing multiple combinations she believed that she finally got then right combination of glyphs. Though she had never tested it before so this was very dangerous, but this was for love! Amity said that she wanted to have the chance to date a short stacked Luz for the day and there was no way that Luz was going to let her down!

“Alright here goes!” she said to herself before activating the glyph. As the glyph activated her body began to glow pink and before she knew it, she had already shrunk by several inches. She was now as tall as Gus before he hit his growth spurt!

Luz then felt a warm sensation spread across her body and she started to become plumper and thiccer. Her breasts expanded all the way out to D-cups and her ass ballooned out becoming a giant bubble but. She felt her ass and breast bounce every time that she moved. It was a new and odd sensation for the once skinny and flat girl.

Her clothes expanded as she changed, but luckily for her it remined intact, though it was so close to tearing at any second. Though she had a clothing glyph with transformed her clothes into a beautiful white sun dress that expressed her figure.

She could feel her mind start to become a bit fuzzy as an effect of the glyph, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was that it worked and that she could show her darling Amity the new her. As her thoughts drifted to Amity she was unaware that her door was open now and that King had saw the entire thing.

He came right back after she locked the door and used a tiny yell to break open the lock and he saw everything!

Luz was embarrassed and terrified that King just watched her turn into a short stacked girl. What was she going to tell him? How was she going to explain this to him, without him freaking out?

“King I-”

“Wow! Eda said that humans experienced puberty differently than witches and demons, but I never thought that I would actually be able to see it happen. Who knew that when humans hit puberty, they get shorter and bigger?”

“Yeah, King this is just puberty,” Luz said taking this chance that King gave her for an out. She didn’t know if he was saying that because he believed that what just happened was puberty or if he was just trying to deny what she just did. Either way this was the out that she needed and there was no way that she wasn’t going to take it.

“Though this is only the first stage of puberty for humans,” Luz said, continuing the lie. “In about a day or so I’ll go back to my old self before experiencing a different kind of puberty,” she said, hoping that her glyph was right, or she just cursed herself to be a short stacked girl for the rest of her life.

“Hmm, you humans are weird,” King said before leaving the room.

“Phew,” Luz sighed in relief. Now that he was gone she had a surprised house visit to make. Just you wait Amity, your new short stacked sweetie pie was on her way.


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