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“You know sensei for once it would seem that we are on the same page here,” one of the Anbu said, taking off their mask to reveal none other than Orochimaru!

“Seize him!” Danzo yelled, but it was already too late. Orochimaru easily took care of the Anbu that surrounded the Third, leaving only the tree of them left standing.

“Always so quick to anger,” Orochimaru said to Danzo.

“Orochimaru what are you doing here?” the Third asked, ready to attack him if he made any other moves.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Orochimaru said to them. “I’m here to make that boy my new host. Or at least that was the plan initially,” he said to their surprise.

“What do you mean was?” the Third asked, looking over at Danzo and thy silently agreed to work together to fight Orochimaru if it came down to it.

“After hearing your petty conversation with one another and actually observing the boy I can tell that he is a lot like me. More so than you old fools could even realize. Plus, I feel sorry for the boy that he has to deal with two cranky old men. Here I will show you what this boy needs right now,” he said transforming into snakes before making his way into the room.

The Third and Danzo watched in horror as the snakes entered the room and starting to merge together. Though once they had merged back into a singular being they were shocked to see that Orochimaru had transformed himself into a thick sexy woman!

“I told you people to stay away!” Sasuke yelled at Orochimaru when he saw her appear before him. He tried attack her like the rest, but unlike the others that tried to block it, she accepted it with open arms, embracing him with a warm hug before he could escape.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!? Sasuke yelled at her. “Let me go! Let me go!”

“There, there, it’s alright,” Orochimaru said in a soothing tone that reminded Sasuke of his mother. “Just let it out, I’m here, no one can hurt you.”

“Wahhhhhhh!” Sasuke’s emotional stress from watching his entire family get slaughtered by his older brother just burst out all at once as he was unable to control his current emotions.

The Third and Danzo watched in shock from the other side of the glass as Orochimaru held Sasuke lovingly in her arms like a mother would to comfort her own child.

Once Sasuke cried himself to sleep, Orochimaru laid him down on the bed and casually walked back into the room where the Third and Danzo were waiting for her.

“What did you do?” Danzo asked, confused how she was able to calm Sasuke down, when none of his men could.

“I comforted him, something that you idiots should have done before trying to lay claim over him,” Orochimaru said, shocking the two of them with the facts. She helped Sasuke while these to old fools were bickering with one another. There was no way that she could leave such an adorable child with them. If she did than his darkness would eventually consume him, and he would end up going down a similar path to the one she went down.

“Why are you here?” the Third asked her.

“I was here to make the boy my host as I said before, but now I would like nothing more than to make him mine,” Orochimaru said to them.

“There is no way that we would ever give you such an important asset,” Danzo said to her.

“And that is why I want him,” Orochimaru said to them. “One old man sees him as nothing more than an object to increase his own power. Oh, you don’t have to say anything because I already know what’s under those bandages of yours,” she said to Danzo before he could say anything.

“Then the other old man would even know what to do with the boy. He can’t even seem to properly take care of the jinchuriki that was entrusted to him by Lord 4th. I went to “visit” him before this and to my horror that kid’s entire food supply is milk and ramen noodles! That is not the proper diet for a kid to have! I swear there needs to be an agency that deals with orphans and protects them from people like you two.”

“For this reason, I want to adopt the boy,” Orochimaru said to them, making them both want to get their ears checked.

“Excuse me, but what did you say?” the Third asked her.

“I said that I would like to adopt the boy as my son. I will be his new mother,” she said bouncing her giant mommy milker breasts in front of the two old men.

(I have been given permission to use this picture. It was created by Lightsource and can be found here: uchiha sasuke and orochimaru (naruto and 1 more) drawn by lightsource | Danbooru (donmai.us))



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